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Call me old fashioned but I'm getting a little tired of queries coming through with semi-text/pidgeon english/lazy/useless cant spell etc.Yesterday someone wrote 'eney'.......I will not reply to such guff

  On 9/10/2009 at 5:38 PM, jebb said:

Call me old fashioned but I'm getting a little tired of queries coming through with semi-text/pidgeon english/lazy/useless cant spell etc.Yesterday someone wrote 'eney'.......I will not reply to such guff

dont be a tiit :mellow:

chaaa, fer sure.

i mean, like, dude, its like, omg, chill.

srsly, you might H8 it but since we serve multiple nations, a little empathy will go a long way. but since yer a n00b i wont suggest that you STFU

you dont have 2 answer anything you dont want to, but, sadly you may have to just deal or GTFO.

btw. im 38 and if you havent guessed yet I am merely yanking your chain. :1poke:

  • Moderator

  On 9/10/2009 at 6:18 PM, little dave said:

chaaa, fer sure.

i mean, like, dude, its like, omg, chill.

srsly, you might H8 it but since we serve multiple nations, a little empathy will go a long way. but since yer a n00b i wont suggest that you STFU

you dont have 2 answer anything you dont want to, but, sadly you may have to just deal or GTFO.

btw. im 38 and if you havent guessed yet I am merely yanking your chain. :1poke:


haha mate if you dident reply to be i would lop ure head off im dislexic and so could lots of the people you are refering to its also verry easy to forget that is verry easy to wright in TXT speek and takes half the time of normal queens english

so i would be a little less respectful and more open minded as you are in a new age so live with it.... as things change thats life


Jebb - Before you begin to castigate others about spelling, perhaps you should look closer to home ! The correct gramatical use of 'cant spell' in the title would of course be 'Can't Spell' Whilst it is arguable about the use of captial letters in both words the use of the apostrophy between the 'n' and the 't' is not, indicating the dropped letter of 'o' of course, or in full grammer 'Can Not Spell' or 'Cannot Spell' would be another alternative.

We may once have had an empire, ruled the waves etc, but these days English isn't mandatory - the forum is a bit of fun, not a GCE O Level class (how's that for showing my age!)

Jesus, on one forum I frequent one guy types in Scottish ! try reading that sober.....

Some people have a problem recognising word and letter combinations, there are many MEDICAL reasons why someone has difficuly (my wifes a primary teacher I get this all the time !).

I think on balance, your comments might be a little insensative at best and offensive at worst.

The internet has no official language, so how can anyone comment on what is right and wrong.

but WTF do i know ? :P

Hew mate, ah divvent knaa wot ya taakin aboot. As lang as a can gan aboot the toon on me bike an that ah divvent care wot stuffs spelt like on the net. However, when I am working and writing business letters, spelling and grammar are of the utmost importance. Time and a place for everything me thinks.


The sloppy way that lazy people speak just passes on misconceptions to those who do not know any better. When financially successful personalities announce that they never really made it at school, or even never made it TO school, they should understand that they are undermining the values that are so neccessary if we are to be kept under control. We may even start to think for ourselves and that would be disasterous for our rulers. Nah ahm goin aht ter frig wi mi bike. Duzzat make me a prat? Nahh, I've alluss bin a prat!

Statisticaly-one in seven dwarves is grumpy :mellow:

  On 9/10/2009 at 5:38 PM, jebb said:

Call me old fashioned but I'm getting a little tired of queries coming through with semi-text/pidgeon english/lazy/useless cant spell etc.Yesterday someone wrote 'eney'.......I will not reply to such guff

This is 2009, You've either got to accept this sort of communication or join your local library club.

ok you lot, i think he has the point now.

  • Moderator

Some people cannot spell - FACT

It is wrong to chastise people just because their spelling may not be up to your standards - i am sure that there are many things we all do that folk do not like, but we tolerate them.

However - i CANNOT STAND people who type in so called "text speak"

There is no reason for it whatsover other than sheer lazyness. Its not cool - it just makes the author look rather stupid.... <_<

PS: Don't any of you even THINK about replying to this post with "text speak"..... they don't call me the forum mistress for nothing....... :pissed-off:

LO Goff, M8!!!

Hw r u?

Hee hee.... I like to play with danger ;)

As for the Grammar Nazi up there..... Try this one - LEAD BY EXAMPLE.

I learned decent English from reading and following the writings of those better than me. Others learn from me by my own reasonable standard of writing. Do the same and lead them forward.

As for those advocating text speak and begging indulgence for 'modern' forms of communication - Absolute bollocks. "Modern Slang" comes and goes, like ever-changing fashion, but the core of (mostly) gramatically correct language has always remained. The most commonly spoken language here is English and our non-English-speaking forum-dwellers have gone to great lengths to learn a high standard of English, that they might communicate with us. Please do not insult them by pissing about with lazy TXT TLK and whatever other shite you have up your sleeves.

Lack of spelling doesn't hamper communication so much. I understand the majority of you perfectly (Barwell ;)).

  On 9/10/2009 at 5:38 PM, jebb said:

Call me old fashioned but I'm getting a little tired of queries coming through with semi-text/pidgeon english/lazy/useless cant spell etc.Yesterday someone wrote 'eney'.......I will not reply to such guff

I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a bit of traditional Ulster-Scots (also known as Ulster-ish) -


Why waste your time and ours posting such nonsense?

If you don't like it, tough. Don't forget to close the door on the way out.....

Rant over. Sorry to the normal forum users for my little outburst.

  On 9/11/2009 at 8:29 AM, peterxj600 said:

Hew mate, ah divvent knaa wot ya taakin aboot. As lang as a can gan aboot the toon on me bike an that ah divvent care wot stuffs spelt like on the net. However, when I am working and writing business letters, spelling and grammar are of the utmost importance. Time and a place for everything me thinks.


i,ve a really bad day.u made me lol?been from hull i can just about understand wou ur on about.

  On 9/10/2009 at 5:38 PM, jebb said:

Call me old fashioned but I'm getting a little tired of queries coming through with semi-text/pidgeon english/lazy/useless cant spell etc.Yesterday someone wrote 'eney'.......I will not reply to such guff

it seems that you wont reply to anythingtongue.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif .

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