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Hey everyone! My names Mike and I just bought an 81 XS400. I'll have some pics up soon! It runs great I just had a few questions:

1. It needs air filters, I have no idea where to get them, anyone know? Also I heard of some people replacing the stock filters and housings with aftermarket cone filters, is this a good idea? and if so where do I get those?

and 2. It seems like the throttle sticks a little, when I rev it up the rpms take a second or 2 to calm down once i've closed the throttle. any idea what's causing that?

Thanks for you time, any advice will be very appreciated!

If you still have the metal filter cans and air boxes you can fashion filters from lawnmower pre filters. I made a set for mine.

  • Moderator

the "hanging" of revs is down to gummed fuel in the pilot system, you may be able to tweek the pilot screw richer.

  • Author

ah thanks! i was looking everywhere for the filters, but i guess i didn't look hard enough, and i'm most likely gonna take off and clean the carbs while i wait for the filters to get here, i'll let you all know how that goes. thanks again!

actually i had that hanging problem on my 78 xs 400 and i fixed it by lowering the idle screw, might be gummed fuel also, but it should idle at 1,100 when warmed up. also heres the air filters http://www.bikebandit.com/houseofmotorcycl...sh-1981/o/m8262 you'll need two of number 11.
:offtopic: jordanscycles you couldnt possibly post one of these links for my 1981 rd 350 lc pre brizilian could you ,much appreciated kev.

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