July 8, 200420 yr Moderator live to ride.....ride to live classic hardly quote but is rather apt me thinks 8)
July 8, 200420 yr live to ride.....ride to live   classic hardly quote but is rather apt me thinks  8) you've got 'the eagle spirit' mate
July 13, 200420 yr Well ive been out a couple of time just locally, and had other bikers come up real close behind.....Putting pressure on me to speed up and overtake or i dont know .....so i pull in to just left of centre and hang back until they get the message, and piss off down the road at what ever light/warp :twisted: speed they think they are travelling....Im still new to being on a bike and feel threatened by other bikers when they do this!! :twisted:
July 13, 200420 yr Here's a point! I've argued with many Internet Assclowns on their perception of what motorcycling is all about. They always say it's about speed. But it's nothing to do with speed. And anybody who thinks it is, is into bikes for the wrong reason, and has totally missed the plot. You want speed and thrills? Ride Nemesis at Alton Towers or the Big One in Blackpool all day....that'll give you all the buzz you need. Â :roll: Â One word sums up motorcycling to me: FREEDOM! I have four kids, ongoing aga sarga of a life wtf do u think i get on my bike!! DITTO!
July 13, 200420 yr You gotta stop reading my mind Alan. Â Â Those of us who were around in the 60's and 70's are still doing what we've always done. We tend to be viewed as a bit odd cos we don't conform to the modern stereotype......but we've never changed. Â It's motorcycling that has changed, and not for the better either. Â :cry: I'm something the same as you, Iv'e been riding since the 80', I'm 40 with my YZF750, so called race rep! Yes we are veiwed on as bit odd because (as you say) "society" says that once you reach a ceratin age you should have the "nice car", and "grow up". Well fuck them and their "nice cars" "trimmed lawns" "Ikea everythings the same". Thats like my neighbor the other day I was goin' out (on the bike), she says "oh my oldest boy wants a bike, but I told him get a "nice car" there much safer and better than these bike's. I really had to bite my tongue, cause I dont really know them that well, I just kinda laughed, yea yea! We all know what these "born again's" are like too, these are the one's who are causing most of the problem (I think). People like me, XT ect ect have been ridin' for years, and just because you have a "race rep" doesn't mean your a "nob head". Sure everyone can go bloody quick and sometime's does, and I for one wont sit in traffic if theres a gap, no way!. Thats what bikes are made for isn't it!!, to cut through all these tin boxs, it really makes my blood boil when these aresholes think they know it all and know fuck all. They probably haven't even been on a fuckin' bike :evil: Btw, I'm still looking for the FJ12. Hey!, I'll tell you all this (if you dont allready aggree/know), get all those wankers in the "nice cars" "tin fuckin' boxs" on a bike just for one day one fuckin' day!!!!, then lets see them. I just wonder how many would/will think think "fuck me, this is great, thrilling. dangerous ect ect ect". But most of all, they might just might! think before they use their "get out of jail free card", "oh, sorry mate I didn't see you!!!!!!!!!!!" :evil: :evil: :evil: Mate!, your no fuckin' mate of mine!!!!!!!
July 13, 200420 yr Their we go ... Let it all out .... Feel better now? ( Now that would be a good way to make a living Well, It's been said a million times on a million Forums, But it's still as true as the first time, :!: Get those cage drivers on a bike for one day, and i'm sure it would make a difference, teach them to think before they act .... Well said axl
July 13, 200420 yr Moderator Most Cage Drivers would absolutely Kringe @ the thought of not having their nice little comfort zone around 'em.....complete with mobile phone of course :roll: Over here, if we put Cage Drivers on a bike for just one day......they'd have to declare a National Holiday for Tow-Truck drivers & EMT's :roll:
July 14, 200420 yr We all know what these "born again's" are like too, these are the one's who are causing most of the problem (I think). Bollox to that, how can you all generalise so much? I was into bikes in my younger years, had a long break, decided my life was lacking due to not having a bike, got legal and the missus bought me an R6. Also, I don't try and thrash it at every opportunity or only go out on a Sunday, I don't do dayglo luminous gear, I get a buzz just from nipping to the shop on it (shops round the corner and it takes me at least an hour lol) and I try to get out as often as possible (every day), go down to Brighton most weekends rain or shine. Still I would guess that according to some of you I would be a "born again" that causes shit!!! How can you generalise about people you don't even know??? No matter what, there are arseholes in every pastime, lifestyle call it what you will etc and if they were all the one "type" or shared the same commonalities then we could throw them for a ride on the carousel of death and solve it in one easy sweep. Likewise there are bigots in every group in society so no matter if there were no arseholes in the biking world there would still remain fools who dislike bikes/bikers for no reason other than they are there and they will continue to try and make life difficult for others.
July 14, 200420 yr also, if biking went out of fashion then prices would rise and less new decent people would get to enjoy what we all love!
July 14, 200420 yr You must be a newer rider cos these slumps come every 15 years or so. And with less buyers available, the supermarket dealers struggle and prices DROP!
July 14, 200420 yr depends wat u mean by newer, used to ride as a teenager but never had the funds for new stuff so only bought second hand. At 33 decided to get a bike again so not much market experience as such.
July 14, 200420 yr The big slump was late 70's to mid 80's. Dealers going to the wall everywhere. Then it picked up a bit only to bottom out again in the early 90's. Then another boom in the last 5 years which is now showing signs of ending. Bike sales way down this year. Great....the fashion victims will then piss off to their next craze and stop fucking up our world by causing higher insurance costs and increased police vigilance. As well as the shit attitude they bring with them.
July 14, 200420 yr Great....the fashion victims will then piss off to their next craze and stop fucking up our world by causing higher insurance costs and increased police vigilance. As well as the shit attitude they bring with them. Can put my floppy lugs away then, till the next craze
July 15, 200420 yr freedom yes a bike gave me, but since i passed me car test (1 day ago, already spent £40 on fuel cus im now not insured on me bike cus its moved over to me new one, only my moms just decided she wont pay the rest of the new bike off so i can have it till i sell my bike :shock: ) i found a car gives me more freedom, as i can take me mates places and talk to them. i sopposed id b classed as powerranger, i love the speed and thrills and addreniline of a bike, its so much more fun than the car and hell i cant wait till i get my new one :twisted:
July 15, 200420 yr also imo how can mobil phone ringing be bad? i mean hell having a hands free or blue tooth to talk on the phone is the same fucking thing, also hell talking to the passeger in the seat beside or behind u should be banned to? if u ask me sending a txt should be banned as that involves looking totaly away from the road but then hell ud have to ban chnaging the radio station and putting a cd (although newer fords have a sweet on the wheel radio changer thingy). there is no way were going to stop all acidents on the road etc the best we can do is live with it all as all the complaining in the world will only make a plan which suits 20% of people. and u call all car drivers bad? nada, just a few are, just like all bikers arent bad, just a few (power rangers as u say) are, cus i gotta say this fourm is getting very sterotypical...
July 15, 200420 yr Skyline unless you thrash/wobble about on sunny weekends with no regard to how your actions impact on other peoples lives I wouldn't class you as a power ranger!
July 15, 200420 yr So when do you all start burning books and stuff then :?: right after we string you up matey :twisted:
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