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73 RT1

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Just bought a styling 73 RT1 for a crisp Hundo. The guy that I got it from said that it wouldn't come out of nuetral. So I thought lets see if it would run before I dink around with the trans problem. I cleaned out the tank and put some fresh gas in, added oil, and kicked it over. Little did I know that it infact came out of nuetral. So as I was kicking it to try and start it, it went into gear and the rear tire was moving. Any suggestions on where to start. If you put the clutch in it won't roll something is not right inside the trans. Help a vintage guy out Please.....

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If it's been sitting for a while the clutch plates are probably stuck together. I would pull the right side engine cover off and take the clutch basket out. Then you can separate the disc and check the shifter shaft and drum to see if anything is messed up.

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If it's been sitting for a while the clutch plates are probably stuck together. I would pull the right side engine cover off and take the clutch basket out. Then you can separate the disc and check the shifter shaft and drum to see if anything is messed up.

Thanks Bro I will give it a whirl. Where is the best place other than E-Bay to find parts

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You can sometimes shortcut dismantling the clutch though, start the engine in neutral, run it until its hot then pull the clutch in and let go several times also rev the bike as you do this, finally select a gear but be prepared for a lurch forward...this can be effective to free a stuck clutch and save a bit of work... :D

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