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Hello there I'm new to this forum and wandered if anyone could help me with a problem i have.

I have a 1998 xj600n and noticed the for seals leaking. so i removed the fork legs and replaced the seals i had a bit of a problem finding out the correct stripping instructions as the Haynes manual i have only shows on kind of fork and typicaly mine was the other sort. My forks are twin disk.

So i replaced the seals and dust covers ( the new seals were exactly the same dimensions as the old ones) once these were replaced and filled with oil and the bike built back up i took it for a test ride all was fine for about 10 miles.

Then i noticed a bit of oil on the dust seals with a closer inspection i found oil to have ran down the for leg. I carefully rode the bike home and removed the dust seals suspecting the seals to have lifted or split but the are all the way home with retaining clips correctly fitted and look fine no splits.

The only thing I'm thinking is did i put the correct amount of oil in the fork legs?

I used the info from the other forks listed in the Haynes manual (which i think off the top of my head was 436cc) as i couldn't find the correct info for my forks can any one help with this?

Thanks for any help or info.

Just had a look in the genuine Yamaha service data book i have and for the XJ600S/N it says for the forks use a 10w fork oil and for fork oil capacitys it says

0.379L up to 1995

0.375L 1996 to 1998

0.463L 1999 onwards

So it could be that you have 88ml too much oil in your forks if yours is a 98 model.Hope this helps. Tony.

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