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I think the time has come to replace the rear shocker on my 95 FZR600R Foxeye.

Problem is that the only one I can find is a Hagon unit but they are coming in at about £280 when you include postage and I just dont have that kind of cash at the mo.

Does anyone know if rear shocks from other bikes would bolt into mine? I read somewhere (an American forum I think) that the shocker off the 2004 R6 could be used ( a few of them are on fleabay right now for not much cash) or maybe one off a Thundercat would be ok. But obviously I dont want to go ahead and take the plunge only to find I have bought something that wont fit without major modification.

Can anyone tell me what, if any other models rear shocks can be fitted straight on to my bike please?

Many thanks for any help anyone can give.

i am not saying to do it, but i believe the rear shock is just a shock with two eye-holes for the bolts to go thru. I would suppose if you get the r6 or yzf shock, and use your bolts, how could it really go wrong?

looking at the parts diagrams the rear shock from the r6 has a reservoir, the FZR may not have room for this bulky little thing. However it does still have 2 bolt holes, except your FZR uses this little bracket on the bottom, the R6 doesn't. R6 probably wouldnt work.

a 2000 YZF-600 Thundercat has the same rear shock bolt hole bracket and config as the FZR-600, however it also has the reservoir like the R6, but the R6 has it fixed to the shock, the YZF has a hose connecting the shock and reservoir, so that will give you flexibility as to where to position this thing. It seems the res is held by a simple hose clamp to the subframe or something.

The YZF rear shock would be your best bet, cheaper, better technology, and better performance than the stock FZR shock


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