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Right where to start.... If you dont remember this post then I will start again....

I recently put my bike into a garage to get my carbs balanced...cost £65.00 (needed plugs) ...

Was told when I picked the bike up that the compression was low and the valves needed done...

Soooo after a long thought and thinking will I keep the bike, i decided to go for it....

Sent the bike back in 5 weeks ago, cost £422!!! I got the bike back yesterday morning...

Rode it back from garage to my house (7-8 miles) but getting a misfire and like ...how to say this, when you open up throttle it feels like its struggling.

So I thought it just needs to be treated gently and give it time as the garage says give it 500 miles for the valves to seat properly... so next morning tried to start it ..it starts let it sit for a few mins then was going to fill it up with fuel, got to the corner of my street and it died!!!! Tried to start...nothing!..tried bump start ..nothing!!!

Phoned the garage, guy came out and took bike back to garage.

Am I getting ripped off, any help would be appreciated.

Wooo...that sounds expensive. However, a 25 valve engine, they could have charged you for 25 new shims, plus getting to the cams etc will require the bike to be stripped down to get at them, even if the camshafts don't have to come out to change the shims. Your bill should state what you've been charged for, and you should be able to speak to the mechanic that did the work. Shims alone could be £100, and labour at 30-40 per hour soon adds up (plus VAT) - assuming that the garage monkey has put it all back together correctly....although in 5weeks, you'd think they had time to do it correctly.

Ok, so you have paid a small fortune and the bike isn't right: keep going back and politely but firmly insisting that they put it right.

I put new air filter, plugs and valve shims (carb balance was ok, based on looking at the butterflies) in a diversion600 recently: very noticeable difference between before and after. It seems to take a lilttle longer to warm up, and feels a little strangled up to 4000rpm until it warms up (only takes a mile or so), but boy does it shift above 4k now - definitely a power gain somewhere.

Anyhoo, these are not the differences you have found; could there be a fuel starvation problem somewhere under the tank - easy to kink a line upon reassembly, check that the correct plugs been fitted? Get the garage to go over everything they have done, and give them no more money until you are satisfied that the job has been done properly. Low compression is a garage cure-all excuse to charge loads for doing little - have they actually tested the cylinder compression values? Written then down? Showed you? Compared the values to the yam manual specs? I have an sr125 on which the compression is certainly low, but it still pulls 65mph given air, fuel, correct valve clearances and a slight tailwind ;-)

As you may deduce, I don't use garages for my bikes.

Hope you get it sorted.


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Hi and thanks for the reply,

Called garage this morning, they state that the vacumn hose was twisted or bent under the tank, and something to do when it heats up or something .....

As to the backfire or poor throttle response they say they have cured it, hope so!.

When it stopped running I changed the end can on it and when the bike returned to the garage, one of the guys said it was cause of the end can I put on ????..idiots!

Call them on Monday and should get it back later on that day.

Let you guys know....

Aye, vaccum hose - that'll be the bit that allows the cylinder vaccum to actuate the fuel supply - no vac, no fuel. Easy enough to overlook/twist. Is bike sorted now that's fixed? Ask 'em HOW they sorted the backfire/throttle response. As the airbox on myD6 is now firmly down onto the carb bellmouths, as opposed to simply sitting more or less on them, I have heard the odd mild backfire when the bike is cold - - -due, presumably, to it being over rich as no air is leaking into the carbs!

Nowt to do w'end can, indeed.


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Got bike back .... seems spot on for now!!!!...dont trust garages.. robbin bast(bleeps)s!!!

Slight idle jump up and down..when idling and when bike is opened up on the motorway it struggles?

Called them again and they say give it 500 miles till the engine breaks in again, as everything was stripped. Is this true?

Apart from that it pulls better and above 60 it struggles, only when sharply opening the throttle, when I do it easily and tenderly its ok ... <_<

doing the valves aint particularly complex, but it is time consuming (camshafts do come off, so its a good few hours work) and as said previously 20 shims at £3 each (worst case) is £60, however i doubt the engine would have needed that many. How many miles does the bike have? Its possible the adjusted clearances and balanced carbs are allowing worn jets to become obvious.

Does the bike start from cold without choke? if it does you need new jets.

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Bike is just coming up for 26K

Had previously new jets and emulsion tubes fitted from Factory Pro..about 4 months ago.

Thats why after getting the above fitted I wanted the engine spot on, should have left it alone!...It struggled up to 4K revs and then was like a bat out of hell...it flew like fu**!

A lumpy idle could be the carbs need (re)balanced - also, check pilot screws all at same setting - usually 1.5 turns out from lightly seated. Sounds like things are a bit rich - is the air filter clean? Could be worn jets, but if these are new a while ago, probably not... Struggle below 4k - same thing when its nicely warmed up? As for lack of go above 60mph....I don't know, however, "engine break in" sounds like mechanic's double speak - removing the cams, replacing a bunch of shims (and in an ideal world, re measuring once the new shims are in) and putting it back together again correctly should not require any subsequent "break in".

It sounds more like the cam timing has been inadvertently moved, hence the loss of top end. ver' importn't on a SR125, more so on a YZF. One tooth off is enough to bu66er the power, but not wreck the engine. On an SR125, you can get away with 7degrees off... :o

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Right I have uploaded a quick video of the problem I am getting, dont know if you can hear the idle issue ....


2nd Clip

Video might not be processed as yet so please be patient...

Thanks, if anyone knows whats causing this.

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Sorry for quality of video, best I could do. You can just hear the idle going up and down.

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Just in from taking the bike out for a run, started without any probs.

Up to 60mph and around 4 thou revs all ok but when above or opening throttle up it's not hesitating as such, like runing on 3 cylinders. Is this due to the carbs incorrectly balanced.

Then when Idling at traffic lights, I hear like a tinking noise as in video.

Anyone stay in Glasgow :) that knows a better place for carbs to get done as I think the garage I went to did a good job on valves but crap on the carbs.

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Right going back to garage on Monday morning regarding the issue with the idling and popping noises...

Above 60 + ...feels like bike is bogging down.

One of my mates say it could be 1 of 3 things....

1. Cam Timing

2. Air leak

3. Re-balance of carbs

If its any of these ..how long should this take for a garage, as I am going up first thing and not leaving till its done.

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