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the good the bad and the ugly.

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Oh come on somebody out there had to have blown up a bunch of these.a pristine 73 tx 750 was up to 12,000 on ebay not to long ago. you should be ashamed yama-fans there is no bad yamaha just better ones, show some sympathy for an old war horse where its due.

cant say i know any thing about the tx 750 till 2 years ago i was still riding my 79 xs 1100 witch was my first bike that i got in 1987 or 1988

I remember oil frothing counterbalancers, cracked or warped head issues, but I dig the style of the motor looks wise ! yamy was behind the curve puttin its money on a twin when mulits were what was hot. Not knockin P twins there still my favorites.

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that is true they did have problems . but overall when they run they are fun,they do look good and at the end of the day at least its a yamaha

that is true they did have problems . but overall when they run they are fun,they do look good and at the end of the day at least its a yamaha

hey they were fast for P twin too.

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would be cool to see one chopped.

I want to buy one just so i can take a sawzall to it. would preffer a bob job though as i like to ride em hard.

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[that's a neat bike, i like the girder but that rear fender sure is ugly.

But as far as custom bikes go if you didn't ride her first she was never yours...

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