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  • just think how fast they could have been if they hadnt offered the aerodynamics of a barn door

  • Oh dear! It looks like DTR's are so fast now that they are warping time. Maybe Richard Branson should be looking for one to power his space missions.

  • Well DT he certainly has a short enough fuse !! (man above I mean)

90mph haha dont think so my 660c does 110mph tops so ure almost asking the imposible unles u want to do big bore kits and bigger carb messing with the gearing

u will be lucky to get 80mph and thats geting sports exhaust replaceing the air filter uping the jet sizes in the long run its not worth the hastle you might as well do ure full license and get a biger bike like i did

sorry to burst ure bubble but to get 70mph out of it aint bad at all

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90mph haha dont think so my 660c does 110mph tops so ure almost asking the imposible unles u want to do big bore kits and bigger carb messing with the gearing

u will be lucky to get 80mph and thats geting sports exhaust replaceing the air filter uping the jet sizes in the long run its not worth the hastle you might as well do ure full license and get a biger bike like i did

sorry to burst ure bubble but to get 70mph out of it aint bad at all

thx a lot for the info mate, my dad said the same thing, its impossible to get 100 out of my bike, not a chance. but ive heard alot of people mainly chavs haha saying they do over 100 around 7 different people have told me that, they must be chattin aload of s***

also a while bike now when my electrics wasnt working the bike seemed alot faster and powerfuller whys this ?

u seem to know abit about bikes. cheers mate

also how can i make the bike lift on me, like give it more power so its lifts for fun, easyer to wheelie ???

thx man. :D

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also ur xt660x dose 110 maxed out ? that looks like a lethal bike m8, suped up version of my bike it looks like :P how fast dose that get to 60 in? and how many seconds to max speed ? very nice bike

right well if ure taking advice of chavs then a moped (50cc) can do 70mph acording to them lol :P

well the XT660x is my dads bike i have the MT-03 wich is the same just in a diforent frame both bikes get to 60mph in about 4 seconds ish and pull the front up in 1-3 gear

hears some picks

my bike



my dads bike



back on topic

the reson ure bike was more power full when the electrics were out was because the CDI is electronicly restricted the only way you can solve the problem is buy doing a chop shop mod or buying a racing CDI

i dont know about the mod but you might be able to find out somthing on the web

also forgot to mention i dont think the bike will produce enough torque to get the front wheal up without messing with the gearing ratio but the faster the top speed the slower the acceloration so if u want higer top end the you will have to live with the slower pulling power

another way you could get higer speed is by geting some road tyres on it instead of the enduro tyers

also forgot to mention i dont think the bike will produce enough torque to get the front wheal up without messing with the gearing ratio but the faster the top speed the slower the acceloration so if u want higer top end the you will have to live with the slower pulling power

another way you could get higer speed is by geting some road tyres on it instead of the enduro tyers

Right, you will be able to get the front wheel up on the DT but i personally dont like to put the strain on the engine or the risk of damaging my beautiful bike :P

I have had 84 out of my 05 DT on the flat and she wil comfortably ride at 70 and still be responsive when i fully open the throttle.


Use the link above and click on the 04 onwards model for more information.

Basically the powervalve has a restrictor in the form of a pin that prevents it from fully turning.

There is a cable that plugs into the speedo which restricts the revs after 7000rpm, earth it to the frame ( ive tightened it under a nut on the right hand side of the headlight surround).

I have no sports exhaust, nor have i cut open and removed the restrictor in the expansion chamber.

I have never even have the carb or any other engine parts off the bike so the jetting is standard as is everything else.

A friend has a pug 106 gti (nippy little f***ers) and i can beat him away from the lights and stay with him til my 3rd to 4th gear change so the bottom end power is fantastic aswell.

Good luck :D

Right, you will be able to get the front wheel up on the DT but i personally dont like to put the strain on the engine or the risk of damaging my beautiful bike :P

I have had 84 out of my 05 DT on the flat and she wil comfortably ride at 70 and still be responsive when i fully open the throttle.


Use the link above and click on the 04 onwards model for more information.

Basically the powervalve has a restrictor in the form of a pin that prevents it from fully turning.

There is a cable that plugs into the speedo which restricts the revs after 7000rpm, earth it to the frame ( ive tightened it under a nut on the right hand side of the headlight surround).

I have no sports exhaust, nor have i cut open and removed the restrictor in the expansion chamber.

I have never even have the carb or any other engine parts off the bike so the jetting is standard as is everything else.

A friend has a pug 106 gti (nippy little f***ers) and i can beat him away from the lights and stay with him til my 3rd to 4th gear change so the bottom end power is fantastic aswell.

Good luck :D

Also i wouldn't bother with any of the other de restrictions they mention as they could all have problems later on. Up to you ofcourse but personally for a 125, as Barwell said you should be happy with 70mph, let alone the 80+ you can squeeze with the derestrictions.

90mph haha dont think so my 660c does 110mph tops so ure almost asking the imposible unles u want to do big bore kits and bigger carb messing with the gearing

u will be lucky to get 80mph and thats geting sports exhaust replaceing the air filter uping the jet sizes in the long run its not worth the hastle you might as well do ure full license and get a biger bike like i did

sorry to burst ure bubble but to get 70mph out of it aint bad at all

i had a '57 plate DTX before the FZ6

mine was clocked at 98 using a sat nav (speedo only does 85) and this was with a passenger

and that was only with DEP exaust, move the YPVS round so its more top end power, and moved up from a 16 to 17 tooth front sprocket,

it would still wheelie in first second and third and i raced a WRX impretza and it wasn't gaining till i reached 65,

i also tried a NOS kit my dads mate borrowed me :) that would wheelie in fifth but it over heated oops

i used DTR.net or something like that and it mentioned loads of stuff like carb restrictors and a white tube behind the speedo but mine had non of this

hope this helps

i know the last models 2007 aren't has heavily restricted as the slightly older ones

i got 77 out of my dtr last night :)

my top end changes all the time :( dont know why lol

90mph haha dont think so my 660c does 110mph tops so ure almost asking the imposible unles u want to do big bore kits and bigger carb messing with the gearing

u will be lucky to get 80mph and thats geting sports exhaust replaceing the air filter uping the jet sizes in the long run its not worth the hastle you might as well do ure full license and get a biger bike like i did

sorry to burst ure bubble but to get 70mph out of it aint bad at all

A straight out the shop dtr will do 67mph on a flat road.

To make the bike faster buy a dep exhaust or cut the cat out of your standard one(my be a problem with mot if you cut it up) that is for the front pipe,rear put a dep exhaust on it £85 is the must you will pay seen them for £60 on this website http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/products/Pro...e=CISCDS3109.Do not use a big one or arrow there just a waste or money dep is the only one that rly works.

Also to make the ypvs rev over 6500rpm you will need to earth a cable off behind the head light/clocks, its not hard to find.Going into the speedo is a four pin connecting block. There are 4 wires going into the block and only 3 wires coming out the speedo side. Just find the Green/Black wire going into the block, clip it to separate it from the block, and strip the end and join a small piece of wire to it (long enough to to join to an earth on the frame). When the Green/Black wire is earthed to the frame this stops the YPVS from retarding over 7000 RPM. The engine should rev freely now.

After you have done both these on a flat none windy day your bike will go off the clocks 87-90mph if not then you need to change the position of the power vaule,it is very rare this is needed if so the info you need is in this website http://dtr125.net/ypvsf.htm

If you do not understand the bike engine etc don't do anything iv said get a garage to do it for you.

My exhaust has a missing bolt and does not sit in the engine (waiting for garage to helicoil it) and it does 80mph against the wind with nps whats so ever abd all iv done is full dep exhaust and wire in the back of clocks/speedo.Iv not re jetted changed reeds nowt.

But if you want mad crazy speed do your test and buy a bigger bike or spend 1-2 grand on your dtr fixing and buying parts for it.

  • Author

A straight out the shop dtr will do 67mph on a flat road.

To make the bike faster buy a dep exhaust or cut the cat out of your standard one(my be a problem with mot if you cut it up) that is for the front pipe,rear put a dep exhaust on it £85 is the must you will pay seen them for £60 on this website http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/products/Pro...e=CISCDS3109.Do not use a big one or arrow there just a waste or money dep is the only one that rly works.

Also to make the ypvs rev over 6500rpm you will need to earth a cable off behind the head light/clocks, its not hard to find.Going into the speedo is a four pin connecting block. There are 4 wires going into the block and only 3 wires coming out the speedo side. Just find the Green/Black wire going into the block, clip it to separate it from the block, and strip the end and join a small piece of wire to it (long enough to to join to an earth on the frame). When the Green/Black wire is earthed to the frame this stops the YPVS from retarding over 7000 RPM. The engine should rev freely now.

After you have done both these on a flat none windy day your bike will go off the clocks 87-90mph if not then you need to change the position of the power vaule,it is very rare this is needed if so the info you need is in this website http://dtr125.net/ypvsf.htm

If you do not understand the bike engine etc don't do anything iv said get a garage to do it for you.

My exhaust has a missing bolt and does not sit in the engine (waiting for garage to helicoil it) and it does 80mph against the wind with nps whats so ever abd all iv done is full dep exhaust and wire in the back of clocks/speedo.Iv not re jetted changed reeds nowt.

But if you want mad crazy speed do your test and buy a bigger bike or spend 1-2 grand on your dtr fixing and buying parts for it.

thx alot m8 for the wire info my bike is like a rocket jet now compared to wot it was before, i got 60mph in 4th gear on the estate ive just tested it, alot more power it wa lifting on me accel is amazing and thats without the DEP exhuast

thx alot m8 for the wire info my bike is like a rocket jet now compared to wot it was before, i got 60mph in 4th gear on the estate ive just tested it, alot more power it wa lifting on me accel is amazing and thats without the DEP exhuast

thx alot m8 for the wire info my bike is like a rocket jet now compared to wot it was before, i got 60mph in 4th gear on the estate ive just tested it, alot more power it wa lifting on me accel is amazing and thats without the DEP exhuast

Nps m8 dt125r maybe slow to other super bikes but you can have a lot of fun with them :)

Sorry about double post pressed enter twice ops :P

Nps m8 dt125r maybe slow to other super bikes but you can have a lot of fun with them :)

Sorry about double post pressed enter twice ops :P

Hi All,

why does everyone want to get a quart out of a pint can ? I guess if you need to go faster & pull better the answer is to buy a bigger bike ... which will save you money on your current 125's (more money for the bigger bike) and have the little bike for lightweight fun !

Regards Jim

The only mod i found worth doing and is free is the cable earthing behind the speedo, the exhasut makes you acceleration a fair bit better but is expensive and thin metal so easy damagable.

Im honestly glad i got my dep as all the guys i go out with have 650 supermotos etc and a bit more power is appreciated to help keep up.

Dont bother touching reed valves or jets as you will be causing more work and money for nothing.

Iv also been clocked by a BMW GS1200 at 85mph and with a sat nav :D

  • 3 weeks later...

90mph haha dont think so my 660c does 110mph tops so ure almost asking the imposible unles u want to do big bore kits and bigger carb messing with the gearing

u will be lucky to get 80mph and thats geting sports exhaust replaceing the air filter uping the jet sizes in the long run its not worth the hastle you might as well do ure full license and get a biger bike like i did

sorry to burst ure bubble but to get 70mph out of it aint bad at all

Well mate I have bad news for you! my DT tops out at 105mph. all it has is a full dep and ajusted power valve cables. 16t sprocket on front and 52 on back lol

The only mod i found worth doing and is free is the cable earthing behind the speedo, the exhasut makes you acceleration a fair bit better but is expensive and thin metal so easy damagable.

Im honestly glad i got my dep as all the guys i go out with have 650 supermotos etc and a bit more power is appreciated to help keep up.

Dont bother touching reed valves or jets as you will be causing more work and money for nothing.

Iv also been clocked by a BMW GS1200 at 85mph and with a sat nav :D

I totally agree mate.. if you want a few tips? i can help you!!!



yeah it is possible to get 90+. You need a Full dep pipe and to ajust the power valve cables! Don't bother with these exausts: Big One and Arrow..

I have a 2001 DTR125 and it tops out at 100mph and all I done was full dep and set up the power valve cable no: 1&2..

16t sprocket on the front and 52 on rear. I also hear about this ovel speedo restrictor behind the speedo and a wire that goes into the speedo sumink about chopping it and earthing it off to the frame?? I duno i dnt wana really do it if it does'nt work!

My mate has a 2001 DT125 RE and I've done the same as mine and his is very fast. He does'nt have a rev limiter and it just pulls and pulls alot faster than mine!! Only thing is is that I have a Y1 head and Y2 bottom where he has a Y2 head and a Y1 bottom. Not sure if thats wat it is???? What DT have you got? where u frm???? wb soon!!!!

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