June 24, 200915 yr Author any1 know how to tweak the powervalve cables ? to max performance, but wont mess my bike up. thx
June 24, 200915 yr Honestly dont mess with it too much as it will affect its resale value and wont make much difference, i thought my DT was really fast when i used to ride it but its unbelievable how much faster a bigger bike is so id recomend saving for a bigger bike im so glad i did.
June 25, 200915 yr Well mate I have bad news for you! my DT tops out at 105mph. all it has is a full dep and ajusted power valve cables. 16t sprocket on front and 52 on back lol some how i find that hard to belive as i havent come across any other DT's that clame to do 105mph not even a fully tuned rs125cc can do 105mph and they are quite a bit more powerful than the DT
June 25, 200915 yr Author some how i find that hard to belive as i havent come across any other DT's that clame to do 105mph not even a fully tuned rs125cc can do 105mph and they are quite a bit more powerful than the DT fully tuned rs125 will do 120mph mate, the dts fully tuned do 110. ive spoke to alot of people and thy say the same thing. my dtr is completely standard, exept the wire earth, it eats any other 125, exept the apprila and kmx 125, every other 125 i leave in my dust... yamahha r1-125-r , cbr 125, and a few imports, all 4strokes tho, i shit on them, altho a YZ 85 ......... EATS MY BIKE AND I MEAN EATS IT, wots that all about ? some little kid comes wheeliein past me and im like wtf ....
June 26, 200915 yr fully tuned rs125 will do 120mph mate, the dts fully tuned do 110. ive spoke to alot of people and thy say the same thing. my dtr is completely standard, exept the wire earth, it eats any other 125, exept the apprila and kmx 125, every other 125 i leave in my dust... yamahha r1-125-r , cbr 125, and a few imports, all 4strokes tho, i shit on them, altho a YZ 85 ......... EATS MY BIKE AND I MEAN EATS IT, wots that all about ? some little kid comes wheeliein past me and im like wtf .... as ypu sead fully tuned can do 110mph he sead 105mph and his is no where hear fully tuned (from what info he gave) fully tined is powercomander dyno run exhaust plugs cylinders,jets if need doing gears all restrictions removed tires changed suspension set up un less he has done all of those things as would have to have a huge wage packet then i still think its a exaguration.plus doing 105mph on a 125cc is stupid it will blow prety quick also if ure running nobbly tires and doing that you should have ure coffin made ready for your boddy plus if a rs125 can do 120mph then i wounder what a fully tuned rs250 could to there normal top speed is 130mph so i would guess 150mph what else do you have planed for you bike then?
June 28, 200915 yr My brother used to have a Cagiva Mito HM Plant race rep all modded up etc and had 125mph out of it but used to go through a lot of top ends.
June 29, 200915 yr i can smell chav talk :lol: well, im on a ybr125, beat a subaru impreza, in the rain! :huh: :lol: i think barwell's idea is the best thing ive heard all day! wait to get a bigger bike, that way, spend money on that, it'll have a better result just my 2 cents.. uzi_999
June 29, 200915 yr Chav talk? Me? I was actually being serious but i suppose you dont have to believe me. I agree with the bigger bike thing as iv said it before and you dont realise how much more powerful a bigger bike is till you get one. So much more fun.
June 30, 200915 yr I highly doubt your DT does 105mph, i mean in one post you claim it to top out at 105 then in another you say its 100. What kind of proof of this do you have, because the clocks may be showing 105 but whether they are that accurate or not is another thing. Ive had 84mph from my dt, with the cable earthed...no dep pipe.....but from what i hear they make little difference for the money you spend on them
January 23, 201015 yr 90mph haha dont think so my 660c does 110mph tops so ure almost asking the imposible unles u want to do big bore kits and bigger carb messing with the gearing u will be lucky to get 80mph and thats geting sports exhaust replaceing the air filter uping the jet sizes in the long run its not worth the hastle you might as well do ure full license and get a biger bike like i did sorry to burst ure bubble but to get 70mph out of it aint bad at all ignore this guy , he may have a nice bike but he doesnt know about dt's . its more than possible to get 90 from a dt . i ride a dtx im 6 ft 6 and wiegh 14st and mine does 85 mph without a problem . the speedo de-restriction is the easiest to fix . coming out of the speedo there are 3 wires going into a connecting block and 4 wires on the other side . find the black wire on the side with 4 wires with a green stripe , snip it , add an extended piece of wire to it ( long enough to earth it to the frame ) this will stop the engine retarding at 8,000 rpm and will rev freely up to 10,000 rpm . next step is to get a new exhaust , DEP exhausts are the easiest to find and is what i have on mine but , an arrow exhaust will work just aswell . the bike will do 85 easily now , if you want more you have to start getting techy . look at possibly getting your CDI unit chipped or upgraded and then look at changing sprockets , cams , jets and carb . hope this is a lil more helpful than negative nancy's offer =D
January 23, 201015 yr Hi All, why does everyone want to get a quart out of a pint can ? I guess if you need to go faster & pull better the answer is to buy a bigger bike ... which will save you money on your current 125's (more money for the bigger bike) and have the little bike for lightweight fun ! Regards Jim the whole idea behind a fast 125 is that you dont need a full lisence jim , if he had full lisence he wouldnt be wanting help or advice , of which you provided niether .
January 23, 201015 yr Moderator the whole idea behind a fast 125 is that you dont need a full lisence jim , if he had full lisence he wouldnt be wanting help or advice , of which you provided niether . Actually for what its worth on a long dead thread, you do need a full licence to ride a 125 that has ANY performance enhansing modifications. Whatever it may be.
January 23, 201015 yr ignore this guy , he may have a nice bike but he doesnt know about dt's . its more than possible to get 90 from a dt . i ride a dtx im 6 ft 6 and wiegh 14st  and mine does 85 mph without a problem .  the speedo de-restriction is the easiest to fix . coming out of the speedo there are 3 wires going into a connecting block and 4 wires on the other side . find the black wire on the side with 4 wires with a green stripe , snip it , add an extended piece of wire to it ( long enough to earth it to the frame ) this will stop the engine retarding at 8,000 rpm and will rev freely up to 10,000 rpm . next step is to get a new exhaust , DEP exhausts are the easiest to find and is what i have on mine but , an arrow exhaust will work just aswell . the bike will do 85 easily now , if you want more you have to start getting techy . look at possibly getting your CDI unit chipped or upgraded and then look at changing sprockets , cams , jets and carb . hope this is a lil more helpful than negative nancy's offer =D cams on a DT.  wow i must have three bikes with a bit missing then. i'm always the odd washer left over after a total rebuild but sure i would of noticed a cam. Â
January 23, 201015 yr ignore this guy , he may have a nice bike but he doesnt know about dt's . its more than possible to get 90 from a dt . i ride a dtx im 6 ft 6 and wiegh 14st and mine does 85 mph without a problem . the speedo de-restriction is the easiest to fix . coming out of the speedo there are 3 wires going into a connecting block and 4 wires on the other side . find the black wire on the side with 4 wires with a green stripe , snip it , add an extended piece of wire to it ( long enough to earth it to the frame ) this will stop the engine retarding at 8,000 rpm and will rev freely up to 10,000 rpm . next step is to get a new exhaust , DEP exhausts are the easiest to find and is what i have on mine but , an arrow exhaust will work just aswell . the bike will do 85 easily now , if you want more you have to start getting techy . look at possibly getting your CDI unit chipped or upgraded and then look at changing sprockets , cams , jets and carb . hope this is a lil more helpful than negative nancy's offer =D haha you do realise your speedo is usually out by about 5-10mph .... or even more i no longer have the MT-03 and now have a SV650 street fighter with 81bhp at the rear wheel it will do 135mph tops 9500rpm in 6th the speedo is out by 7mph (using gps to gain accurate speed) so my bike can do 128mph so some how i still dont think a DT can do any where near 90-100mph maybe with the speedo been off you may reach 90mph but your more than likely doing 80mph (speedometers are never correct) PS i have had RS250's drop off at 112mph and they are a lot faster than a DT i wont back down until some one with a gps (accurate speed) and a video camera proves there DT can do 90mph+
January 23, 201015 yr Moderator Hiya Dan Mine will do 60 if you thrash it But that would be 55 on a GPS Anyhow, what u doin 120 for?
January 23, 201015 yr Hiya Dan Mine will do 60 if you thrash it But that would be 55 on a GPS Anyhow, what u doin 120 for? Hi i was on the M6 toll, no real reason just wanted to see how fast it could go in a straight line, but it does corners better than it does flat out speed lol so will stick to the twisties
January 24, 201015 yr Moderator Hiya Dan Mine will do 60 if you thrash it But that would be 55 on a GPS Anyhow, what u doin 120 for? Cor 60, nutter. The bit i find fasinating after actually reading this entertaining thread. My TDR is as far as it goes a DT with the ultimate bigbore. It weighs about 25kilo's more and has 4 times the power. Its pretty much the same shape and runs pretty good quality suspention and tyres designed specifically for the type of bike. Flat out? around 105 maybe 110 with the wind.
January 24, 201015 yr Ive seen 90 mph on a DT speedo, but it was totally stripped of all extra weight for off-road like lights, battery ect. even took the 2 stroke tank off(was 15 at the time and weighed 60 kg piss wet through). But as already stated the speedo's have a tolerance so it was prob more like 80 if that( i believe its 7%+/-). but a few experiences on the newer DT make me question it, i was out with a bike club and ended up on a motorway with prob 7 others and got the speedo to read 70 mph, was happy with that until we stopped and after comparing with the others we worked it at about 55 mph . Plus i wonder if the DT125x and RE have the same speedo as doesn't the DTx have a smaller front wheel? would account for alot of the higher speeds being reported, not to account for exaggeration. Vez
January 24, 201015 yr Cor 60, nutter. The bit i find fasinating after actually reading this entertaining thread. My TDR is as far as it goes a DT with the ultimate bigbore. It weighs about 25kilo's more and has 4 times the power. Its pretty much the same shape and runs pretty good quality suspention and tyres designed specifically for the type of bike. Flat out? around 105 maybe 110 with the wind. i think the dt was a bike for some off road fun as well as being able to use it on the road so it was not really ment to go really fast My Daughter has an NSR125 and using a gps does 112 mph no mods completly, standard bike that is de restricked, that involved taking a plate out the carb and removing a seam in the exhaust and that was it before it would still do 75 - 80mph (more than fast enough for a learner driver) but would not live with a TDR on the road
January 24, 201015 yr Moderator but would not live with a TDR on the road Oh you better believe it. On a dual carriageway, or really anything straight your toasted by most things once your flat out. But and its a biggy. Keep her boiling on a good and twisty A or B road and it needs a REALLY dedicated road rocket pilot to even keep up. Your laughing as they are being sterilised by the tank. You carry corner speed and have the line selection of a race bike. But of course all the 110mph DT riders will leave me standing eh.....
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