Posted May 18, 200915 yr I am on the road to Jacksonville FL with the Green Machine, my 1978 Yamaha XS 400. Only made 240 miles today as it rained the whole way through the State of Georgia; I am holed up for the night at a hotel at the junction of US 441 and I-20. Bike ran like a champ, just seeped more oil than usual, but I can live with a little under 1/2 quart leakage for 230 fairly hard miles considering how little I have in this bike (I think most of it's leaking out the tach drive and valve adjustment plug/bolts). Bike ran like a champ all day with a minor exception. Observations follow: -Never. Leave. Home. Without. Rain. Gear. -US129 even through GA is a VERY curvy road; I wound up going over the tallest mtn in the whole State. -Old bike on the road without tools= Expensive disaster waiting to happen. (Yes, I brought my tool set) -Allen wrenches for the saddlebags would be a wise investment. -First thing to check if the bike won't start/idle (specially if it spit back and stalled just prior to event): vacuum plugs/hoses on the carb boots. -New carb boots for old Japanese bikes: worth every dime. All told, I'm getting 55-60mpg and the bike's running like a champ. Tomorrow night's update will be from Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville, FL
May 18, 200915 yr Moderator looks like your having fun (in the rain) I had similar weather on my trip at the weekend.
May 19, 200915 yr Author You may be right, I may be crazy. (Day Two) Well, I and the Green Machine have arrived, not much the worse for wear. Rained all through FL, AND I got lost in downtown Jacksonville. Good times. Adverse: Almost lost the timing cover off of the points and the oil pressure light apparently has burned out; don't come on when you cut the key on. All is apparently well engine-wise, though; still getting 55-60mpg and I think the oil leak has all been washed off. Jobbed a O-ring in the tach drive and that seems to have solved the oil leak. Took most of the day to pressure wash the leaked oil off the engine on the road, though. Troubleshooting commences tomorrow if it will stop raining. Observations: Lock-Tite: If you have a parallel twin, this is your friend; if it CAN vibrate loose, it probably WILL vibrate loose. A multi-head screwdriver should also be in the saddlebag. The oil leak that "ain't nothin" around town may well develop into a quart-a-day habit on the road. Ribbed tires are almost frightening on certain road surfaces. Cheng Shin tires are VERY under-rated.
May 19, 200915 yr Moderator I carry a bit of oil, although my bottle leaked in the top box!! did you check the carb balancing as I drove at 70 for nearly 10 hours without anything comming off or leaking !!
May 19, 200915 yr Author Drewpy: Carbs are spot on the money. See below. Day Three. Go to the weather channel's site and look at US weather for 32228 and you'll see what I'm up against. Not much happened today; rode to work at the squadron and the bike fell over in the 30mph+ winds. Three times. Functional check (check for lights and starting, shifting and clutch engagement) went well, and all that was broke was the left side turn signal lens, a $3-4 part. The bike is (fortunately) now in out of the weather. Observations: High winds are NOT good times on a little bike like an XS 400. I really need a longer kickstand; bike fell over TOWARD the stand. The carbs must be about right now. To start takes a couple kicks on full choke. Once she starts wantin' to take, go to half choke and it happens after a couple stout kicks and starts loading up bad after a couple minutes on half choke. To call the current Jacksonville, FL weather awful is an insult to self-respecting awful things everywhere. I'll post SOMETHING tomorrow, but it won't be much.
May 22, 200915 yr Author Day Five. Not much to report today. Got the bike back out on the road, all appears well, the oil pressure light even came on at ignition on. However, my turn signals are weird to say the least. I think some of the connections got some corrosion in them in the heavy winds the other day. The bars appear warped, however I have been advised that if I slightly loosen the upper bolts on the triple tree, I should be able to straighten 'em out. Only other gripe is that the bike pops occasionally (twice, actually) through the carbs. The floats might have been knocked out a bit. As it don't seem to affect performance/driveability I'm not too concerned. The chain was bone dry and had light corrosion on it, but I cleaned it with carb cleaner and re-oiled heavily to get SOME in the rollers for the motor back to lodging. Will re-oil properly after the next fairly long ride, possibly Saturday if the weather holds. The clutch lever seems to be getting slightly easier to work; I will take off the left side cover and re-lube the linkage (and adjust the clutch) Saturday. She's done this before and that seems to work. Observations: -With several of the full time Sailors standing watching and givin' me grief about my "little" bike, I pulled the choke all the way out and she hit AND stayed running first kick! First Kick! Good times! -I have found some members of the now-defunct Atlantic Beach Vintage M/C and hopefully will be able to source a longer sidestand whilst here. Is an XS 650 stand longer? -I think the "oil leak" was overfilling. Checked the level on the centerstand IAW the service manual and it had plenty on there. Not running down the side of the case like it was up in GA, either. Not much else to report. Hopefully the ride home will be more pleasant. I might just tool to the Wheels Through Time Museum when I get back up there.
May 22, 200915 yr Day Five. Not much to report today. Got the bike back out on the road, all appears well, the oil pressure light even came on at ignition on. However, my turn signals are weird to say the least. I think some of the connections got some corrosion in them in the heavy winds the other day. The bars appear warped, however I have been advised that if I slightly loosen the upper bolts on the triple tree, I should be able to straighten 'em out. Only other gripe is that the bike pops occasionally (twice, actually) through the carbs. The floats might have been knocked out a bit. As it don't seem to affect performance/driveability I'm not too concerned. The chain was bone dry and had light corrosion on it, but I cleaned it with carb cleaner and re-oiled heavily to get SOME in the rollers for the motor back to lodging. Will re-oil properly after the next fairly long ride, possibly Saturday if the weather holds. The clutch lever seems to be getting slightly easier to work; I will take off the left side cover and re-lube the linkage (and adjust the clutch) Saturday. She's done this before and that seems to work. Observations: -With several of the full time Sailors standing watching and givin' me grief about my "little" bike, I pulled the choke all the way out and she hit AND stayed running first kick! First Kick! Good times! -I have found some members of the now-defunct Atlantic Beach Vintage M/C and hopefully will be able to source a longer sidestand whilst here. Is an XS 650 stand longer? -I think the "oil leak" was overfilling. Checked the level on the centerstand IAW the service manual and it had plenty on there. Not running down the side of the case like it was up in GA, either. Not much else to report. Hopefully the ride home will be more pleasant. I might just tool to the Wheels Through Time Museum when I get back up there. Hi Dave, with the stand problem I would guess a new original one will fix the problem ... unless the frame lug is worn I dont remeber the XS400 being a parallel twin (in the British sense 180 crank rather than a 360) if it was the bike may now have come to little bits (Brit twin owners know what I mean) but its good to see an oldie can still do the course ! Regards Jim
May 23, 200915 yr Dave, I'm enjoying your trip notes! I took a 4hr ride from Dayton to Toledo a couple weeks ago on my '81 XS400 and had a ball. I just had my factory issued toolkit though. Reading you post sounds like I might want to take more precautions on my next adventure. Have a great trip back!!
May 24, 200915 yr Author Day Seven. Not much to report today either. it *looked* like it was going to clear up so I went out to Cyco Cycles, the local vintage bike shop/ boneyard here in Jax. Got a pretty close lens for the busted turn signal and it started raining. Yay. So $30 more for a new pair of rain pants and I was on my merry way back to Mayport. Got back and decided to lube my clutch linkage, troubleshoot the turn signals and a few other things. In re-installing the shifter, I wrung the head off of the bolt that snugs the lever onto the shaft. However, there is enough there to keep the lever on the shaft and I would think it would be VERY difficult for the stub to vibrate all the way out and down onto the road; I would think it would get cockeyed in the hole and stay right there. Got done with that and adjusted my chain (which I lubed good right when I got to the Auto Skills Center). Observations: -Tried loosening the top of the triple tree. It sort of seemed to work; the bars are slightly less off than they were. I still don't see how this technique can work. -Oil leakage is slight at this point; I still think I might have overfilled. -Need a cable luber; the clutch is still stiffer than I think it should be, though it DOES get easier as the bike warms up. -Still running like a dream; 1000-1100rpm idle, and pulls clean off the line with less throttle than before the float levels were right.
May 27, 200915 yr Author Days Eight-Eleven. As I am out of the US right now, there won't bee too much to report for a few days. Through the aid of a fellow vintage enthausiast at my squadron, I was able to get the few gripes that resulted from the foul weather fixed before I left the States. Bike is still running great, and the oil leak still seems to have quit. Observations: -I really need a cable luber; the clutch cable was dry as a cob -Throttle cable might stand replacement; seems to get stiff a lot more often than I think it should Drewps, I didn't bring my digital cam but I will get a disposable 35mm on the way home.
May 28, 200915 yr pictures, we want pictures of a service man's jollies !!!! each to there own !!! Regards Jim
June 2, 200915 yr Author Day 15. Back in the US of A again, and went for a short ride this evening. My mech did the carbs RIGHT; after 5 1/2 days sitting she fired up after just a couple kicks. Out-freakin'-standing! The tach drive had worked its way loose from the tach but a sec with the ol' index finger and thumb got that right as rain. Went to a vintage bike night at Fly's Tie Irish Pub here in Jacksonville and run into a couple people that had been to the Dragon (US 129, Deals Gap between NC and TN), one just because and another for a national 2-stroke rally they had over there about a month ago. As they say on the streets, I was doin' some representin': both for the Time Warp Vintage M/C and for vintage Yamahas. Only other old iron was a '78 Bonnie 750 that was beautiful, and a '69 Moto Guzzi Eldorado ratbike that WASN'T. Observations follow: -Horn is workin' when it feels like it, I think I am going to get a new horn at a local auto parts supplier when I get home. -Getting 60mpg now; 1.51 gallons out of 90 miles' riding. -I think the points are finally settling in, the bike's STRONG off the line now
June 3, 200915 yr Moderator Sounds like a fun trip Dave! A can of silicone spray will do wonders for your cables.
June 4, 200915 yr Author Day 16. Well, I am on the way back home. Another Autec det and reserve annual training in the can. It was absolutely boiling out today; was over 90 most of the afternoon, and I got rained on three times. I may have solved the oil leak; one of the bolts on the left cover was a hair loose and I tightened it with a speed handle as to avoid the possibility of wringing off the head or stripping it out. Observations follow: -Still getting @60mpg. I wonder what I'll get once I get back up in the hills of good old Tennessee? -The bike seems to be a mite more sluggish toward the end of the day. Might JUST be time for a new top end. -Tomorrow is the short day and I will be taking it easy. There's supposed to be a vintage bike shop in Dahlonega, GA; I might just have to go see if they have anything.
June 4, 200915 yr Day 16. Well, I am on the way back home. Another Autec det and reserve annual training in the can. It was absolutely boiling out today; was over 90 most of the afternoon, and I got rained on three times. I may have solved the oil leak; one of the bolts on the left cover was a hair loose and I tightened it with a speed handle as to avoid the possibility of wringing off the head or stripping it out. Observations follow: -Still getting @60mpg. I wonder what I'll get once I get back up in the hills of good old Tennessee? -The bike seems to be a mite more sluggish toward the end of the day. Might JUST be time for a new top end. -Tomorrow is the short day and I will be taking it easy. There's supposed to be a vintage bike shop in Dahlonega, GA; I might just have to go see if they have anything. Hi Dave, the blog is cool but you have not mentioned the 'loose women' & bars. I'm guess there may have been some on the route Regards Jim
June 5, 200915 yr Author Hi Dave, the blog is cool but you have not mentioned the 'loose women' & bars. I'm guess there may have been some on the route Regards Jim Day 17: The Conclusion. Made it back home last night, good times through 4 rain showers. My jacket weighs @ 2-3 pounds more than it did the other day. No malfunctions on the road. None. Observations follow: -GA 60 North of Dahlonega is a decent road, just a good bit of gravel to watch out for. -MPG is still superb; 60+ through the North GA and South TN hills. -All told, I had a blast out on the road, and highly recommend touring on Old Iron as long as you're mechanically competent.
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