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with all the negative things being said about all the MPs at the minute (poor souls), if i was to run for parliment here is my election campaign:

WHISTLEBLOWING: get elected and tell the world about the corruption that goes on by our Right Honourable members.

CRIME: when given a jail sentence that sentence must be served in full; that means you dont get out for good behavior your in there for bad behavior!

PRISON OVERCROWDING: simple, if the cell holds 2 CRIMINALS at the moment then you can put six in it . 2 are asleep, 2 are watching telly in a big hall (no tv in the cell) and the other 2 are lifting litter/scraping chewing gum from pavements while chained together. this is done on an 8 hour shift each (the same hours that the taxpayer works to keep the scum)

SEX OFFENDERS: i would keep the register but this will be displayed on their forehead in the form of a tatoo.

IMMIGRATION: all imigrants must fend for themselves (no hand outs) if not and they commit a crime then the above applies before being deported in a shipping crate the same way they arrived (no flights home)

thats just the start

would you vote for me?

Shed hermit for prime minister!

what about letting us 16 year-olds ride a 250 on a CBT? :P

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i will see what i can do foamy but by election time you will have passed your test :D

  • Moderator

i will see what i can do foamy but by election time you will have passed your test :D

And in a stroke you prove yourself capable of abusing the system.

  • Author

And in a stroke you prove yourself capable of abusing the system.

by passing an act of law

this is just like overturning the present law to the old one when you could ride a 250 on a provisional. :D

  • Author

Wild Foamy for prime minister! :lol:

is this the start of an election battle???? :D

better tell SKY NEWS :lol:

  • Moderator

by passing an act of law

this is just like overturning the present law to the old one when you could ride a 250 on a provisional. :D

Where do you stop, i wouldn't mind speed limiters taken off my truck. Hang on why not just get rid of the limits, they didn't exist once.

Yes i will admit our present bunch of gold diggers in office aren't up to much but that will only change when we have a proper voice. The likes of Chakrabati and her cronies wining on about fringe issues like it affects the entire population are doing us no good and the press control more of our parlimentary process than we do.

The real nail in our coffin as far as the gold diggers are concerned is that blair got in last time with 30 odd per cent of the vote, the fact that the vote consisted of barely 25per cent of the population proves we got what we deserve. Basically roughly seven and a half percent of the country wanted the present bunch of tossers BEFORE we got lumberd with Brown.

shed hermit your in ireland, no offence but wouldnt you surely be going for TD in the Dail?

ONE VOTE for Shed Hermit, Not sure if he's qualified to run countrys but might as well have a go. With storming ideas as simple and effective as that he can't be any worse than the current crop of crap chaps in charge.

  • Author

shed hermit your in ireland, no offence but wouldnt you surely be going for TD in the Dail?

your right i am in ireland but i cant become a TD as i am scottish!

as for your banner for "english independance" scotland has wanted rid of england for a long time :lol::lol:

(just kidding mate)

as for your banner for "english independance" scotland has wanted rid of england for a long time :lol::lol:

(just kidding mate)

Pah - We never wanted you in the first place - It was them foreign rulers we had that did it!!

England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall... Yeah, let them have independence. What do we care?

So long as we don't get a load of foreigners (French, Danish, Welsh, Germans etc etc ) continually trying to invade the bloody country, we're happy!!

So when we boot Brown and Blair back to where they came from, can they please be made an extreme example of?

Ta, chaps!!

  • Author

who would invade the UK anyway?

there is f%$k all left!! :lol:

and the only reason they are worried about terrorists is because the british and american goverment terrorise every other country!

has there been any terror al-quaeda attacks in say sweden? switzerland? norway?.......

they are that busy telling every other country that they invade how to do things that their one country has gone to the dogs. :angry:

VOTE SHED HERMIT and i will put in the management of tesco as my cabinet (lets face it they are the only company making money at the minute) ;)

your right i am in ireland but i cant become a TD as i am scottish!

as for your banner for "english independance" scotland has wanted rid of england for a long time :lol::lol:

(just kidding mate)

fcuk we're run by scots, i genuinly believe that the constuent nations of the UK should all go there own way. We'd be able to look after our interests. NI would be able to have a referendum to decide whether it runs itself or undergoes secession into the republic and we'd move towards democracy. The present system is highly anti-english with the barnett formula, the west lothian question, 2-tier tuition fees etc. Labour are only in power due to the over representation of the celtic nations within the union, in england they could potentially be the third place party (they might be anyway with absolute mess theyve be making for the last twelve years). I think any right minded scot, welsh or unlsterman (person?) would endorse devolution for england (soveriegn, economical and social), as it would allow them to decide their own governement and independence. Sinn Fein/plaid cymru/SNP are all seen as repectable centre-left parties in their own nations (plaid to a lesser extent, as labour remain strong in wales), england needs its own party with relevance, unfortunately the conservatives and ukip remain commited to the union and take nationalist english vote.

i'll just put my soap box back in.

  • Author

i agree that each country should run itself but will they manage?

scotland has the whisky industry but most of the price of a bottle is tax and goes to the revenue and distributed around the UK.

then there is the oil indistry which is the same.

ireland gave away its rights to any oil found of the irish coast-if you find it you keep it.

that said there are many other countries around europe that manage fine on thier own.

i agree that each country should run itself but will they manage?

scotland has the whisky industry but most of the price of a bottle is tax and goes to the revenue and distributed around the UK.

then there is the oil indistry which is the same.

ireland gave away its rights to any oil found of the irish coast-if you find it you keep it.

that said there are many other countries around europe that manage fine on thier own.

i think england would be fine 51million people, a decent economy (present matters aside). Scotland, NI and wales would probably be ok in the EU, england would be able to consider carefully if it were to opt out or not. btw the oil really belongs to multinationals, but i guess scotland could wack a big tax on oil exports (scotland would be the 14th largest exporter of oil after iraq!!). Fair play to scotland with the whisky, i wouldnt drink whiskey or bourbon or any of the other poor imitations! For distribution of tax around the uk, google the barnett formula, one of the most racist, anti-english pieces of government manipulation since ww2.

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