shed hermit Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 just wondering what your thoughts are on this subject have you heard about the american DJ that is banned from the UK by the home secetary as he speaking his mind on various issues like same sex marriage, illegal imigration ect.? i know he has said things about autistic kids ect. that i dont think is right but how many comediens have told jokes on these subjects and are not put on a list of murderers and terrorists? will a terrorist be allowed in if he is mute??? i thought the UK allowed freedom of speech? look out the thought police are coming!!!
wild foamy Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 the governemnt will soon start to drown in its own sh*t, just wait... in this day and age everything has to be P.C, i can't wait until the cities burn down and we are back to our natural insticts, cooking beans over an open campfire and catching/skinning small furry animals with your bare hands... they are coming to get me, im not going back, never need more coffee, brb...
Blades_2 Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 i agree, we are far far too worried about what people think when we talk about them Im not a racist nd i dnt want anyone to think i am, BUT and this is a BIG BUT, if people from other countrys want to come and live within the U.K then they should live by our rules, I live by the statment, Dont do it anywhere else if you wouldnt do it at home, that includes your house, your work place, your country, you wouldnt dream of going to Pakistan and blowing holes in one of there mayjor citys because you wouldnt do that in the U.K. come live here but live BY OUR RULES AND DONT COMPLAIN OF THE CONCIQUENCES IF YOU DONT LIVE BY THEM
Gas up - Let's Go! Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 i thought the UK allowed freedom of speech? We do, just as long as it doesn't upset any minorities (although I'm not too sure what a minority is any more !) -> White hetrosexual 2.4 Children types are however fair game........ Like you say, people (anyone - even Americans!) should live by our rules when they come here, he is unlikely to so he's not getting in !
Blades_2 Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 We do, just as long as it doesn't upset any minorities (although I'm not too sure what a minority is any more !) -> White hetrosexual 2.4 Children types are however fair game........ Like you say, people (anyone - even Americans!) should live by our rules when they come here, he is unlikely to so he's not getting in ! very well put, however if we stop him getting in what is wrong with stopping the people who want to blow up our citys getting in??
uzi_999 Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 you wouldnt dream of going to Pakistan and blowing holes in one of there mayjor citys because you wouldnt do that in the U.K. I know quite a few pakistanis.. Being of that origin myself.. would like to point out that not ALL pakistanis blow holes in our cities - i say 'our', because i am a british pakistani.. (had to be pointed out, sorry)
Blades_2 Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 thats fine mate, like a said am not racist, no doubt you live by our laws nd thats fine with me, and good because it would be a bad place if we were all white, but i cant agree with the minority who ingore our rules
Moderator drewpy Posted May 6, 2009 Moderator Posted May 6, 2009 thats fine mate, like a said am not racist, no doubt you live by our laws nd thats fine with me, and good because it would be a bad place if we were all white, but i cant agree with the minority who ingore our rules they are his laws as well mate, not "ours"
Ttaskmaster Posted May 7, 2009 Posted May 7, 2009 Actually, this country does NOT allow freedom of speech. Did you know that criticising an official of the EU is treason? Oh yes - Go have a look at the law. It's right there in black and white, buried amidst a long blurb about something very boring. Just another one they snuck by you while you weren't looking.
Blades_2 Posted May 7, 2009 Posted May 7, 2009 some of us are in trouble then, because i (cough) havn't said things about gorden brown on here, nd (cough) no one else has
wild foamy Posted May 7, 2009 Posted May 7, 2009 im very open about my views of most politicians being w4nk3rs, and as a result im always looking over my shoulder, last week i could have sworn i was being followed... shit, the black range rovers are pulling up outside.
Blades_2 Posted May 7, 2009 Posted May 7, 2009 well most politicons are a bunch of lying immature scamming wank3rs so your right, Like i said some of us could be done for treason, however its okai, because there that busy wondering where the next million will come from to repay our debt their uninterested =]
uzi_999 Posted May 8, 2009 Posted May 8, 2009 sorry i stand corrected, just want to salute blades, theres not many people around nowadays that go back and acknowledge their wrongs
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