April 23, 200915 yr JimR said: hi W/f the sillest thing I did was to switch the front brake & clutch cables over on an old YG1 which belonged to a girl I fancied ..... just so I could 'fix' it Regards Jim In an attempt to kill her !!! I know they struggle less then but still!!!!
April 23, 200915 yr Not me but walking home yesterday I was passed by a learner on a CBR125......in shorts and t shirt.......no gloves........texting. Me and my girlfriend just looked at each other in disbelief.
April 23, 200915 yr chappers said: Many, many years ago I owned a 650 Ural. It was gaudy turquoisy green, a bit like a late sixties bathroom suite. I nicknamed it the BRUSH - Big Russian Shit-Heap or URINAL because it took the piss, ie nut heads either snapped off or ground off the flats. Mind you, my complete tool set then was a pair of mole grips. Great for a top-end strip down. So I picked up the girlfriend (new date whom I'd impressed by telling her 'I've got a bike - it's a 650'. 'Oh, my dad rides a bike, I like motorbikes' so I clearly thought I was in. 'Pick you up at seven ish, we'll go for a burn'... So I turned up at her house. Classic seventies style, out she came in tight jeans, suede knee boots, fur coat.... just the thing for a night in the pub...and maybe, just maybe...Then she saw the bike. 'Is that it?' 'yes' I said. 'great, isn't it?' 'err, yes..' was the hesitant reply. I should explain here the kick start was side on, so you had to get off it to restart it, which happened regularly... so too did the pillion, who sat on a saddle type seat behind me about six feet off the floor. Off we went - clattering and spluttering along. Urals made a great row, backfiring every gear change, firing (one pot sometimes) every lamp post. Until we got to the traffic lights, on a hill, busy junction - and stalled. 'You'll have to get off' I yelled, which she did, all embarrassed, as I pushed the thing over to the kerb and tried to start the heap up. I should also explain the return spring had gone on the kickstart, and it was replaced by a bungee cord, which snapped. So I had to lift the kickstart back up, before swinging the boot downwards. And once running, the kickstart a habit of dropping down and re-engaging - sounding just like one of those old football rattles... Embarrassment hugely figured, cars honked their horns, white van man wound down his window and yelled 'come in 'ere with me, luv' - it was Life on Mars days. Daftest thing I ever did on a bike. But the best thing I ever did was marry her eventually...and get rid of the Ural. But that's another tale. hmm so some one else had one of those ! I guess you dont see it on I want one of thse dot com, perhaps it would be good to start a web site 'I had one of those dot com' Regards Jim
April 23, 200915 yr Moderator YamaGod said: Once, in a gas station,went for a coffe waiting for the tank to be fill.When i was returning to my bike, i realised the employee was putting DIESEL on my motorcycle.What followed was a nightmare !! Never loose sight of your bike in a gas station. we do it ourselves in the uk, so we can't blame anyone else
April 23, 200915 yr wild foamy said: just silly little things like these Well he"s my tuppence worth , Back in the sports-moped days [1975] Their was this big pile of upfill [ ballast] against a wall. Two mates on fs1e,"s were running up and riding half way up the heap, Me being on the superior machine[ Garelli Tiger x] Thot i"d show them how to do it proper So sets off full throtle, Up the pile right over the top of wall . Landing head first into someones garden .
April 24, 200915 yr ive only been riding my bike for about 3 months but 2 weeks after passing my CBT some one pulled out on me in an Asda car park. i stupidly slammed on both brakes in the wet and fell instantly on my side. (lesson learned) the really stupid part was i ripped my water proofs of my legs and drove home with plasic waist and ankle bands hanging of my jeans. . . . . . . . so i was ragin mad and looked like a TIT lol bad times
April 24, 200915 yr I wouldn't put this in the catagory of stupid, more scary. When coming back from Clevedon (Somerset) to Chippenham (Wiltshire) after watching football, on the M5 whilst crossing the Avonmouth bridge my son fell asleep on the back of the bike, in hindsite I should have slowly pulled into the hard shoulder, but what did I do? I shouted out his name to wake him up. As luck had it he didn't fall off the back and we got home safely, but years later I still have nightmares.
April 25, 200915 yr mike1949 said: I wouldn't put this in the catagory of stupid, more scary. When coming back from Clevedon (Somerset) to Chippenham (Wiltshire) after watching football, on the M5 whilst crossing the Avonmouth bridge my son fell asleep on the back of the bike, in hindsite I should have slowly pulled into the hard shoulder, but what did I do? I shouted out his name to wake him up. As luck had it he didn't fall off the back and we got home safely, but years later I still have nightmares. not quite with you on that one. why wouldnt you let him sleep on the back ? i do it all the time ON THE FRONT. costs a lot in bikes though.
April 26, 200915 yr gassed said: not quite with you on that one. why wouldnt you let him sleep on the back ? i do it all the time ON THE FRONT. costs a lot in bikes though. First thing he said when he woke up was "Are we there yet?"
April 26, 200915 yr years ago i had to ride upto lancashire on a 400 superdream (from bristol). The day before, i had a had a quick look at it, and thought yeah it'll be fine. Got up at 7.00am to go, it was belting down with rain. Got to brum (doing 90mph all the way) soaked as my waterproofs had been breached. Realised my wallet was in one of the pockets, money, license etc soaked and ink had ran on various bits and bobs. On to the M6, and i stopped for fuel. Put the bike on the side stand and it wouldnt sit right. The rear tyre was flat! tryed putting air in, but it kept going flat - no RAC as they had blacklisted me- so i rode on up the M6 with a flat at 55mph, traffic got heavy due to an accident and people are flashing me and pointing at the tyre, i was fed up. Got to sandbach and pulled in for a breather, noticed the left silencer was hanging off, found half a bungy and lashed it up. It got much worse though, back on the M6, as i went over the metal plates of the thelwall viaduct, the front wheel moved left to right, but the handle bars stayed straight!!! on the shoulder, i looked and all of the bolts holding the forks to the yokes were easier loose or missing!!!! Rode very slowly for the rest of the journey, soaked, shit-scared the thing was gonna fall apart, and worried that if i stopped it wouldnt restart. A 185 mile journey took me 6 hours on the motorway - last honda i ever owned!
April 30, 200915 yr wild foamy said: that'll be me next year on the jawa I can see it now in my minds eye. Foamy rolling up to pick up Goff for a date on his jawa. somebody, anybody get video of it, I would pay handsomely.
April 30, 200915 yr The stupest thing ive done? well thats easy, one of my early posts here. I still cant believe i did/said that. as far as cycles go, heres mine: I was 14 years old and at the time had a 75cc honda that outweighed my 70 pound butt by at least 2-3X. I was out riding trails near my home, and I decided to try out an unfamilliar one. taking it slow and easy, I noticed that the trail was gradually narrowing. eventually i was kind of pushing thru the brush. I could see a trail up ahead that i was convinced was just beyond the next bush that i was by now pushing my bike thru whilst standing beside it. that last bush i pushed thru on that non existant trail revealed a very steep and long sandy embankment. due to my running start to clear the bush, I found myself at the bottom of the sand hill surrounded for hundreds of yards by thick Manzanita brush with no clear way out but up. My father came up to help me, but to no avail. I was told that i should find my own way out of the mess. the next day I returned with a pack of water and a camp saw determined to make my own trail out. Thankfully, two big guys rode past me and stopped a few yards past me for a rest. I convinced them to come have a look and maybe help me. I suggested that they leave thier bikes where the trail started to narrow and when we finally got to the bottom of that sandy hill they just looked at my bike and me and grinned. one of them picked my bike up on his shoulder and they both carried it up the hill for me. I am still grateful to those fellas the lesson I learned: when the trail starts look like a mouse trail, its not gonna get wider anytime soon. its ended, turn around.
April 30, 200915 yr blackhat250 said: Well he"s my tuppence worth , Back in the sports-moped days [1975] Their was this big pile of upfill [ ballast] against a wall. Two mates on fs1e,"s were running up and riding half way up the heap, Me being on the superior machine[ Garelli Tiger x] Thot i"d show them how to do it proper So sets off full throtle, Up the pile right over the top of wall . Landing head first into someones garden . Hi, a Tiger X being better ? I beg to differ .... The Tiger & Rekord suffered from the flywheel/mag throwing itself down the road after the points were replaced as the factory ordered the wrong taper to either the mag or crankshaft, as I remember the bosch mags were at fault. The dam pedals used to get in the way ... with those well low slung footrests, for some odd reason, with l/h gear change being the norm Tiger/Rekord were reversed ... then add that to the quirky electrical problems they suffered from (poxy CEV switches) the FS1E or FS1EA (& DX variants) was a better bet but did not go as well ... In those days I got better feedback from the Fantic's ... the Chopper was awsome (why they added ornate gate sections to the h/bars and the seat I'll never now) it did 60 ish had the gear change in the right place and the pedals did not get in the way of the riding position and the mag didn't drop off at the drop of a hat ! My remaining Tigers/Rekords were registered in 1977 .. in order to comply with the law but the last was 'sold' in 1980 a good 2 years after the FS1's & Fantics Regards Jim
May 6, 200915 yr I think that everyone should know that car is driving ur ass, but motorcycle - ur soul. PS - It is prohibited drive faster, than your guardian angel can fly Just remember that...
May 6, 200915 yr 1984 on an old AP50 fitted with a 65 big bore kit and ported too. Thing was I didn't know it was running really rich, so when the fuel ran out, ie, onto reserve the engine would lean off and rev itself silly. Sat at a crossroads one day and it started to rev out, what did I do? Reached down for the ignition switch to knock it off in a fit of panic. Thing is, the ignition key on those is in the left hand side side panel........ So, taking my hand off the clutch, with the engine screaming, at a crosroads, in first.......... Wheelied, one handed across the road between two cars. Lucky to be alive methinks.
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