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hi. im hoping someone can help me with a little, well a hope little problem i have with my r1 on a 98 year. the rev counter when i start the bike works fine but after about 3 mins it starts doing what it wants, the rev counter flicks up to 4 to 8 rpm then just drops down to zero, it is very anoying but i supose i can deal with it if its going to cost me a fortune, but if there is a fix then i will give it a go, i have a haynes manual for it so will give it a go if any off you can help me.. like i said, the rev counter just seems to have a mind of its own to be honest, flicking up and down from 0 rpm to 8rpm then drops and flies back up again,, also my trip isnt working properly as when i fill the bike up i set the trip, and it works fine until i stop and turn the ignition of , then it re sets itself back to 0 which is again doing my nut it... anyway lads ,, i hope there is someone out there that can help me and believe ,, it will be much appreciated,,

kind regards... J.D.

First prob!!

8000 rpm is the Fault code for the Exup Valve............

Means ether your Exup valve is stuck and needs a clean and lube or the Exup servo motor is faulty.

Second prob !!

Check your battery, it may need charging or could be on it`s way out ? then again it could just be a bad connection.

hi. im hoping someone can help me with a little, well a hope little problem i have with my r1 on a 98 year. the rev counter when i start the bike works fine but after about 3 mins it starts doing what it wants, the rev counter flicks up to 4 to 8 rpm then just drops down to zero, it is very anoying but i supose i can deal with it if its going to cost me a fortune, but if there is a fix then i will give it a go, i have a haynes manual for it so will give it a go if any off you can help me.. like i said, the rev counter just seems to have a mind of its own to be honest, flicking up and down from 0 rpm to 8rpm then drops and flies back up again,, also my trip isnt working properly as when i fill the bike up i set the trip, and it works fine until i stop and turn the ignition of , then it re sets itself back to 0 which is again doing my nut it... anyway lads ,, i hope there is someone out there that can help me and believe ,, it will be much appreciated,,

kind regards... J.D.

my dads xjr has this prob only his rev counter stopped compleatly at times, his prob was from a bad connection between the gauges and the wiring behind the headlight you could be experiencing the same problems... and if it is that then you should be able to sort it out, but i would also recommend giving the thing a clean its worth a try before doing anything major.

hi. im hoping someone can help me with a little, well a hope little problem i have with my r1 on a 98 year. the rev counter when i start the bike works fine but after about 3 mins it starts doing what it wants, the rev counter flicks up to 4 to 8 rpm then just drops down to zero, it is very anoying but i supose i can deal with it if its going to cost me a fortune, but if there is a fix then i will give it a go, i have a haynes manual for it so will give it a go if any off you can help me.. like i said, the rev counter just seems to have a mind of its own to be honest, flicking up and down from 0 rpm to 8rpm then drops and flies back up again,, also my trip isnt working properly as when i fill the bike up i set the trip, and it works fine until i stop and turn the ignition of , then it re sets itself back to 0 which is again doing my nut it... anyway lads ,, i hope there is someone out there that can help me and believe ,, it will be much appreciated,,

kind regards... J.D.

Hi JD,

from other posts it would appear that you have an EXUP problem but as the bike is a 1998 it will be fitted with carbs (with TPS) so the fault code could also be the TPS playing up, the owners manual will give you the fault codes and the duration that the tacho stays at its position, but I would gues if 8k is an exup fault you have an exup fault.

Regards Jim

hi. im hoping someone can help me with a little, well a hope little problem i have with my r1 on a 98 year. the rev counter when i start the bike works fine but after about 3 mins it starts doing what it wants, the rev counter flicks up to 4 to 8 rpm then just drops down to zero, it is very anoying but i supose i can deal with it if its going to cost me a fortune, but if there is a fix then i will give it a go, i have a haynes manual for it so will give it a go if any off you can help me.. like i said, the rev counter just seems to have a mind of its own to be honest, flicking up and down from 0 rpm to 8rpm then drops and flies back up again,, also my trip isnt working properly as when i fill the bike up i set the trip, and it works fine until i stop and turn the ignition of , then it re sets itself back to 0 which is again doing my nut it... anyway lads ,, i hope there is someone out there that can help me and believe ,, it will be much appreciated,,

kind regards... J.D.

It's the TPS, i've had the same on my 2000, the part is expansive i think i paid about £70 from yamaha, and it's really, really hard to swap over, it's located on the right top side of the engine right in between the engine and the frame with no space to work at all, you will need a special tool or you will have to make one like I did, there are only two nuts you have to undo but the bottom one is a f.....ing pain, good luck.

It's the TPS, i've had the same on my 2000, the part is expansive i think i paid about £70 from yamaha, and it's really, really hard to swap over, it's located on the right top side of the engine right in between the engine and the frame with no space to work at all, you will need a special tool or you will have to make one like I did, there are only two nuts you have to undo but the bottom one is a f.....ing pain, good luck.

I guess you could hacksaw the frame out !!!! :duck:

Regards Jim

I guess you could hacksaw the frame out !!!! :duck:

Regards Jim

That did cross my mind for a minute, :banghead::D

That did cross my mind for a minute, :banghead::D

well u could do what most R1 owners do buy a new one and end up in an :ambulance: it may work out cheaper than putting a hacksaw to the frame :lol: but I guess not ... I'm now to old to run a sports bike, the old man divi thing is fast enuf but I did talk to a younger guy who had a Honda Ciddie Boy Racer (CBR) 1000 today who admited the bike was to quick and on top of that he couldn't handle the hydraulic clutch it was on or off (his idea of running up to 120 in second sounds a bit bizzare to me) but what ever each to there own !

Regards JIm

  • Author

cheers for the bits of advise lads, ive tried to get in to the exup valve but on taken the plastics of , the bottom fairing, ive had problems geting in to it as it all is rusty, and the alen keys which i need to take of are rusty which tells me that this is were the fault is, i got to the part were the 2 wires are on a kind of pully system but im thinking the part i need to get at is located behind this,, sort of in the middle of the exhaust, to clean away all the gunk gathered there..then to re grease with copper grease,,,when ive tried to get the 3 alen key bolts / screws of they are having none of it,i did get the pully system bolt of but couldnt get in to the part im thinking i need to get to... wey i sopose ill just have to do with a falty rev counter,, its not making the bike run bad or anything so ill just have to do with that,, ive had a go anyway and i appreciate all your advise lads,, ps .. to all u awlder lads,, super sports is the way forward,, wind it on , and HANG ON.. HAHAH!!! NOWT BEATS THAT ADRENALINE RUSH!!!!!!

anyway.. i think that i have tried everything correctley and thats all i soppose i can do... cheers tho fellas!!!!!

Hi JD,

it will be fitted with carbs (with TPS) so the fault code could also be the TPS playing up, the owners manual will give you the fault codes and the duration that the tacho stays at its position, but I would gues if 8k is an exup fault you have an exup fault.

Regards Jim

Fault code for the TPS would be the rev counter showing 3000 rpm for 3 secs,,,,,so if the rev counter is showing 8000 rpm it can`t be the TPS ..

cheers for the bits of advise lads, ive tried to get in to the exup valve but on taken the plastics of , the bottom fairing, ive had problems geting in to it as it all is rusty, and the alen keys which i need to take of are rusty which tells me that this is were the fault is, i got to the part were the 2 wires are on a kind of pully system but im thinking the part i need to get at is located behind this,, sort of in the middle of the exhaust, to clean away all the gunk gathered there..then to re grease with copper grease,,,when ive tried to get the 3 alen key bolts / screws of they are having none of it,i did get the pully system bolt of but couldnt get in to the part im thinking i need to get to... wey i sopose ill just have to do with a falty rev counter,, its not making the bike run bad or anything

Yep they do seem to get neglected,, out of sight out of mind !! that is till they go wrong !!

Sounds like You may have been lucky and the valve has seized "open " bout the only thing you can do is keep giving the bolts a squrit with penatrating oil and hope they free up.

You could also try disconnecting the cables at the exup valve, leave then in position but disconect from the pulley,this should stop the rev counter displaying the fault code.

  • Author

Yep they do seem to get neglected,, out of sight out of mind !! that is till they go wrong !!

Sounds like You may have been lucky and the valve has seized "open " bout the only thing you can do is keep giving the bolts a squrit with penatrating oil and hope they free up.

You could also try disconnecting the cables at the exup valve, leave then in position but disconect from the pulley,this should stop the rev counter displaying the fault code.

ive just been out on it yesterday and she is showing revs to 3rpm, then the revs in actualy what im doing then to 0rpm so im thinking it is the exup valve, how much is a new 1, and were ive been working on the bike, is this were it has to all come of, were the pully system is???, where do i disconect my freind from the pulleys,, were exacly is the bit i disconect...,, really appreceate ya help... cheers j.d.

ive just been out on it yesterday and she is showing revs to 3rpm, then the revs in actualy what im doing then to 0rpm j.d.

Fault code for the TPS would be the rev counter showing 3000 rpm for 3 secs=

TPS Thortle Position Sensor,,,,,,,, small black unit on the side of the carbs

Have a look in the Manual for information on how to set up the TPS ,,,,,,HERE

  • 5 months later...

hi. im hoping someone can help me with a little, well a hope little problem i have with my r1 on a 98 year. the rev counter when i start the bike works fine but after about 3 mins it starts doing what it wants, the rev counter flicks up to 4 to 8 rpm then just drops down to zero, it is very anoying but i supose i can deal with it if its going to cost me a fortune, but if there is a fix then i will give it a go, i have a haynes manual for it so will give it a go if any off you can help me.. like i said, the rev counter just seems to have a mind of its own to be honest, flicking up and down from 0 rpm to 8rpm then drops and flies back up again,, also my trip isnt working properly as when i fill the bike up i set the trip, and it works fine until i stop and turn the ignition of , then it re sets itself back to 0 which is again doing my nut it... anyway lads ,, i hope there is someone out there that can help me and believe ,, it will be much appreciated,,

kind regards... J.D.

Hi JD,

Not sure if you have fixed your problem yet but a 8000rpm fault display on the tach is for the Fuel Level Indicator Light not the EXUP. The fault display for the EXUP is 7000rpm. Check your connections to the fuel tank.


Hi JD,

Not sure if you have fixed your problem yet but a 8000rpm fault display on the tach is for the Fuel Level Indicator Light not the EXUP. The fault display for the EXUP is 7000rpm. Check your connections to the fuel tank.


didn't mean to do a reply ... but do agree with JABBOTT .. typically the fault is a wire coming loose on the sender inside the tank.

I had exup trouble on a 98 R1,the bike rode fine until i hit fairly high speed when the needle would stick at 7000,when speed was dropped the revcounter would be normal again,because of the position the valve is in its always rusty,.if you dont want to spend any money,just release the exup cables from the pulley or from the motor ,its under the carb bank,revcounter will behave normally again, but the valve will be stuck closed probably,with less power maybe fit a full system,.

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