May 21, 200915 yr Hi Dave I'm down the M3 at junction 4a, and more than happy to meet up somewhere... I'm a member of the Virago Star Owners Club, maybe you could cruise over to the next meeting... I joined centre 12, but I think 13 is close to where you are based, I don’t know anyone from that centre, but I'm sure they are a nice bunch, and maybe there will be other xvs 1300 owners there... will get you to the clubs main page then u can surf to each individual area. Our next meet is on the 10th June in Henry, but if you want meet sooner let me know and I'm sure we can work something out.... Re drilling, I have a hole saw, but I borrowed the extension chuck from the tool shop I got the saw from... I think it might be a bit cheeky to ask again without buying anything :-) Also I wouldn’t want to drill out yours "just in case"... but trust me its a simple procedure, you don’t even need to take the exhaust off.. let me know what you think Stu Hi Stu, Thanks again for the info. I checked the owner's club and you're right, I'm near to Centre 13 - it's only about 15 minutes away. I'll take a look at one of their meetings and see what goes on. As for the exhaust, the guys at Alchemy showed me a slip on system, but it was so loud I think my neighbours would shoot me! So I think I'll give the drilling a go instead. Would you mind meeting up so I can hear what your bike sounds like? I guess you're about 50 miles from me, so only about an hour away. Let me know if that's OK. Thanks, Dave.
May 26, 200915 yr Hi Stu, Thanks again for the info. I checked the owner's club and you're right, I'm near to Centre 13 - it's only about 15 minutes away. I'll take a look at one of their meetings and see what goes on. As for the exhaust, the guys at Alchemy showed me a slip on system, but it was so loud I think my neighbours would shoot me! So I think I'll give the drilling a go instead. Would you mind meeting up so I can hear what your bike sounds like? I guess you're about 50 miles from me, so only about an hour away. Let me know if that's OK. Thanks, Dave. Hi Dave, Sorry to take so long to get back to you.... I have been away for a few days. yep happy to meet up how about trying to find somewhere in the middle... how about Slough? I have never been to George White Motorcycles, or do you know somewhere better? All the best Stu
June 9, 200915 yr Hi there, I've been on the forum before, but I just recently purchased a 2008 XVS 1300A Midnight Star on Tuesday the 24/03/09, it's the most amount of money I have ever spent on anything but I'm loving every minute of being on the bike. LoL when I first went to pick up the bike I was crapping myself with the size of the bike and wondering how the hell I would be able to ride it, but I was so suprised at how easy it is to manouver and ride. I went from a XVS 125 to this, I know it's a big jump and probably not recommended but i thought If i get a 650 and then get bored with that a few months down the line then I'm just paying out more money. I will be using this to go touring and taking a pillion, when I get more used to the bike , so if there's any ride out's or planned trips I'd definately be interested. Here are some pics of the bike (they are thumbnail links, click on them for a bigger picture): Congratulations on letting go of $, hey we only live once; that's what I say! I've been riding since April 28th (got my MC license) purchased a used 2006 Honda 750 Shadow Aero (Tourer), May 11th, rode it for 3 weeks; sold it and bought a new 2008 XVS13CTX 1300 V-Star Tourer this past Friday; so I know what you mean by outgrowing. Actually the 1300 is a beauty to ride. I'm just breaking mine in for the next week or so. Get engine Guards for you're bike, all it would take is a slip on some gravel , I doubt you'd be able to hold up 714Lbs . I'm planning a trip late August/early sept up to the Queen Charlotte Islands by Ferry then over to Prince Rupert down to Vancouver across to Vancouver Island and back home. Lots of bikes on Vancouver Island, great riding; out to Tofino on the West Coast Campbell River to Gold River. Probably awesome riding where you are also? Safe Riding Rose
June 9, 200915 yr Hi there, I've been on the forum before, but I just recently purchased a 2008 XVS 1300A Midnight Star on Tuesday the 24/03/09, it's the most amount of money I have ever spent on anything but I'm loving every minute of being on the bike. LoL when I first went to pick up the bike I was crapping myself with the size of the bike and wondering how the hell I would be able to ride it, but I was so suprised at how easy it is to manouver and ride. I went from a XVS 125 to this, I know it's a big jump and probably not recommended but i thought If i get a 650 and then get bored with that a few months down the line then I'm just paying out more money. I will be using this to go touring and taking a pillion, when I get more used to the bike , so if there's any ride out's or planned trips I'd definately be interested. Here are some pics of the bike (they are thumbnail links, click on them for a bigger picture): Congratulations on letting go of $, hey we only live once; that's what I say! I've been riding since April 28th (got my MC license) purchased a used 2006 Honda 750 Shadow Aero (Tourer), May 11th, rode it for 3 weeks; sold it and bought a new 2008 XVS13CTX 1300 V-Star Tourer this past Friday; so I know what you mean by outgrowing. Actually the 1300 is a beauty to ride. I'm just breaking mine in for the next week or so. Get engine Guards for you're bike, all it would take is a slip on some gravel , I doubt you'd be able to hold up 714Lbs . I'm planning a trip late August/early sept up to the Queen Charlotte Islands by Ferry then over to Prince Rupert down to Vancouver across to Vancouver Island and back home. Lots of bikes on Vancouver Island, great riding; out to Tofino on the West Coast Campbell River to Gold River. Probably awesome riding where you are also? Safe Riding Rose
June 26, 200915 yr This seems to be the XVS 1300 admiration thread...! Did the deed today... 1 x XVS 1300, collecting next week Interested to see the pics of the hard panniers - looking at getting them so we can go touring a bit, and like idea that they come on and off easily, and that you can pack them like a case when you need to....just can't quite swallow the price tag of nearly 900 quid for the Yam ones. I agree re the 950 bars. I think its partly a height thing too - I'm 5'8 as well, and I find I'm sitting well forward on the seat on the 1300. If I sit back in the seat properly, its noticably more of a stretch. That couple of inches more pull back would be good to have. When I was in the dealer today feeding them the dosh, I had them messing around rotating the bars up a bit, and that seemed to help a bit. Then I had the mechanic ummming over the 950 bars about whether it would work or not - there's not a lot of slack in the cables with the bars right over. Anyway, going to reserve judgement until I've spent some time on it. ... and roll on Thursday ! Jim
July 6, 200915 yr This seems to be the XVS 1300 admiration thread...! Did the deed today... 1 x XVS 1300, collecting next week Interested to see the pics of the hard panniers - looking at getting them so we can go touring a bit, and like idea that they come on and off easily, and that you can pack them like a case when you need to....just can't quite swallow the price tag of nearly 900 quid for the Yam ones. I agree re the 950 bars. I think its partly a height thing too - I'm 5'8 as well, and I find I'm sitting well forward on the seat on the 1300. If I sit back in the seat properly, its noticably more of a stretch. That couple of inches more pull back would be good to have. When I was in the dealer today feeding them the dosh, I had them messing around rotating the bars up a bit, and that seemed to help a bit. Then I had the mechanic ummming over the 950 bars about whether it would work or not - there's not a lot of slack in the cables with the bars right over. Anyway, going to reserve judgement until I've spent some time on it. ... and roll on Thursday ! Jim Hi Jim, Did u get your bike? If so what do you think of her? We just back from a week in Scotland, great roads, great scenery, great bike! We did 1750 miles in seven days, I have the standard bars, I'm 5'11 ish and find the riding position fine (mind you my back was a bit sore by the last day :-) ) Have you started customising yet? All the best Stu
July 6, 200915 yr with the mod it will pull much better from low speed in high gears OK, I'll admit I'm no mechanic, but..... ... If you want more pull from a low speed, do you not simply drop down a gear or two? That's what I was always taught in my training...... Low speed to me is anything below 25mph and if you don't have enough pull, then you're in the wrong gear. My 650 can chug along in 2nd anywhere down to 10mph before I have to drop and alter the gear ratio. Are 1300s not the same, then? I have noticed that it jumps a bit in 1st gear when riding slow sometimes I have to hold the clutch in to do slow riding. Again, have I missed something? Way back on CBT, I was taught to 'slip' or 'feather' the clutch during low speed manoeuvres. I thought this was standard procedure for any geared bike, although with V-Twins it's not always neccesary because they chug..... What am I missing?
July 7, 200915 yr OK, I'll admit I'm no mechanic, but..... ... If you want more pull from a low speed, do you not simply drop down a gear or two? That's what I was always taught in my training...... Low speed to me is anything below 25mph and if you don't have enough pull, then you're in the wrong gear. My 650 can chug along in 2nd anywhere down to 10mph before I have to drop and alter the gear ratio. Are 1300s not the same, then? Again, have I missed something? Way back on CBT, I was taught to 'slip' or 'feather' the clutch during low speed manoeuvres. I thought this was standard procedure for any geared bike, although with V-Twins it's not always neccesary because they chug..... What am I missing? I think what you are missing is fuel injection :-) the standard fuelling on the 1300 is a bit harsh at low speed compared to carbs... this makes the ride a bit jerky at low throttle openings. by adding Jacks 02 mod it sort of tames the fuelling a bit... I don’t know how but it does! Also on the 1300 top is very much an overdrive unlike the 1100 where you feel u need another gear... 9whats the 650 like?) so without the mod you only really use top above about 60, if you add the mod you can get away down to about 50ish... it sort of gives you a bit more V Twin chug. I was speaking to the guys from Alchemy at the weekend at Britona they are buying a job lot to resell in the UK CBT what’s that... something you youngsters do? a bit like rap music or something??
July 7, 200915 yr First off - CBT is Compulsory Basic Training. Since 1990, anyone wanting a motorcycle licence in the UK has to do CBT and then take a test, usually with a few days training in between. CBT is not a test per se, but a course wherein they teach all the basics, like clutch control at low speeds. You old farts probably never had to do it Quick ride around the block with the examiner watching and if you don't fall off, you pass... right? Generally almost every V-Twin bike I've ridden will get jerky and juddery if you open the throttle too much. It's because you're flooding the engine with too much fuel. It has to be a smooth progression. 5th gear on my 125 was an overdrive, but on the 650 it's what takes me from 65mph to (ahem)mph where I usually cruise on motorways.
July 10, 200915 yr Hi Jim, Did u get your bike? If so what do you think of her? We just back from a week in Scotland, great roads, great scenery, great bike! We did 1750 miles in seven days, I have the standard bars, I'm 5'11 ish and find the riding position fine (mind you my back was a bit sore by the last day :-) ) Have you started customising yet? All the best Stu Hi Stu, Yep, picked up last Thursday Been a bit busy with silly grin all over face! Done about 200m so far, but I work away during the week so I'm in withdrawal at the moment. Home now, so might sneak out tomorrow instead of working... Bike is great, really really nice, but taking it kinda easy for now as I haven't ridden for best part of 30 years, and the weight is taking a bit of getting used to again...low speed handling and all that...but its coming back ! I think its mostly the fierceness of the thottle in 1st and 2nd that's taking getting used to, and reading comments around, that seems to be common theme, so the O2 Mod is high on the list. I'd also picked up that Alchemy Bikes are stocking. Also got the RSTD bars on order...being a shorter a**e at 5'8 its a bit of stretch. Bar ends don't seem to be available in the UK unless you order in from the US, so may look at Kury ISO grips as an alternative. 3/4 of a back rest is sitting in my study awaiting the 4th part....other half is insisting on having it...thinks she's going to slip off backwards... Sounds like a great trip North...I'm an expat Scot...whereabouts did you get to? Way back on CBT, I was taught to 'slip' or 'feather' the clutch during low speed manoeuvres. Friend of a friend of friend of mine who runs bike training courses teaches using the rear brake against power to control speed in low speed maneuvering. Keep the throttle / clutch constant ... Jim
July 10, 200915 yr You old farts probably never had to do it Quick ride around the block with the examiner watching and if you don't fall off, you pass... right? Yep...that's about it 3 circuits anticlockwise, then 3 clockwise. Except on my 3rd clockwise sign of examiner. Did 4th...still no sign. On circuit number 7, I spot him wandering out of a newsagent waving goodbye to whoever he had been chatting to. Then it got tough, of course....had to show him an emergency stop, so he said he would step out and signal me when...except he did it so far in advance I stopped about 150 feet before he had to get me to do another which time I knew where he was, of course....and I was only doing about 20 ....that was really hard... Yep it was really had to screw up big style to fail. But if you DID fail.. this was not good. I didn't but I knew someone who did...never lived it down
July 10, 200915 yr Friend of a friend of friend of mine who runs bike training courses teaches using the rear brake against power to control speed in low speed maneuvering. Keep the throttle / clutch constant ... Yep, that's another thing on the syllabus. However, dragging the rear just controls speed - Feathering the clutch (ie running with the clutch half engaged) is specifically to control the amout of revs delivered to the drive chain. The idea is that no matter how many revs you put through the bike, the delivery remains constant. Thus, feathering should eliminiate the jerkiness at low speed, regardless of what your bike's fuelling is like. Or, as my instructor said; "Feathering properly, you should be able to rev it's f**king nuts off and it'll still move at a smooth, constant, controlled low speed". It was great hearing that from a copper
August 14, 200915 yr I've also bought an XVS 1300A Midnight Star last Saturday - it's amazing... also went from an XVS 125 Dragstar to this. Was looking at the XVS 950, but the other half didn't like the pillon seat on the 950 (claims it's too high) Can't say I'm complaining though... at mo it's restricted to 33bhp due to my license but dealer fitted restrictor kit for free + will remove it next summer for free too... unfortunately restricting it put an extra £300 on insurance (though don't know why?) Only done 104miles on it, but planning on going out on it tomorrow weather permitting Will post some pics soon With regards to slow speed, I was taught to 'feather' clutch at low speeds on my CBT and by the instructor for test. Living in Leeds have used this at low speeds/stop-start traffic on my XVS125, riding my 1300 have done the same & haven't had any problems. Was also taught to use rear brake at low speed turns in conjunction with slipping the clutch for better control/avoid bouncing...
August 17, 200915 yr Hi Stu, Yep, picked up last Thursday Been a bit busy with silly grin all over face! Done about 200m so far, but I work away during the week so I'm in withdrawal at the moment. Home now, so might sneak out tomorrow instead of working... Bike is great, really really nice, but taking it kinda easy for now as I haven't ridden for best part of 30 years, and the weight is taking a bit of getting used to again...low speed handling and all that...but its coming back ! I think its mostly the fierceness of the thottle in 1st and 2nd that's taking getting used to, and reading comments around, that seems to be common theme, so the O2 Mod is high on the list. I'd also picked up that Alchemy Bikes are stocking. Also got the RSTD bars on order...being a shorter a**e at 5'8 its a bit of stretch. Bar ends don't seem to be available in the UK unless you order in from the US, so may look at Kury ISO grips as an alternative. 3/4 of a back rest is sitting in my study awaiting the 4th part....other half is insisting on having it...thinks she's going to slip off backwards... Sounds like a great trip North...I'm an expat Scot...whereabouts did you get to? Friend of a friend of friend of mine who runs bike training courses teaches using the rear brake against power to control speed in low speed maneuvering. Keep the throttle / clutch constant ... Jim Hi Jim, Glad to hear you are now part of the 1300a clan! Yep get the 02 mod, you won’t regret it, as you say Alchemy are now stocking them... Re RSTD bars, I met up recently with Rinfield ( Dave ) from the forum, and he has them on his bike... they look good, mind you he tried mine and seemed to think maybe mine where a bit different from his... maybe mine have just been twisted to a different angle.... Dave’s was a US import, and we did a bit of an investigation as to the differences... mine has an Immobiliser, his has an alarm... the US has more reflectors on the sides of the forks and on the rear number plate... Mine has a four way flasher and a high beam flash.. its hard to say, but I think the US exhaust might be a bit bigger than my UK one, I have swapped mine for a Road House slip on, so we couldn’t be sure. I have removed my backrest, and rear seat... SWMBO has her own bike, but I can appreciate yours wanting the back rest. Scotland was great thanks... went up as far as Inverness on the East coast then across the Great Glenn to Sky! Probably best roads / scenery I have ever seen! Better get back to work :-( Stu
August 23, 200915 yr Hi Jim, Glad to hear you are now part of the 1300a clan! Yep get the 02 mod, you won’t regret it, as you say Alchemy are now stocking them... Re RSTD bars, I met up recently with Rinfield ( Dave ) from the forum, and he has them on his bike... they look good, mind you he tried mine and seemed to think maybe mine where a bit different from his... maybe mine have just been twisted to a different angle.... Dave’s was a US import, and we did a bit of an investigation as to the differences... mine has an Immobiliser, his has an alarm... the US has more reflectors on the sides of the forks and on the rear number plate... Mine has a four way flasher and a high beam flash.. its hard to say, but I think the US exhaust might be a bit bigger than my UK one, I have swapped mine for a Road House slip on, so we couldn’t be sure. I have removed my backrest, and rear seat... SWMBO has her own bike, but I can appreciate yours wanting the back rest. Scotland was great thanks... went up as far as Inverness on the East coast then across the Great Glenn to Sky! Probably best roads / scenery I have ever seen! Better get back to work :-( Stu Think we might plan a trip around Scotland next the west coast and the islands, Mull, Skye.. Done the RSTD bars, O2 mod, Roadhouse slip on, sorted the licence plate, picked up some removable Held saddlebags, added rear pax floorboards, eventually got the back rest bits so that's that's she's been on it, she can't get enough of it. Not sure this is such a good thing
August 24, 200915 yr Think we might plan a trip around Scotland next the west coast and the islands, Mull, Skye.. Done the RSTD bars, O2 mod, Roadhouse slip on, sorted the licence plate, picked up some removable Held saddlebags, added rear pax floorboards, eventually got the back rest bits so that's that's she's been on it, she can't get enough of it. Not sure this is such a good thing Scotland will be great in the Spring.... I wish we lived a bit nearer, its a long way from darn sarf. SHMBO fancies Spain for us, we are looking a ferrys as we speak What did you do to the number plate?
September 6, 200915 yr I'd be interested in knowing more about the RSTD bars... The only flaw with the XVS1300A is that I get back pain (5'11") within 40 mins on the bike. Do they make a difference to rider comfort? Also, looked on SS customs website (can you get them in the UK? - if not how much is cost all in from US?) and it says that you need to re-route the wiring/brake line is this the case/easy to do? Any advice would be appreciated before I commit to spend ££s. Thanks
September 8, 200915 yr I'd be interested in knowing more about the RSTD bars... The only flaw with the XVS1300A is that I get back pain (5'11") within 40 mins on the bike. Do they make a difference to rider comfort? Also, looked on SS customs website (can you get them in the UK? - if not how much is cost all in from US?) and it says that you need to re-route the wiring/brake line is this the case/easy to do? Any advice would be appreciated before I commit to spend ££s. Thanks Hi Ya, Ive heard loads of people cmplaoning about the bars, but I'm same hight as you and find them fine... maybe I have arms like a monkey? When you ride how straight are your arms... I was out with Dave from the forum a while ago, who has the RSTD bars.. and he said his are where straight out.. mine are bent and nicly relaxed, we where wondering if my bars where maybe twisted back a bit... it might be worth a try, u have to get the crome cover off to get at the clamp. All the best Stu
September 15, 200915 yr HI ALL I know the feling, I picked up my XS1300a a few weeks ago and have manged to get in 300 dry miles so far, the recent good weather has been a godsend. I would say the only bit of the bike I am not happy with is the number plate, as its a bit big and takes away from the beautiful lines of the bike. I have some pics and will add them soon. I have to admit i still find myself smiling sat at work knowing that she is there in the garage awaiting our next outing. Cheers MACCA
September 16, 200915 yr Hi Macca, glad you're enjoying the bike. Know what you mean about sitting at work thinking about the next ride! Also know what you mean about the number plate - I'm thinking of moving mine to the side... just a shame that motorbike plates have to be yellow + black, rather than the old style black & white. Just added a chrome radiator cover and some passanger footboards (from custom wizards) - looks good. Stu, thanks for your thoughts on the handlebars. My arms seem quite straight on the bike, perhaps I'll see about adjusting the bars but won't that make them raised or lowered? I went for a ride the other day & it didn't seem quite as bad, maybe I'm getting used to it or the seat is softening up or who knows??? I'll see how it goes. Do you know if the RSTD bars come further back than the stock ones? If all else fails I'll have to get on a rack...!! Off out this weekend to put some more miles on the clock - can't wait
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