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In response to the interesting article at "Nodding Bikers", i thought it would be good to initiate a kind of user guide to 'nodding ettiquette'. I was familiar with the nod and actively promote it; however i was unaware of the open/close hand gesture alerting me to Police! So, if you know of any agreed gestures - let's have them detailed here?

I know one !,






thats the 'hokey cokey'





Hello/Ayeup/Mornin' - short, swift nod, not always administered to learners and/or scooter riders.

Police Nearby - Opening/Closing hand on top of helmet, symoblising a revolving light

Your ride is laughable! - Head tilted backwards and pointed at the offending rider.

switch it off foamy,

am gettin the spins an,,

I'm feeling sick,

amgobbysick :mellow:

  • Author

Your ride is laughable! - Head tilted backwards and pointed at the offending rider.

I am liking this one!...just have to make sure i'm not doing 140mph when i lift my head or i will look like the knobber!

Note these are usually given to bikes going the opposite way to you, therefore on the right side of the road. This stuff works the same for countries who drive on the right as well.

Thumbs down, usually with the right hand = Trouble on the road ahead of you. Usually Police, but can be any kind of hazard.

Point quickly at rider (optional) then flap extended arm up and down = SLOW DOWN, MATE!! Usually it's a horse on the road, but can again mean any kind of hazard.

Point diagonally up, as if pointing at a speed camera on their side = Speed Camera Ahead!

Open and close hand with arm extended = You left yer indicators on, mate!

How on earth can you make any sort of communication at speed and expect the on-coming biker to receive or respond?

C'mon now, a nod's as much as you can see. Much else you'll be in the ditch or up the back of the car infront!


  • Author

How on earth can you make any sort of communication at speed and expect the on-coming biker to receive or respond?

I think a nod or any other communication whilst travelling around town sends a really positive message to motorists - but i accept your comment about when doing it at speed. I think is shows a real bond and understanding...after all, it is years of riding that makes us the better road user!...so why not let them know!?!?!

All i do is Nod if im just saying hi at speed and flash my lights fast if there is a copper about or speed camara

How on earth can you make any sort of communication at speed and expect the on-coming biker to receive or respond?

Pretty easily when the limit here is generally 60mph.....

Right on, Little Dave.

We use a fair amount of those when formation riding, though half of it is common sense too.

  • Moderator

for volvo drivers, hold an invisible glass and shake it vigorously in their direction!!! :D

Formation Ped Riding:

Point ahead, then shrug - "f*ck it, lets see where this road goes!".

Feet up on mudguard, left hand resting in lap - "Get a move on, im getting bored"

Feet on back pegs, body moved up to pillion seat - "Lets get some air time over them speed bumps!"

Shrug and shake head - "i dont know where the f*ck we are.../ You dont know where the f*ck we are, do you?"

Fist clenched, shaking vigorously - "i'll get you for what you just did to my precious ped..."

Head nodding - "Oh yeh, ped riedouts are FTW!"

Head nodding towards sidewalk - "Hey, check out the street meat..."

Left arm bent behind, pointing to the back of the bike - "Get behind me (often whilst navigating single lane traffic/obstructions)"

of course, most of these are unique to peds and/or the Newbury Ped Crew :lol:

Formation Ped Riding:

Point ahead, then shrug - "f*ck it, lets see where this road goes!".

Feet up on mudguard, left hand resting in lap - "Get a move on, im getting bored"

Feet on back pegs, body moved up to pillion seat - "Lets get some air time over them speed bumps!"

Shrug and shake head - "i dont know where the f*ck we are.../ You dont know where the f*ck we are, do you?"

Fist clenched, shaking vigorously - "i'll get you for what you just did to my precious ped..."

Head nodding - "Oh yeh, ped riedouts are FTW!"

Head nodding towards sidewalk - "Hey, check out the street meat..."

Left arm bent behind, pointing to the back of the bike - "Get behind me (often whilst navigating single lane traffic/obstructions)"

of course, most of these are unique to peds and/or the Newbury Ped Crew :lol:

i got wiplash this week from nodding my head this week,is it the side nod,or the full nod?

Could be both, some riders give a full forward nod, some just flick their head to the side, some flick their had backwards, some just flash their lights.

or if you're anything like my crew, you stand up and give a full wave, like what the queen does

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