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First of all let me apologise for finding some of the afore mentioned injurys amusing(How on earth do you severe an eyelid) anyway pretty much the worst thing that happened to me was a failed attemt at a backflip on a trampoline ,didnt get all the way over ,landed on my neck and heard a big crunch,first thing I thought was thats it im paralysed ,no all I had done was torn my pectoral muscle away from the chest wall ,very sore but not life threatening .

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First of all let me apologise for finding some of the afore mentioned injurys amusing(How on earth do you severe an eyelid) anyway pretty much the worst thing that happened to me was a failed attemt at a backflip on a trampoline ,didnt get all the way over ,landed on my neck and heard a big crunch,first thing I thought was thats it im paralysed ,no all I had done was torn my pectoral muscle away from the chest wall ,very sore but not life threatening .

To severe an eye lid you need the following;

Several go-Karts

A 'Murder ball' - a pair of mechanics gloves wrapped in duct tape

Several stupid Karters

We used to play murder ball on the Karts we used to race. On a closed circuit we would run in both directions and had a soft sponge 'murder ball' if you got hit with the soft sponge ball you were on and had to drive carrying the ball and throw it at the other drivers thus they were on. One day we could not find the soft sponge ball so somebody made one out of gloves wrapped in duct tape, more like a cricket ball than the soft ball we normally used. I had my visor open and I got the murder ball to the face, I was going about 30 one way and the guy coming the other was doing about the same. The ball went through my open visor and took the lense out of my glasses, this was pushed into the top of my eye and cut through my lid.

I took my helmet off and thought, my eye is watering a lot then looked at my glove that had gone red. Oops - time to visit A&E

what's the worst injury you've ever had? never really had a biggie(touch wood). getting staples all across the bottom of my chin was pretty sore, that happened whilst riding my bmx at 15 with a bottle of cider in me :lol: the blood stain could still be seen on the pavement months later. getting my nose broke was pretty sore :roll: never broke legs or arms though. broke a few bones in my hand mountainbiking. oh yeah and chipped a bit of bone off me thumb with a hammer when building a fence last year :roll: what about you lot? anything serious or just the normal stuff?

Usually just hurt my pride when i come off downhill, or used to ride bmx's. If you fall off doing a step set in the middle of the town centre is quite embaressing. Only bone ive ever broke is my pinky finger, when i decked it, whilst riding a micro scooter thru a petrol station. (touch wood)

Just getting some bikes ready for some offroading at Goldin Barns, so hopefully ill aquire some battle wounds there! :D

oh yeh, chicks digg scars ;)

when i turn up in my leathers and ripped jeans they all drop at my feet :lol:, im so 'ard...

well ive broke nearly every bone in my body accept my back, all of this was on a push bike LOL and then im stupid enough to go buy a morobike. my worst injury was when i tore all the ligiments in both my knees and i still waiting for operations on them

the funniest injury i had was when i broke both my arms at the same time and they were both in cast past my elbow haha couldnt wipe my ass was funny as faaack.

i used to ride Downhill mountainbiking and bmx thats how i dont all my injurys haha

couldnt wipe my ass was funny as faaack.

ooh, look at you Mr. "i wipe my ass", you think you're better than us eh? :angry:

i sneezed with my visor closed at a set of traffic lights once... light turned green and my mates on peds rode off laughing... :(, not physically injured but my pride was severly damaged

Snaped my toe on the edge of a wall when playing football

crushed and riped the nail out of my finger when i was skating

high sided my self in the juniour DH(mountain biking) semmi finals cople of years ago

Broke my noes fighting at school (proper fight)

Smashed me right Bollock off my handel bars (moutaing bike racing) and then it sweled up to the size of about 2 tennis balls so had the week off school woo :P

took all the skin off my knee when drifting in the rain on my bmx

and given my self about 5 concusions when i was in year 1-4 :P

im not clumsy just dont give a toss about my self most of the time im the sort of person that if they dont think they can do it will do it any way lol

but im safe of the roads :)

My worst injury was really to my pride, not my body. I was an instructor at a beginner's rider course held at a local high school parking lot. We were teaching the course over a few Saturdays, and the students were gone for lunch. Another instructor and I decided to "race" the students' bikes (owned by me) around the parking lot. They were Kawasaki 100cc dual-sport models. We were going around, faster and faster, when I discovered that I was headed for a large curb, about 6inches high, and the top edges were not rounded off, and I was going TOO FAST to turn or stop. Oops ! I slowed as best I could, and hit the curb doing about 45 mph. I flew up in the air, came3 down on the front tire, and did 1-1/2 somersalts (always TRY to do WHOLE numbers of somersalts) and crashed to the pavement headfirst. The first thing I thought of was "where is the damn bike ?". Then, as I was sliding across the pavement, it landed on me. I got up and surveyed the damage. One of my sleeves was worn through, with resulting road rash, but otherwise I was only tender where the bike had landed. My helmet had a huge gash from the footpeg scraping it, and the bike had broken mirrors. And the tank had dents where I had squeezed it between my knees ! (I could tell from the bruises between my legs.) I took it easy the rest of the day, and maintained a strictly professional attitude from then on. ;-)

P.S.- the other instructor said it was the funniest thing he ever saw.

Once again I must apologise for laughing at this thread its some of the funniest shit I have read for a long time ,dunno bout anyone else but I have mental pictures of people doin this stuff and gawd it makes me larf. :lol:

my worst injury was when I had an Aprillia RS125 years ago. Was indicating to turn into a side road, before I knew it I had flown over the top of a brand new corsa.

The guy driving thought he'd be able to over take me before I turned, suffice to say he had no insurance or license!

I broke my ribs and my wrist plus cuts and bruises, I was quite lucky really as the bike got crushed under the car!

Put me off riding for a few years as I'd only had the 125 a couple of months. 7 or so years later I decided to get back on and bought my next bike, an 08 R6 about a year or so ago.

I have a good woman, who loves, cherishes and obey's...

Sorry, I was dreaming then.

I got a fly straight in the eye the other day, stung like hell. That's as bad as it gets!

My wonderfull wife (there's two words that don't often go together) rolled a jeep down the side of Mt Kilimanjaro 3 years ago, laid on the roadside for 10 hours while they found a suitable pickup to get her to hospital. then got medivac'd out of the country so she would stand a chance of surviving! Lucky for here they took her to J'Bourg and not the UK....

Snapped her upper arm (can't remember the name for the bone), degloved the bone and left her without a bicsep muscle.

97 staples,

2 skin grafts,

1 external fixator, replaced with 1 internal nail, replaced with two plates (a year later) and 6 screws (I think)

2 years of Physiotherapy

12 hours of head therapy, just to get her back in a car !

5 Opperations in all

and today she is teaching kids how to 'Go Ape' (and she's petrified of heights).

She's the braves person I've ever met!

I want her to have all my accidents.

try getting a bumblebee out of your helmet at 40mph on a dual carriageway...

bloke in the pickup behind me must have thought i was drunk or something... :unsure:

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