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Hi everyone.

ive noticed that when passing other bikers they will nod or tilt their head to the side, kind of like the frenchies' "waving of the leg" greeting. just a casual observation... thought i would point it out, is this a nationally recognised greeting or just unique to a select few bikers?

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Hi everyone.

ive noticed that when passing other bikers they will nod or tilt their head to the side, kind of like the frenchies' "waving of the leg" greeting. just a casual observation... thought i would point it out, is this a nationally recognised greeting or just unique to a select few bikers?

I always "nod" and curse if I don't get a response :lol:

also I got the "open and closed hand" on top of the helmet to show police ahead

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glad to see im not the only one that nods, lol

wasn't aware of the open and closed hand on top of the helmet, will have to remember that one... :lol:

I've noticed this since I started riding too, was a bit unsure what the bloke was getting at when it first happened but I got the idea eventually! I always give a nod now, and like the fact that my L plates don't stop people nodding back (something I've heard other people complain about). On some of the winter days you get the impression the nod is more of a 'yeah you're as daft as me for being out in this weather' acknowledgement. :D

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On some of the winter days you get the impression the nod is more of a 'yeah you're as daft as me for being out in this weather' acknowledgement. :D

yeh, my nod is uaually more of a "hey, sweet bike, too bad im on a 50 :(" and the response is most likely something like "LOL, your bike is fail, but good on ya for being a proper biker and not careing"

I will acknowledge any rider with a nod or a wave! You'll find Police riders are always polite and give a nod.

Been on a bike for over 20 years as pillion and my own, the hubby and i have always nodded or put a hand up to other bikers he wont do L plates but i always do (not scooters though)

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Why not nod to L-plates? :unsure: i feel all unloved now... gonna run to Goff for a cuddle...

there was that hairy bloke on the cruiser in Andover though, waved at him at the traffic lights and the cheeky git gave me the finger and rode off :(

I like to give a nod or a thumbs up. I thought an R6 rider was going to have an accident as he went past me giving a nod the other day on the M2. As he went by he nodded then did a double take of the bike so fast he started a mini tank slapper :o . Don't know if he was thinking, "bloody hell, don't see many of those on the road any more" or "bloody hell, thats an old piece of shit!!" :lol: .

You'll find Police riders are always polite and give a nod.

Well, not ALWAYS... just when they're in a good mood.

(If they point it means you're doing something wrong)

Well, not ALWAYS... just when they're in a good mood.

(If they point it means you're doing something wrong)

In east Yorkshire the nod means road is clear of unwanted hazards(speed cameras)or police.

If its not clear give the thumbs down, motorcycle news had some thumbs down to speed cameras stickers

I've noticed this since I started riding too, was a bit unsure what the bloke was getting at when it first happened but I got the idea eventually! I always give a nod now, and like the fact that my L plates don't stop people nodding back (something I've heard other people complain about). On some of the winter days you get the impression the nod is more of a 'yeah you're as daft as me for being out in this weather' acknowledgement. :D

You will notice that this will tail off a bit when the warm weather comes along. For some reason the 'Sunny Sunday' gang don't bother with a wave - but through the winter months it's rare not to get some form of wafe/footout/flash etc

I will acknowledge any rider with a nod or a wave! You'll find Police riders are always polite and give a nod.

I do find this up here in the north, but then we're know for our friendly outlook....... we'll talk to anyone (mostly because you never know when you'll see the next person!)

Been on a bike for over 20 years as pillion and my own, the hubby and i have always nodded or put a hand up to other bikers he wont do L plates but i always do (not scooters though)

Me too. Some Scooter riders give a wave, but these are normally the type where you have to pass a test to ride. As for 16yr old Oiks on them pesky bloody things, more annoying that a wasp in your lid (same sound too), Oh don't get me started. Steve - you're OK, you have a bike that require some skill to ride (Clutch & Throttle Control ??) - don't mind them in the slightest.

I've been riding 16 years and I always nod any biker (even L's) as long as they're not on a scooter (bloody things).

I'm sure that when I started riding everyone nodded to each other, it seems to be less people doing it now though. I still nod though and try to force one from them :D

I think its common courtesy and mutual respect and everyone should do it :lol:... thats just my opinion...

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ahhh the old nodding/waving debate comes round again

I nod when i see anotehr biker, csome nod back, some dont - if they dont, well its not the end of the world.

Scooter riders get a nod too - but the 16 year old oiks that gas up mentioned i dont usually bother

Incidentally - i love scooter riders - the proper scoots mind - my local scooter club has gone out of their way to help me get my summer rally together this year and they arer ALL invited.

I even go for a beer on a sunday with them at their local - have a great time i do and the DJ even plays us some rock music amongst the northern soul :D

We are now officially the "resident bikers" lol

I'll always give a nod but usually not to a scooter rider, the above the helmet open and closed hand for 'police close' is something i always do and even find myself doing it when in the car! i have had car drivers flash to let me know there's police ahead, there is some that are aware of bikes

I think its common courtesy and mutual respect and everyone should do it :lol:... thats just my opinion...

Been riding for just over 30 years and always nod, as you say it is common courtesy. In the 70's the AA patrol bikes always nodded and would wave you down if there were police in the area. As is mentioned previously, when the dry weather riders are out, there tends to be fewer of them who nod or wave.

BTW I only wave below 40mph, above that I nod. Like to keep both hands on the bar you see. :D

I think the nod is great! It was the nicest feeling getting my first nod and really symbolises the commuunity spirit bikers have which most car drivers clearly don't!

it will be interesing seeing how many nods I get without my L-plates on, as I was never sure if I was missing out on nods because of them or because of my hi-viz waistcoat :huh:

I do think that the bikers you see around the gathering places are the most likely to nod back, presumably because they're the ones who gather!

yeh I'm the same i.e if they don't nod back its the usual "miserable so+so" etc. But mostly I get nods from all bikes including the police too. I've been flashed a few times down the A41 to warn me of speed traps/hidden camera etc when i've been tanking it a bit which I thought was very nice of them to do so :) but I've found that the ones who don't nod back etc are the super sports bikers. For what reason I don't know, I've come across some of them are just totally arrogant down some cafe's and parking bays in town. The tourer riders I seem to get along with mostly and the odd low rider style bikers are cool too. Scooters get no repsonse from me what-so-ever unless its the Lammy's or Vespa's etc. Reason for that is its cos the numpty's on the scooters who zip in and out of traffic, riding up pathways, alley's etc have no road sense what-so-ever and they give us sensible bike riders a bad name! i.e we all get tarred with the same brush. I know we all have to start somewhere but I've no time for those idiots on hair-dryers!

But I'll always acknowledge with a nod (and a smile when I've got the front facia up) :)

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