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50 MPH limit to start next year !!

steve m
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You still think this is a great country ????????


It used to be, once upon a time....

But when you compare that to the fact we are killing 3,000 people a year on our roads, it would be irresponsible not to do something about it

So do something about it then - try looking at the real facts not the coincidental one. Speed has never killed anyone on the roads. Stopping quickly does, bad driving does

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we are killing 3,000 people a year on our roads

reducing the speed limit could save 200-250 lives a year

So take the limit down and possibly save a mere 8%.

They say it 'could' save this value, not that it will.

I think people are just being popped at, though it's good to see all motorists being hit for once, rather than just bikers.

We have a car now that can read road signs - WTF FOR????!!!!

Are people no longer expected to possess this particular skill?

Compare how we learn to drive to how they do it in Finland.

Speed reductions will not help.

Improved learning will.

There's some other reason afoot here.

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There's some other reason afoot here.

Yes,, speed camaras, the average speed type, a liecence to print money, now how much did we give to the banks ?????

It also makes it esier for them to do the speed mapping, for automatic speed control of vehicles !!

Ok add this lot,,,,,,,,,

More mandatory safety systems proposed by Brussels.............

The proposels refer to a "Daughter Directive" to vehicle type approval 2007/46/EC making safety systems mandatory on new cars,vans,trucks and buses,,,,,,,

With out going into it in full they are,,

Advanced emergency braking systems, (AEBS) if the car thinks you are going to hit something it takes over control and puts the brakes on for you.

Lane departure warning systems (LDWS) if you stray from your lane it gives a warning. (well thats the start)

These are to be inplemented by 29th Oct 2013 for new type approvels and 2 years later for all vehicles

Electronic stability control, (ESC) to brake wheels individually and control veering.

Mandatory for all new vehicles from 29 Oct 2012

I wonder how many motorists know of this or even care !

You may say "what does this mean for bikes ?" I think the answer will be "what bikes !!" motor cycles are not on any transport plan !! (except to ban them !! )

This is not scare mongering by MCN,, but taken from the Transport Engineer.

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If it did ever come to banning bikes i for one will be the first to leave this very sad country.

And as for lowering the speed limit why not higher the age of drivers sitting their test ie 21 make them use p plates for 12 months. I watched Top Gear once and they visited a country where the driving laws were so strict it was unbelievible they actually took the kids on a race track to learn loads of handling and things cant remember where it was but think it was somewhere like Sweden ??

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they can take it down

still wont stop me speeding rofl

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I watched Top Gear once and they visited a country where the driving laws were so strict it was unbelievible they actually took the kids on a race track to learn loads of handling and things cant remember where it was but think it was somewhere like Sweden ??

Compare how we learn to drive to how they do it in Finland.

To that I did allude ;)

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We have a car now that can read road signs - WTF FOR????!!!!

Are people no longer expected to possess this particular skill?


Like breaking,

like balance

like staying in lane

My last bike had linked brakes, I though they were brilliant, you just hit the brakes and it stopped (also had ABS too) no need to think. The first day back on a real bike and I locked up the rear wheel and nearly lost it. There is a moral to this, the less you make people think, the more they think they can do (like lipstick at 70mph in the third lane) and the more they forget. Kinda like "oh I want to stop, I press this button and I stop".

there is a saying in the IT world, "I had a terrible day, the computers went down and we all had to think" - I would say this sums it up perfectly.

I would like to see the statistics they are using compared with similar roads in France, Spain or Germany where the driving is a much higher standard......

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There is a moral to this, the less you make people think, the more they think they can do (like lipstick at 70mph in the third lane) and the more they forget. Kinda like "oh I want to stop, I press this button and I stop".

From 2013 ish they wont even have to press a button !! the car will do it for them,

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I personally would not want to entrust my life, and that of my family, to a fucking computer!

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the revenue from the fines is yet another stealth tax, only this time with points on!!!!

if they spent the money on fixxing the roads and making them safer rather than on the cameras it would be a better idea, but then again when was the last time you heard an out of touch, overpaid pola-fu?%"!**-ticion listening to a good idea from the people that pay thier wages, houses, shopping trips....ect.

they should strap one of these f*&$%rs to the back of a bike so they can see what the roads are like rather than sitting on thier fat arses in the back of a car we pay for. :angry:

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Borderline dictatorship methink... nobody listens and nobody cares except us.

raising the driving age is a bad idea, younger drivers are usually some of the most careful albeit inexperianced, i for one can't wait until im 17 and can get a bit more independance (and warmth, these little bikes are fail).

as previously mentioned, improve learning.

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I was a dick pre 21, nearly killed me self loads of times (thought it was great though!!)

wrote off 2 cars and spent 6 months in hospital on me bike (got experience points there!)

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To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid

Aint that the truth.

But I fear this is what the government is trying to do, take away the learning and just expect everyone to 'become' wise when the get to 25, 30, 35, Oh I don't know

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional........

Didn't I start a thread a while ago about the nanny state?

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Didn't I start a thread a while ago about the nanny state?

To control the thoughts and actions of the majority and alienate and criminalise the minority, take the case of the "speeding biker" Makes you wonder why more was made of this in the mediea, than the case of Lord Khan killing 2 people.

Any one that can think or do things other than what the state dictates has no place in this society and it`s proving harder to control motorcyclists than car drivers.

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nobody listens and nobody cares except us.

Everyone cares, everyone listens.

No-one DOES anything.

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This has been done across half of Buckinghamshire anyway. It's so annoying, whereas people were happy to go at 60 down these roads when it was national, they've now stuck 50 signs everywhere and for some reason everyone insists on doing 45, it's ruined my drive to work. F%$&ing government

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