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Dumb Van Driver Causes Motorcycle Crash
I'm torn. Is the van driver a dumbass for cutting across the lane or is the biker a dumbass for trying to sneak by? Trick question, the biker is always the retard.
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soory m8,cant find the end or for that, the start either:unsure:

being a white van man,wanted to see this :D

  • Admin

Hey TheSaffer, I edited your post, you embedded it correctly, but you need to also select HTML ON from the post options when posting.

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The biker was going WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to fast

I think the WVM had already begun his turn before he biker appeared - the road looks like its quite winding - there was possible another bend behind the camera where the biker appeared from

Still - the biker was riding like a twat IMHO

The biker was going WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to fast

I think the WVM had already begun his turn before he biker appeared - the road looks like its quite winding - there was possible another bend behind the camera where the biker appeared from

Still - the biker was riding like a twat IMHO

How can you say what the road was like when we can't see it?

How can any of us act as Judge and Jury without ALL of the facts?

  • Moderator

How can you say what the road was like when we can't see it?

How can any of us act as Judge and Jury without ALL of the facts?

Errrrmm...the speed he was riding at possibly?

No we cant see all the road - but his speed is a major factor.

Im not acting like judge and jury - i said that it was IMHO...........and thats all it is.

  • Author

Hi, thanx for editing my post!

I was looking for the "HTML ON" in my post options, but I can only enable emotions and signitures! There's nothing about enabling HTML!

Would you mind having a look?

It's difficult to properly asses the speed becasue of the poor quality, and the lack of markers, however;

Looking at the video, the bike covers the length of the van plus the length again in 1 second, so to er on the side of caution I'm going to suggest that the bike is covering around 30 meters per second. (the van will be around 5 meters long)

Now some mathmatics;

At 30 meters per second, he is covering 1800 meters per minute

30 x 60 = 1800

1800 x 60 = 108000 Meters per hour (meters per minute x minutes in an hour)

So I would say, that the bike is traveling at 108kmh

Given that 1mph is 0.62137kmh that puts the bike at 67.11 mph. (108 x .062137)

Always looks faster when you look through a normal lens as the bike clears the frame too quickly and your eyes don't adjust fast enough. The sound of the bike too will infulence what people percieve as going fast.

For what it's worth, I think the biker over reacted (and who wouldn't faced with a head on with a van?), and over corrected. but it's very difficult to make an informed assesment given the lack of fact. Maybe a more experienced rider would have got away with it........

  • Moderator

Hi, thanx for editing my post!

I was looking for the "HTML ON" in my post options, but I can only enable emotions and signitures! There's nothing about enabling HTML!

Would you mind having a look?

Look up and say AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

  • 1 month later...

nice lil spot o physics there lol could bore yoo with that kinda shit all day lol. umm biker looks to be goin a smidge fast but then again the van driver should just about be looking right at him but without the road really really difficutl to tell

How can you say what the road was like when we can't see it?

How can any of us act as Judge and Jury without ALL of the facts?

Calm down, its only speculation. "In my opinion" can be followed by anything, jesus !

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