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hi goff,

im a newby in this forum.and ive been reading some topics on here,i can see that ur one of the moderators. recently handai was suspended for using bad words,is it because hes just a member and hes not aloud to use such foul words?(i can understand that coz its offensive to use them)im saying that coz u the moderator have used the "F" word several times, in wich i think is wrong specially it offends u wen its used against u or anyonelse,and also wen handai left the forum for a few weeks and then came back with a DAS in his hand, happy ofcourse..anyway he was a changed man then,,friendly,,talking civilised to everyone..and then one time u posted this topic called"victory in bus lanes" or something..

anyway handai asked u somethig wich is this:


QUOTE (handai @ Jan 6 2009, 11:24 PM)

even though they havent changed all signboards yet???


Give them a fuckin chance! This was only agreed on the 5th January - its only the bloody 7th today!


the man asked you a sensible question and he got an abrupt anser..why??is that the moderators attitude?

and then the recent incident..handai posted this:


QUOTE (handai @ Feb 15 2009, 12:22 PM)

do u all know the importance and the technique of down-shifting gears? very important ie;to avoid locking up rear tyre and to avoid unecessary wear on the drive train.

so..if u wanna kno the technique just ask..

"this is for newby riders


from my point of view, i think he was referin it to learners..if u read the last sentence...

then wat happens?????

u LAUGHED AT HIM< u slagged him off big time...and then comes pilninggas...asks some silly questions:


Handai, some questions for you:

What are your views on back-torque limiters in aiding competent down shifting? Do you think as devices they are useful for instance if all weight is transferred forwards? What about the response times of such devices?

What technique do you use to mate engine speed to rear wheel speed on traditional set-ups? Do you blip with two-fingers or lower rpms to avoid blipping?

What are your views on puposely allowing the rear wheel to break traction on down-changes to allow the motorcycle to be 'backed-in' Rossi-style?

How do you think variomatic and electronically controlled dual clutch systems differ from regular clutches when undertaking down changes?


handai would ofcours find some answers to these type of questions as hes not an engineer to have an instant answer.

anyway he gathers some answers from the internet like anyone would do...then he posts them...then wot happens???

you slagged him off AGAIN>>>who on earth would not get veksed in his situation???

i think its a bit unfair on him wen everyone is against him that moment....however there was one person atleast understood him:(barkwindjammer) He replies to goff:


QUOTE (Goff @ Feb 16 2009, 06:15 PM)

This is THE funniest thread i've seen in a long time


some of you may mock, but am 42, just got a 600 divvy (a comforting sort of name for a bike )

so this kind of input is, well, unvaluable to no vices, like wot I am, so am gonna make a confession, yes, sometimes I am a cabron !, there.


so please moderators be fair to everyone....thank you!

If you stick around long enough, you will begin to understand Goff in her weird and wonderful ways.

Goffs advice is like getting a brick thrown through your window, then finding a birthday card with gift vouchers attached to it. :lol:

  • Author

If you stick around long enough, you will begin to understand Goff in her weird and wonderful ways.

Goffs advice is like getting a brick thrown through your window, then finding a birthday card with gift vouchers attached to it. :lol:

i see...yeah ill stick around for a while..thanx buddy

Goff's initial reply 'may' have been open to misinterpretation. This is the internet after all and the written word is somewhat unwieldy when trying to express emotions, especially so with an international audience where subtleties of cultural variance become magnified.

In short, read everything everyone says as if they're your best mate and are speaking with a smile.

In the first instance Goff was being humourous, but she was right - NO-ONE can change every road sign in the country within two days.

The rest was reflecting the mounting dischord between a newbie who thinks he knows something about a subject touting himself as an expert in a forum populated by long-experienced people who know everything about the subject. It's tantamount to.......err, what example shall I create? ........ Oh I know - reading about performing a Strapadichtomy on Wikipedia and then marching into the Doctor's Lounge in a hostpital, stating that you can teach their medical students.

It escalated from there, really.

Oh, and yes - A Strapadichtomy is a genuine medical procedure......... Most commonly performed on lesbians :lol::eusa_dance::icon_wink:

  • Moderator

Ok lets answer this one......

hi goff,

im a newby in this forum.and ive been reading some topics on here,i can see that ur one of the moderators. recently handai was suspended for using bad words,is it because hes just a member and hes not aloud to use such foul words?(i can understand that coz its offensive to use them)im saying that coz u the moderator have used the "F" word several times, in wich i think is wrong specially it offends u wen its used against u or anyonelse,and also wen handai left the forum for a few weeks and then came back with a DAS in his hand, happy ofcourse..anyway he was a changed man then,,friendly,,talking civilised to everyone..and then one time u posted this topic called"victory in bus lanes" or something..

anyway handai asked u somethig wich is this:


QUOTE (handai @ Jan 6 2009, 11:24 PM)

even though they havent changed all signboards yet???


Give them a fuckin chance! This was only agreed on the 5th January - its only the bloody 7th today!

the man asked you a sensible question and he got an abrupt anser..why??is that the moderators attitude?


He got a sensible answer - you dont know, me and obviously have no idea about me so as the others have said - stick around and see how different folk post before you start making assumptions about me.

And its not because he used "bad words" - i swear a lot - regular members know i do and i make no apologies for it.

If YOU thinks it offensive - tough - this is a bike forum not a fuckin kindergrten.

and then the recent incident..handai posted this:

QUOTE (handai @ Feb 15 2009, 12:22 PM)

do u all know the importance and the technique of down-shifting gears? very important ie;to avoid locking up rear tyre and to avoid unecessary wear on the drive train.

so..if u wanna kno the technique just ask..

"this is for newby riders


from my point of view, i think he was referin it to learners..if u read the last sentence...

then wat happens?????

u LAUGHED AT HIM< u slagged him off big time...and then comes pilninggas...asks some silly questions:


Again - you have not been here long enough to know Handai like we do

Handai, some questions for you:

What are your views on back-torque limiters in aiding competent down shifting? Do you think as devices they are useful for instance if all weight is transferred forwards? What about the response times of such devices?

What technique do you use to mate engine speed to rear wheel speed on traditional set-ups? Do you blip with two-fingers or lower rpms to avoid blipping?

What are your views on puposely allowing the rear wheel to break traction on down-changes to allow the motorcycle to be 'backed-in' Rossi-style?

How do you think variomatic and electronically controlled dual clutch systems differ from regular clutches when undertaking down changes?


handai would ofcours find some answers to these type of questions as hes not an engineer to have an instant answer.

anyway he gathers some answers from the internet like anyone would do...then he posts them...then wot happens???

you slagged him off AGAIN>>>who on earth would not get veksed in his situation???

i think its a bit unfair on him wen everyone is against him that moment....however there was one person atleast understood him:(barkwindjammer) ?

Slagged him off? He was asked for HIS opinion on these things seeing as he felt such and urge to give newbies a lesson on downchanging when he's pretty much a beginner himself - it was not his opinion he gave but a copy and paste from the net - that IS NOT his opinion - so what do you expect folk to do? Should we be in awe cos he is intelligent enough to copy and paste? I dont fuckin think so.

He replies to goff:


QUOTE (Goff @ Feb 16 2009, 06:15 PM)

This is THE funniest thread i've seen in a long time


some of you may mock, but am 42, just got a 600 divvy (a comforting sort of name for a bike )

so this kind of input is, well, unvaluable to no vices, like wot I am, so am gonna make a confession, yes, sometimes I am a cabron !, there.


so please moderators be fair to everyone....thank you!

We were fair - as i said you have not been here long enough to experience the ramblings of Handai like most if us therefore i suggest that before you decide we are not "fair" you stick around and see what goes on.

But i have to ask - do you think its fair that Handai should slag off other members bikes? Do you think its fair that he calls people vile names? Do you think its fair that he starts threads slagging off the moderators? Do you think its fair that members should have to put up with his stupid ramblings full of derogatory remarks about other members?

I guess you missed the one where he told me i needed sex :rolleyes:

Yes i swear a lot - but i would NEVER call another member the vile things he did - hence why he was banned.

Now may i suggest you spend as much time reading all the other posts int he forum and getting to know a bit about each of us as you did trawling through it looking for my posts which you thought you could pull to pieces.

And here is a piece of parting advice - as a newbie it is never a good idea to question the actions of the admin and mods in a public forum.

If you have a problem with me - fuckin PM me - better still come find me and do it personally - cos im exactly the same in the flesh as i am on here - just ask a few members who have met me and talked to me - because your previous thread is titled "To Everyone" yet you start it Hi Goff!

And yeah - im pissed off sign_disgruntal.gif

Have to reply to this one - Goff & the mods do hell of a lot of work so us others can have this forum, its shite of anyone to start handing out abuse when not familiar with the normal practises & tone of conversations.

Handai was suspended for being a severe arse.

From us normal users - Thanks to the mods! :hail::D

  • Author


In the first instance Goff was being humourous, but she was right - NO-ONE can change every road sign in the country within two days.


im sure this bus lane freedom was planned long before, so i would have thought all the sign posts should have been done and be ready for the 5th of jan..isnt?


  • Moderator


In the first instance Goff was being humourous, but she was right - NO-ONE can change every road sign in the country within two days.


im sure this bus lane freedom was planned long before, so i would have thought all the sign posts should have been done and be ready for the 5th of jan..isnt?

Have you actually bothered to READ that post?

The allowance to use bus lanes was only PASSED ON THE 5th JANUARY - they cant do fuck all till its passed, so why would they be ready? Do you really think they're gonna have a shit load of sogns made up if the bill isnt passed? errrrr....no :rolleyes:

Handai posted about the signs not being changed on the 7th January - how the hell do you expect a council to change all the signs in 2 days - they have to have them made and put teams together to get out there and put them up.

Are you Handai? Are you a mate of Handai?

Why are you picking on stuff thats well past its sell by date?

  • Author

Have you actually bothered to READ that post?

The allowance to use bus lanes was only PASSED ON THE 5th JANUARY - they cant do fuck all till its passed, so why would they be ready? Do you really think they're gonna have a shit load of sogns made up if the bill isnt passed? errrrr....no :rolleyes:

Handai posted about the signs not being changed on the 7th January - how the hell do you expect a council to change all the signs in 2 days - they have to have them made and put teams together to get out there and put them up.

Are you Handai? Are you a mate of Handai?

Why are you picking on stuff thats well past its sell by date?

naaaah.im not handai nor his mate..just feel sorry for him everyones against him.

youre truly a mistress you are.. :D

  • Moderator

naaaah.im not handai nor his mate..just feel sorry for him everyones against him.

youre truly a mistress you are.. :D

If you knew what stunts he had pulled in the past and the behaviour we have had to put up with then you wouldnt be feeling so sorry for him.

youre truly a mistress you are.. :D

You're learnin ;)

naaaah.im not handai nor his mate..just feel sorry for him everyones against him.

youre truly a mistress you are.. :D

i dont think anyone is 'against him', this is a motorcycle forum after all. his conduct is odd and he posted several magnanimous posts/threads that were 'out there'. i think his interpersonal skills are in need of improvement.

remember he has gone back and edited his posts so the build-up and fall out do not necessarily make sense.

i hope he returns with a bit more decorum, but equally if he or anyone is gonna slag me off, do it to my face its too easy on a computer- i know i teach secondary kids who love slagging each other but never in person, always by text or email.

btw, this is a brialliant forum and Goff is a legend! :D

If you stick around long enough, you will begin to understand Goff in her weird and wonderful ways.

Goffs advice is like getting a brick thrown through your window, then finding a birthday card with gift vouchers attached to it. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

:mellow: I utterly refute the alegation made against me !
  • Moderator

:mellow: I utterly refute the alegation made against me !

what allegation?

  • Moderator

what allegation?

This one:

i think its a bit unfair on him wen everyone is against him that moment....however there was one person atleast understood him:(barkwindjammer)

:lol: Although - because he allegedly understood him, i think we should take barkwindjammer outside, tie him to the gate, cover him in tuna and have a naked midget prod him non-stop with a cotton bud for 48 hours whilst letting loose as many feral cats as we can.......

He wont ever understand anyone else again.........*snigger*

:lol: Although - because he allegedly understood him, i think we should take barkwindjammer outside, tie him to the gate, cover him in tuna and have a naked midget prod him non-stop with a cotton bud for 48 hours whilst letting loose as many feral cats as we can.......

I think i've been stareing at drewpys' laserpod thing too long... :unsure:


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