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Ok, here we go!, my mate said yesterday I should change my oil, yes I said!, now (and this is his idea!). He reckons oil is oil, he gets his from the motor factors £8 for 5 ltrs semi synth.

He reckons the stuff you you get out the factors (eg Comma ect) when it says 10/40 ect or semi/fully ect is the same quality as shell ect out the bike shops.

I kinda agreed because I didnt know, but quietly I'm saying "dont talk shite!", is he right/wrong?. Personaly I'd rather put Shell, Castrol ect in it, whats the verdict on this?

Put proper motorcycle oil in it...like Silkolene or Castrol.

It amazes me all these people who swear by putting in cheap car oil and pattern filters to save a few quid, yet they think nothing of spend a grand on stuff like colour co-ordinated leathers. Talk about priorities! :roll:

Use a genuine OE filter and a decent oil and you won't go wrong.

  • Author

Thats what I'm gona do anyway, but I just wondered in the off chance that he might (but yet again, no he's not!!) be right.

Bear in mind that about 90% of people with bikes today are Dickheads, and haven't a fucking clue. It's about the same percentage for computer users too.

In both cases, all they know is what they've read in the mags or what a mate of a mate told them.

AFAIC people can put car oil in their bikes if they want to....or even cooking oil for all I care.

All I can tell you is what I do.....whether I'm right or wrong is open to debate.

But in 33 years of riding I've never blown an engine yet.....so why change my ways? 8)

hope i'm 1 of that 10% :shock: :? :lol:

hope i'm 1 of that 10% :shock:  :?  :lol:

Don't get your hopes up Alan! :lol:

Especially while you're still sporting that Mullet! :lol:

you're on my black list!! :evil: :x :evil:

to hell with PC mate :twisted: :lol: :wink:

  • Admin

PMSL :lol:

Never ever ever ever use cheap oil :shock:

Ok, here we go!, my mate said yesterday I should change my oil, yes I said!, now (and this is his idea!). He reckons oil is oil, he gets his from the motor factors £8 for 5 ltrs semi synth.

He reckons the stuff you you get out the factors (eg Comma ect) when it says 10/40 ect or semi/fully ect is the same quality as shell ect out the bike shops.

I kinda agreed because I didnt know, but quietly I'm saying "dont talk shite!", is he right/wrong?. Personaly I'd rather put Shell, Castrol ect in it, whats the verdict on this?

mate. you are driving an god given yamaha and it requires sertain things from You!

-do not ever. at any circumstances. by any chance put car oil in your bike!

you will end up writing to this forum about Massive clutch slipping/burning issues and i cant be arsed to answer to those :D

- use castrol RS superbike if you can get it somewhere.

- do not use castrol GPS. you will get clutch slipping and end up writing.... and so forth

thats about it.

one more thing

- do not believe your mates stories unless they drive an Fzr1000 or Yzf750. they are special.

  • Author

Yea thats what I'd thought of using, he rides a 85' GPZ600R and has motor oil semi synth in it. He reckon's oil is oil whether it's cheap Asda semi oil Castrol semi.

Fek know's where he gets his ideas from, I think he convinces himself, but certainly not me.

The thing is he's the kinda guy who'd go into a bike with you and you'd ask the guy what the diffirences are between then, he'd walk out and say something like "fuckin' wanker, he's talking shite, oil is fekn oil".

I mean you couldn't tell him that companies like Castrol invest milloions developing oil for things and that what your paying for "at the end of the day".

He's one of those people, hey put it this way, this is the same guywho was gona cut up an old car tyre into small pieces and use it for the rear cush drive :roll: [-X

Bike oil is a big rip off.

i can't see any reason why car oil can not be used, cars are becoming more mechanically advanced ,developing more power and reving much higher in some cases reving as high as some performace bikes.

Motorcycle oil is SG rated this is old hat in car oils, look at the very few if any still available car oils with SG spec they are for older cars of lower capabilities which have high millage.

I am of the under standing as long as you dont use ecomony oil or oil that is too thin

car oil will not be a problem with clutch slip, but this is personal choice.

If motorcycle oil was cheeper and in 5ltr containers I would buy it.

The price is higher because they sell less of it and low sales means low profit unless you raise the cost.

im most bikes you can use whatever oil you please. most of the clutches work just fine.

there is however one principal difference in bike and car oils.

first some tech info

cars use dry clutches as well as BMW bikes, goldwings and few other

bikes have wet and the same oil which lubrikates your engine, also cools down the clutch.

now in order to have your toyota engine last for as long as possible, you have to have friction reducing components in your oil. this works just fine as nothing inside an car engine is supposed to benefit from friction.

this is not the case in a bike engine. you will like to have as small friction as possible, and at the same time not as much friction reducing to have your clutch slipping.

as i said. this is not a problem in most bikes. there are however some bike models that have by factory spex an weak on insufficent clutch. these bikes include:

cbr 900 rr

fzr 1000exup and pre

yzf 750

fj 1200/1100

kawa 1000J

kawa gpz1100

kawa zx10

kawa zzr1100

ninja 900/1000

im not saying that your bike would not work with car oil, im just saying that it is an quite un-necessary risk as the yearly oil consumption can´t be that much

peace guys :D

Good post mate!

Like I said earlier, it's a personal choice what people put in.

But if you've spent big bucks on a bike, why potentially cut corners on oil just to save a tenner a couple of times a year? That makes no sense to me at all. Just like people who change their oil without changing their filter? Or people who replace their chain without changing their sprockets?

Invariably these people are the same ones that will think nothing of spending £100 on a multicoloured Iridium screen though. :roll:

  • Moderator

Invariably these people are the same ones that will think nothing of spending £100 on a multicoloured Iridium screen though.  :roll:

Indeed!......Function Before Style is the motto here :wink:

Indeed!......Function Before Style is the motto here :wink:


well thats the reason why my bike is still matt-black. i´ll rather spend 100€ to a new camchain than repaint the thing :P

tbh, my local esso tesco garage started doing castrol super TT for £2.84 a ltr :shock: so all the 2 strokers are buying loads of it lol

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