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My friend and I had FS!E's as youngsters!! I told him I saw an article abt a rally in Brighton for FS!E's. Is there one this year? would love to track down my old maroon 'R' reg will have to see if I can find an old pic with reg no. I was lucky my Nan lent me the money for it..brand new!!! Ahhh... thought I was the bees knees...never saw another female rider for years and years. I took my test on the fizzy and passed on my 16th birthday, wanted to give my brother a lift to school. Yep I rode illegally b4 then!!! How much does a standard decent knick fizzy cost these days??

  • Moderator

Hi Carole, you can find out if your old fizz is still around (but not the address) on the DVLA vehicle tax site, enter the registration number there ;) we have a member Deenjay who is big into these small yams, look his posts up on the search feature

  • Author

  oldgitonabike said:
Hi Carole, you can find out if your old fizz is still around (but not the address) on the DVLA vehicle tax site, enter the registration number there ;) we have a member Deenjay who is big into these small yams, look his posts up on the search feature

thanks reply, do you know if there is a rally in May?

  caroleb said:
My friend and I had FS!E's as youngsters!! I told him I saw an article abt a rally in Brighton for FS!E's. Is there one this year? would love to track down my old maroon 'R' reg will have to see if I can find an old pic with reg no. I was lucky my Nan lent me the money for it..brand new!!! Ahhh... thought I was the bees knees...never saw another female rider for years and years. I took my test on the fizzy and passed on my 16th birthday, wanted to give my brother a lift to school. Yep I rode illegally b4 then!!! How much does a standard decent knick fizzy cost these days??

Brighton goes on every year, but a marroon 77 Fsie don't match .. 77 Fs1's where Baja brown DX was Yellow or FS1Ea was a naff blue and FS1eaDX was a naff bright red, Marron appeared with the FS1MDX (FS1M was a nice marine blue) and were the first slopeds produced to encompass the UK laws. So I guess your bike was Baja Brown with speed block graphics. If you wish to purchase a good example of the above you will need 1-2 K but you could get an 80's FS1 for about £500, unless you want to do a rebuild then you may find one an FS1E in bits at £500 I went the other way with my 3 .... had the later FS1's ... £22 for the basket £150 for the runner & £300 or so for the clean one.

Regards Jim

might as well say it i cant recomend the run

ive been twice and the whole fs1e thing is so up its own its unbeleivable

but if you want to talk about sports mopeds can i suggest www.sixteenerspecial.co.uk its a alternative to the fs1e site and covers all sports mopeds

there is a link via my site as well www.ty50.co.uk on the links page or just click the main picture

sorry im just being honest recently i was asked to get information for classic bike magazine and i asked the site for help out of the so called 3000 plus members 3 came forward its just full of bull plain and simple.

its a shame as my 1st bike was a fs1e and they are ruining my memories.

but as were on the subject of sports mopeds there is a huge gathering at billing every year this year its late august but

on my site you can see the pictures from the last 2 years

and there were over 20 fs1e's there.

  deenjay said:
might as well say it if you go to the fs1e rally your a tw*t

bunch of back stabbing 2 faced sh*ts been to the rally twice and they would have to pay me to go back again.

cant stick them have 2 fs1e's myself but the bulsh*t that surrounds them is just stupid

but if you want to talk about sports mopeds can i suggest www.sixteenerspecial.co.uk its a alternative to the fs1e site and covers all sports mopeds

ther is a link via my site as well www.ty50.co.uk

just click the picture of the 2 girls on the front page and get sent straight there

sorry im just being honest recently i was asked to get information for classic bike magazine and i asked the site for help out of the so called 3000 plus members 3 came forward its just full of bull plain and simple.

its a shame as my 1st bike was a fs1e and they are ruining my memories.

but as were on the subject of sports mopeds there is a huge gathering at billing every year this year its late august but

on my site you can see the pictures from the last 2 years

and there were over 20 fs1e's there.

Thats a bit unfair ... I was stating facts a marron FS1 may be Brown and why would I want to click on images of girls ? Ok I am member of that blog but perhaps you didn't check out members that actually where there. I will transfer this post to the moderators of this site as I feel your comments are out of order you asked a question I answered it and you come back with that ... this is not the FS1 site and this site will try to help you out with whatever yamaha problem you have but I guess we dont need someone helping you out

Regards Jim

  JimR said:
Thats a bit unfair ... I was stating facts a marron FS1 may be Brown and why would I want to click on images of girls ? Ok I am member of that blog but perhaps you didn't check out members that actually where there. I will transfer this post to the moderators of this site as I feel your comments are out of order you asked a question I answered it and you come back with that ... this is not the FS1 site and this site will try to help you out with whatever yamaha problem you have but I guess we dont need someone helping you out

Regards Jim

ok,handbags down.i had a maroon fs1e from new it was 1974 model.

  russ500 said:
ok,handbags down.i had a maroon fs1e from new it was 1974 model.

Hi Russ

if you had a 74 they were purple with pinstiripes ... there was one in a gloss marron/purple and one that was cat sort of matt the latter gloss modal had different graphics I wont do handbags just feel that the reply was not within the 'spirit' of this site sorry !!!

Regards Jim

  JimR said:
Hi Russ

if you had a 74 they were purple with pinstiripes ... there was one in a gloss marron/purple and one that was cat sort of matt the latter gloss modal had different graphics I wont do handbags just feel that the reply was not within the 'spirit' of this site sorry !!!

Regards Jim

hi jim that was the one with pin stripe.what a bike.great days.

some models were sold later the speed block was introduced early 75 in baja brown but many purple popsicles were still avaliable as yamaha imported more of them than any other colour.

the baja brown model was avaliable in both pinstripe and speed block

im actually showing a 75 speed block baja brown at the bristol classic bike show 14th 15th feb shepton mallet show ground

there is a classic bike show at donnington the weekend before which has several fs1e's on show

ok maybe your right i was a little more elloquent than i should be but i was being honest and i was at brighton 2 years running including getting MCN there to video the run 2 yrs ago. i was very supportive of the group and event. but i was stitched up by them so i will warn other people to be aware they arnt as nice as they seem.

and that includes you jim be carefull getting involved

  • 3 weeks later...

  deenjay said:
some models were sold later the speed block was introduced early 75 in baja brown but many purple popsicles were still avaliable as yamaha imported more of them than any other colour.

the baja brown model was avaliable in both pinstripe and speed block

im actually showing a 75 speed block baja brown at the bristol classic bike show 14th 15th feb shepton mallet show ground

there is a classic bike show at donnington the weekend before which has several fs1e's on show

ok maybe your right i was a little more elloquent than i should be but i was being honest and i was at brighton 2 years running including getting MCN there to video the run 2 yrs ago. i was very supportive of the group and event. but i was stitched up by them so i will warn other people to be aware they arnt as nice as they seem.

and that includes you jim be carefull getting involved


I wont get involved ... but if you remember there were 2 purples 74 & 75 ... 75 showed the brown with pinstripes then 76 with speedblocks 77 speed blocks on brown followed by the FS1EA in blue and red for the DX version ... I must admit that in the dealership I worked in by 1976 we had sold all purple bikes & were on to selling brown ones !!!

Regards Jim

I felt I must reply to this thread to say I am certain that anyone who attends either the Billing sixteener special event or the Brighton FS1E event will be made very welcome.

That has been my experience, since I again bought a FS1E just over 2 years ago and sought out like minded people.

In all large groups there will always be some clash of personalities and I'm sure that is all that has happened in this case.

The two events have a slightly different flavour. Billing (29-30th August) is a two day get together with the bikes on display most of the time at one location although there will be a couple ride outs for those that wish to take part.

The Brighton Event (16-17th May) is centred more on a massed ride on Sunday from the motorcycle shop in Bolney via Devils Dyke to the Brighton sea front. Some of us will be camping in the area for the whole weekend though and I'm sure there will be a ride out on Saturday as well.

Information on both events and many other moped related ride outs can be found at http://www.sixteener-special.co.uk/ and http://www.fs1e.co.uk/



  deenjay said:
might as well say it i cant recomend the run

ive been twice and the whole fs1e thing is so up its own its unbeleivable

but if you want to talk about sports mopeds can i suggest www.sixteenerspecial.co.uk its a alternative to the fs1e site and covers all sports mopeds

there is a link via my site as well www.ty50.co.uk on the links page or just click the main picture

sorry im just being honest recently i was asked to get information for classic bike magazine and i asked the site for help out of the so called 3000 plus members 3 came forward its just full of bull plain and simple.

its a shame as my 1st bike was a fs1e and they are ruining my memories.

but as were on the subject of sports mopeds there is a huge gathering at billing every year this year its late august but

on my site you can see the pictures from the last 2 years

and there were over 20 fs1e's there.

Please do not tar us all with the same brush Deenjay!! :angry: , just because you have had a personal disagreement with one of the organisers! As a proud sponsor of the event and having attended it for the past two years I can assure anyone wishing to attend this year that you will not be disappointed and you will have a cracking day/weekend :)B) . We are all an extremely friendly and accommodating bunch of guys and girls and the event is attended not only by fizzy riders but by riders of all types of makes of classic sports mopeds and bikes of larger engine sizes from Monkey bikes to RD's. ;) All classic bikes of the era are welcome but the smaller the cc the better ;)

The Annual Brighton FS1-E run is a fantastic annual gathering and gives us all a chance to re-live our youth in more ways than one!

I think you are very unfair coming on here and spouting off your misguided opinions about an ever growing and very popular Annual Event and as you can see from other responses to your post I am not alone in thinking this! Sour grapes and all that!! I don't remember seeing you there last year anyway <_<

"Pertheswede" (one of the FizzyNuts who did reply to your request for copy and photos for the Classsic Bike FS1-E Owners Article)

Fizzy's are such a cool small bike but unfortunatly hard to come by unless you have a fair amount of cash :rolleyes:

I've had quite a few FS1E's,five to be exact;they are an iconic little bike and it's wonderful to see them being restored and enjoyed again.Like anything,desirability and demand increases the price of an item, and FS1E's are no different in this respect,although there are still lots out there undiscovered in sheds and barns in varying states of neglect.

My experience of the FS1E world was that of a genuinely knowledgeable group of enthusiasts,although like any burgeoning organisation there are differences of opinion amongst individuals.It's also still a fairly small world,and with that comes the 'grapevine',wherein one person's negative experience of another is spread amongst the inner sanctum of people;before you know it,you are vilified,ignored and sidelined,based on incorrect facts and assumptions made by people who you've never even met.Getting anonymous texts (which took six months to trace) and other threats is never nice,and all because of being unable to complete an eBay transaction due to a death in my immediate family;consequently I could not respond to someone within a few days-I had a lot to deal with.Some decided it was also their business,but I kept a dignified silence and will let the law deal with all that under the Harassment Act.I had some accusations levelled at me which were totally untrue.The internet isn't the place for that,and one never quite knows who is on the other end of a keyboard - be they a fifteen year old internet troll on their parent's account,or a clued up lawyer.

In peroration,I would add however that the few I did come into direct contact with within the FS1E world were really great people,enthusiastic and friendly,and I'd recommend getting involved to anyone with an interest in these little bikes.

I've never met the poster 'deenjay',(I'm sure you're a decent person-nothing personal) but perhaps your grievance could be taken up directly with the miscreants rather than addressing it to the FS1E world in general.I had an appalling experience,but I recognise it was at the hands of a small minority,which happens in all walks of life.The answer is simple:if you don't like it,or aren't comfortable with it, just keep out of the way and enjoy your hobby in isolation like I do, in the company of those you know and trust.

Life's easier that way.

Live & let live Baby!!!!!!!

i wasnt per and you should know that my veiws on the site are well known.

its a shame it was a great site untill some members got to much say and it went down hill

but the name of the last poster just shows the stupidity of some of its members that ruined the whole site.

i was asked a question i answered it i wont lie i wont say yes they are great if i dont beleive they are.

i do actually think 95 percent of them are good sorts but untill the rotten apples are thrown out i for one will have nothing to do with that site.


  • Moderator

I have removed the post from the TY person as the user name is not acceptable

mlc - deenjay is not referring to you as the previous poster - it is the one i have removed hun.

Cheers folks

  • Moderator

beat me to it :lol:

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