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Hey all, havent posted in a while, hope Ttaskmaster is still dishingout the great info same for GOFF and old git, and theres some1 else jsut cant remember his name lol!!

Just a quick question, when i am driving on my 125 dragstar it seems when i am in low gears at top end the engine seems like it is pulling back, hard to describe, its like the feeling you get when you run out of petrol, can any1 advise???? also when i am hitting speeds of about 40-50 i can hear a whistling sound coming from the engine....is this normal???

grateful for your comments.


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Chris have you read This thread, could it possibly be pulling a vacuum in the tank, if you think that's possible can you disconnect this one way valve gadget temporarily in order to prove or disprove this possibility.

As for a whistling, these thing should set the alarm bells ringing, but you say its at 40 / 50 mph, you sure it isn't wind noise in your lid? try turning your head side to side to see if it goes.

If its definitely whistling i would have it checked by the people who recently fitted a new crankshaft, whistling suddenly starting isn't a good sign.


Low gears at top end?

You mean, like in 3rd gear and going as fast as you can?

If this is the case, then you need to shift up a gear.

The sound and especially the slight jerking is the engine BURSTING IT'S FUCKING SCROTUM trying to keep up with the excessive demands.

Seriously, it's having a hernia!!

SHIFT UP A GEAR!!!!!!!!!

If you don't, your engine will explode.

However, if this is not the case;

The whistling is either your helmet vents (mine does this at higher speeds), some other part of your kit (probably something with a hole in) or a problem with a component. Have a good mechanic check out the replacement parts. You *may* also have a tiny hole in the exhaust as, IIRC, you have custom exhausts, do you not?

However, if the whistling is more like a whine that alters pitch and frequency depending on engine revs, then this is normal. My bike does it and so does the wife's, although she can't hear hers over the BLATTABLATTABLATTA of her own custom pipes!!

The jerky movement is likely an engine problem, ie something too tight, clogged, fouled with foreign particles or not conected properly (maybe related to the whining/whistling too).


Low gears at top end?

You mean, like in 3rd gear and going as fast as you can?

If this is the case, then you need to shift up a gear.

The sound and especially the slight jerking is the engine BURSTING IT'S FUCKING SCROTUM trying to keep up with the excessive demands.

Seriously, it's having a hernia!!

SHIFT UP A GEAR!!!!!!!!!

If you don't, your engine will explode.

However, if this is not the case;

The whistling is either your helmet vents (mine does this at higher speeds), some other part of your kit (probably something with a hole in) or a problem with a component. Have a good mechanic check out the replacement parts. You *may* also have a tiny hole in the exhaust as, IIRC, you have custom exhausts, do you not?

However, if the whistling is more like a whine that alters pitch and frequency depending on engine revs, then this is normal. My bike does it and so does the wife's, although she can't hear hers over the BLATTABLATTABLATTA of her own custom pipes!!

The jerky movement is likely an engine problem, ie something too tight, clogged, fouled with foreign particles or not conected properly (maybe related to the whining/whistling too).

I see what old git is saying i did get a replacement crankshaft in my drag!!!!!! i hope this isnt going to mean more etensive repairs, even though i have warranty on the bike i cant be assed with having to wait for repairs!!!! I should have jsut bought a brand new bike even thoguh this one only had 1900 miles!!!!!! i thought it had something to do with the rain it seems worse in the heavy rain (the drag in the bike) I understand what your saying Ttaskmaster but i shift at the right time i think, usually into 2nd around 10mph, 3rd around 25, and so on.....this is worrying me as i konked out on me as i was on the carriageway!!!!

The bike is now due a service maybe it has somethign to do with the oil??? as it has not been changed the last 1500 miles, also forgot to tell the gang bout my incident, i still havent crashed......when i say that i mean with it being my fault!!! i was on my way to work and a police car reversed into me breaking my front mud guard, then two days ago an elderly woman did the same!!!! give me strength lol

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I see what old git is saying i did get a replacement crankshaft in my drag!!!!!! i hope this isnt going to mean more etensive repairs, even though i have warranty on the bike i cant be assed with having to wait for repairs!!!! i thought it had something to do with the rain it seems worse in the heavy rain (the drag in the bike)

It wont be anything to do with the oil, that wont affect performance but will affect engine life, you say its worse in the wet, try a spray of WD40 on the HT leads and plug caps, an easy thing to do!


Oil shouldn't be an issue for about another 1500 miles.

3K per oil change is the rule of thumb, unless your owners manual says otherwise.

If by 'konked out' you mean the engine stopped running, as well as having had it smacked into twice, then you should definitely be having it checked by a mechanic, dude.....

Heaven knows what might be wrong with it. Those things are quite delicate, ya know.

The only plus is that they're usually cheaper to fix.


Oil shouldn't be an issue for about another 1500 miles.

3K per oil change is the rule of thumb, unless your owners manual says otherwise.

If by 'konked out' you mean the engine stopped running, as well as having had it smacked into twice, then you should definitely be having it checked by a mechanic, dude.....

Heaven knows what might be wrong with it. Those things are quite delicate, ya know.

The only plus is that they're usually cheaper to fix.

guys im embaressed to ask this but what are the HT leads??? also my horn connection is corroded, will this be cheap to fix, also what are the best types of horns to get??? and would warranty cover it as i couldnt be my fault that its corroded as i have only had it 2 months..... its due a service do these people service bikes honestly, what are the signs of knowing they servied it properly are they supposed to take it out for a test run???

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guys im embaressed to ask this but what are the HT leads??? also my horn connection is corroded, will this be cheap to fix, also what are the best types of horns to get??? and would warranty cover it as i couldnt be my fault that its corroded as i have only had it 2 months..... its due a service do these people service bikes honestly, what are the signs of knowing they servied it properly are they supposed to take it out for a test run???

HT (High Tension) leads are the thick wires that connect the ignition coils to the spark plug caps, spray them and the plug caps with WD40, see if that helps, as for the corroded horn, if your bike is still under warrenty i would expect them to replace it! Does your bike have an external oil cannister filter?


HT (High Tension) leads are the thick wires that connect the ignition coils to the spark plug caps, spray them and the plug caps with WD40, see if that helps, as for the corroded horn, if your bike is still under warrenty i would expect them to replace it! Does your bike have an external oil cannister filter?

i dont think the 125 drags do have an external oil cannister filter im not 100% on what it is but i know there doesnt seem to be anything like that on the external side of the bike, maybe its under the body?? I really need to learn about bikes its annopying me not knowing the lingo..........ignition coils??? spark plug caps...i dont know were any of these things are ...sorry to be a nuisance newbie!!!

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You do know where your spark plugs are dont you? You will see the caps plugged on top of them with a thick wire, at the other end of them wires are the ignition coil /coils. just spray the caps, thick wires (HT leads) and a little on the coil where the HT lead connects


You do know where your spark plugs are dont you? You will see the caps plugged on top of them with a thick wire, at the other end of them wires are the ignition coil /coils. just spray the caps, thick wires (HT leads) and a little on the coil where the HT lead connects

great thanks for the info old git!!!! and taskmaster! will try when i go home!!

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