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Some fucking idiot dressed in a black suit with his face shielded behind his umbrella while he lit a fucking cigarette decided to walk out right infront of me today on my way to work in the pitch black. Strait out from between the tree's without a glance at whats coming, what kind of thick cunt walks out into a busy road without looking. I was about 15 feet from him when he walked out, he carried on strolling out and didnt see me or hear me until I came to a complete stop and dropped the bike. £200-£---- godknows repair bill for my beautiful new bike, he buggered off hobbling home despite the fact that I, the person who just dropped a new bike offered to phone him an ambulance. Not one fucking person got out of there car to help me, not one. One man decided to get out and see if the guy was ok, despite the fact that he had walked off the road. The best part is that he walked off before I could get any details off him so tonight I sit and wait for police to phone/arrest me despite the fact that it was in no way shape or form my fucking fault. THEN I had to wait 90 fucking minutes in the rain snow and hail for recovery. So I have a nice patch of road rash, a swollen calf I can feel my heartbeat in (so cool but so painful) and a complete hatred of people.


thats awful mate, glad your still in one peice

what exactly has been done to the bike?

you wont get arrested, u didnt break the law

Some fucking idiot dressed in a black suit with his face shielded behind his umbrella while he lit a fucking cigarette decided to walk out right infront of me today on my way to work in the pitch black. Strait out from between the tree's without a glance at whats coming, what kind of thick cunt walks out into a busy road without fucking looking. I was about 15 feet from him when he walked out, he carried on strolling out and didnt see me or hear my screaming breaks until I could see the whites in his stupid fucking eyes. The good news is I winged him nice and hard, teach the stupid fuck a lesson, the bad news is a £200-£---- godknows repair bill for my beautiful new bike, he buggered off hobbling home despite the fact that I, the person who high sided and skidded ten feet on my head, offered to phone him an ambulance. Not one fucking person got out of there car to help me, not one. One man decided to get out and see if the guy who knocked me off was ok, despite the fact that he had walked off the road where as I was lying on my back in agony. The best part is that he walked off before I could get any details off him so tonight I sit and wait for police to phone/arrest me despite the fact that it was in no way shape or form my fucking fault. THEN I had to wait 90 fucking minutes in the rain snow and hail for recovery. So I have a nice patch of road rash, a swollen calf I can feel my heartbeat in (so cool but so painful) and a complete hatred of people.


You must go to the police and report this accident. If he goes to hospital and has witnesses you might be in trouble. Anyway you have to report the accident so that you can make a complaint and sue for damages.

He must live close by and have a habit of being on that bit of road at that time. Wait for him.

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Thanks Shokz, I know I'm in the right its just the police are bound to think the opposite! The guy seemed very apologetic though, probably because I was seconds away from breaking his face but strangely eager to get away from the scene. The bike isn't that bad after calming down and looking. All the fairings are scratched (£280 alone for the front one) but hopefully my girlfriends dad will be able to respray them for me. Gear leaver is bent pretty good and the indicator is smashed, foot peg snapped off and the tail tidy is looking a wee bit wonky but it the number plates moved so that could be why. Mechanically it starts and rides but only a service will tell if its all good. Got payed and a tastey christmas bonus yesterday, guess what thats going on :rolleyes:

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You must go to the police and report this accident. If he goes to hospital and has witnesses you might be in trouble. Anyway you have to report the accident so that you can make a complaint and sue for damages.

He must live close by and have a habit of being on that bit of road at that time. Wait for him.

Was thinking about reporting it but knowing my luck I will end up getting in ten times as much trouble. He was on his way to work and as I have to walk tomorrow I should see him, assuming he's walking.

Report it anyway.

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Just read on a website not reporting can mean 5-10 points or a 5k fine. Going to give them a bell later lol

there was a chap selling his bike plastics in the for sale section, worth a look

indicators are easy to replace and so is the lever, not sure about pegs tho

Just read on a website not reporting can mean 5-10 points or a 5k fine. Going to give them a bell later lol

Go to the local station and make sure you have your docs with you. Then you can make a complaint.

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Dont intend on making a complaint. The police won't do anything, they didnt when my mum was ran off the road by a nutter with a criminal record so they wont really give a toss about this. They guy who knocked me off was in no fit state to take my number plate down, no one witnessed the accident and no details were swapped so if it does come back round to bite me in the arse that's what i'll say.

  • Moderator

You HAVE to report this now.

Not reporting an accident can land you in a LOT of bother.

If you are driving a vehicle and you are involved in an accident in which:

1 - someone is hurt - he will be classed as being hurt because you said he was hobbling, even though thats fuck all compared to waht you have gone through.

2 - another vehicle is damaged

3 - an animal is injured, or

4 - property near or on the road is damaged

then you must stop and, if you are required by another person to provide your name and address and the name and address of the owner of the vehicle (if different) then you must do so.

If there is no one else involved and therefore you are not required to provide that information to another person then you must report the accident at a police station or to a police constable as soon as possible and in any case within 24 hours of the event or accident occurring.

Failing to do so can mean two offences are being committed: failing to stop and failing to report.

Should you fail to do so, then you will be liable to a fine, endorsement with between 5 and 10 penalty points and you may even run the risk of being disqualified or being sent top prison for up to 6 months.

The court also has the power to disqualify you from driving for either offence and is likely to do so when both offences are committed on the same occasion.

Even if there was no personal injury involved, if someone holds you responsible for the accident they have the right to request your insurance details. This request can be made later and not necessarily at the time of the accident. A failure to provide that information without a reasonable excuse is also an offence.

You may have a defence to the charge if you can show that you were unaware that the accident had occurred - in this case that is not the case.....

You REALLY need to bear in mind that if you do not report and the court takes the view that you did not do so because you wanted to avoid a breath test or if serious injury was caused, then you will stand a much greater likelihood of being imprisoned for the offence.

It will also be a condition of your insurance policy that you report the accident to your insurance company within a reasonable time, even if you do not want to claim yourself. A failure to do so can give your insurance company the right to refuse to cover you in the future.


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I come on here looking for sympathy not a lecture :lol::D I know its naughty and I should report it but I really think nothing will come of it. He knew he was in the wrong, wouldn't stop apologising and only decided to scarper once I told him the damage to my bike,that it was a brand new bike and had a go about actually looking when you cross the road. If he does have a change of heart and wants to make something of it then best of luck to him, I have done nothing wrong and stayed on the scene for 90 minutes waiting for bloody recovery. Sure not reporting it may look bad but even in our fucked up legal system I doubt anyone in there right mind would see me as anything but the victim.

There is a very god lesson to learn here,

Sometimes it's better to run the bugger down than try and avoid them.

It is a lesson I learned 15 years ago - not gonna bore you with the details, but now I put me first (that's easy said with 23+ years of riding/driving experience behind me) - so if someone has the stupidity to walk out, then I'm afraid I'm going to hit them, unless I can stop safely in a straight line, especially this time of year (Small children and dogs are excluded from this).

The big problem is people who cause accidents and walk (hubble in your case) away from the scene.

PS - Some dick in a van 'SouthPark B&B' did a U-Turn right in front of me last week, managed to stop with inches to spare. The dicks are out there, and they're looking for YOU, beware!

  • Moderator

I come on here looking for sympathy not a lecture :lol::D I know its naughty and I should report it but I really think nothing will come of it. He knew he was in the wrong, wouldn't stop apologising and only decided to scarper once I told him the damage to my bike,that it was a brand new bike and had a go about actually looking when you cross the road. If he does have a change of heart and wants to make something of it then best of luck to him, I have done nothing wrong and stayed on the scene for 90 minutes waiting for bloody recovery. Sure not reporting it may look bad but even in our fucked up legal system I doubt anyone in there right mind would see me as anything but the victim.

I wasnt trying to lecture you honey - just try and help you cover your own back.

If he goes to a hospital or doctor and claims he was hurt in an accident - even though you waited around for 90 minutes for hte recovery - he WILL win because you are the one that hit him and didnt report it.

Some people wait until a couple of days (or even 3 fuckin years!) after the event when they have had time to think about it/have friends, family etc talk them into making a claim before they do decide to make something of it.

I know you think you havent done anythign wrong, but in the eyes of the legal system you have, by not reporting it.

I sincerely hope he doesn't pursue this because if he does he will win, without a doubt - all down to the fact that you didnt report it - regardless of whether or not he stepped out in front of you. You wont be seen as the victim - and you will stand before the magistrates/judge as the accused not the victim.

We have this god-awful claim culture that is sweeping through the UK now, and you can claim for absolutely anything for up to 3 years.

Fingers crossed you will have heard the end of it now, but i was only trying to point out what will happen should this fuckwit decide he wants a load of compo for his stupidity by not reporting it.

Good luck with getting your bike fixed - i would have reported it anyway if only to get the bike fixed!

Dont dwell on it too much - at least you're ok - the bike can be fixed :D

There is a very god lesson to learn here,

Sometimes it's better to run the bugger down than try and avoid them.

Indeed - a la Cadwell Park 4 years ago.

Bloke comes off GSXR and ends up in the middle of the track - so do you ride over him and avoid less serious injury to yourself or do you ride over his bike resulting in you fucking up most of your body and your bike? These being the only 2 options available at that time and at that speed i ride over him.

I still come off but im not injured, although my bike took a bashing.

He was airlifted to hospital, but at times like this you have to look out for number one.

Its better to hit them than to avoid them in some situs.

We have this god-awful claim culture that is sweeping through the UK now, and you can claim for absolutely anything for up to 3 years.

Just to add a finer point to this, you have three years to lodge a claim with the courts. My missis had a pretty horrific accident in Africa, we looked at sueing the people who organised it (it was supposed to be for Kids and they made some serious errors - we didn't want it to happen to someones kid), but as it happened they had off loaded the risk to the schools and we dropped the case, £2k out of pocket! Never mind.

And unless your claim is for more that £5k, then you have to use small claims, and you cannot recover your costs back in small claims. Probably the reason these claims are higher than they should be.

and,, would you believe it, there is a price list of what is worth what......

To be honest, once it's been reported, ask them to provide his name and details, and go to a solicitor, you'll not get much but he will have no liability insurance to cover him so even if you just get the cost of repair out of the idiot, he might well remember the Green Cross Code in future.

Of, course - you have told everyone the full story,, haven't you ? No excessive speed anything that might get thrown back at you??

Some fucking idiot dressed in a black suit with his face shielded behind his umbrella while he lit a fucking cigarette decided to walk out right infront of me today on my way to work in the pitch black. Strait out from between the tree's without a glance at whats coming, what kind of thick cunt walks out into a busy road without fucking looking. I was about 15 feet from him when he walked out, he carried on strolling out and didnt see me or hear my screaming breaks until I could see the whites in his stupid fucking eyes.

you seem to give quite a graphic description of your accident and what happened so you obviously saw him and said he strolled out so that is to your favour that you were aware of traffic conditions, so there is no reason why you should,t report the accident its called covering your arse , like goff said

Just read on a website not reporting can mean 5-10 points or a 5k fine. Going to give them a bell later lol

you have just answered your own question nobody is lecturing you just giving you advice,its up to you wether you take it,i presume you are not claiming on your insurance as the will want a rta number?

Bad news about the accident, but pleased to hear you are OK, seems to be the norm at the moment, people don`t seem to take much care crossing roads now,they seem to think that it`s the drivers and riders who should be looking out for them, not them being responsible for there own actions.

There was a mobile phone advert not long a go,that suggested that if you used there phone,them everything stopped for you, buildings fell down out of your way, traffic stopped while you where talking to your mates on the phone !!

Trouble is , some people seem to beliave this :o

Got agree with whats been said on here though, you must report it.

you wont get arrested, u didnt break the law

You could , you did, you ride a bike, which means you are guilty till proven inocent,, this is Engerland..

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Thanks for all the comments guys and I know you wasn't trying to lecture me goth, I do appreciate what you said as it cleared up alot of the grey areas in my legal system knowledge :lol: So after getting to work and having a think about what goff said I decided to report it when I got home. What the lady said (after being on hold for ages) was there isn't much I can do if I don't know his details and once I said I didnt want to go through insurance she lost all interest. If I must report it then I'll have to go to the station <_<

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At least now you reported it so IF something does come of it then your ass is covered ;)

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Aye its a weight off my mind, cheers goff. I felt like a child who had been cheeky to his mum when I got to work this morning and thought about the message I had left :P

Thursday was one hell of a day though, my crash was just the beginning. Dad got his lorry stuck inches away from a 30ft drop onto a farm house below and some nutter threatened to stab my girlfriend in town :blink: If there is a god he sure likes watching me squirm :mellow:

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