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Hi all who wants to hit the road this summer for about 3-4weeks any where

thanks james

  clampyface said:
Hi all who wants to hit the road this summer for about 3-4weeks any where

thanks james

Hi James,

would the Fazer keep up ? we will go with you on the old Divi, but I guess you may get a bit 'worn out' riding a Fazer on long distance ... when I was younger I did europe on the XS650S (good old SAB795V), in 2 weeks and by the time I got back to the UK I was well worn out (some down to partying but your only young once hmmm twice now I'm a grand dad no kids to look after !!) but yeah I'm up for a tour

Regards Jim

  JimR said:
Hi James,

would the Fazer keep up ? we will go with you on the old Divi, but I guess you may get a bit 'worn out' riding a Fazer on long distance ... when I was younger I did europe on the XS650S (good old SAB795V), in 2 weeks and by the time I got back to the UK I was well worn out (some down to partying but your only young once hmmm twice now I'm a grand dad no kids to look after !!) but yeah I'm up for a tour

Regards Jim

I`ve been thinking much along the same lines myself, I`m actually looking for a "muscle" bike,

i can sort out over the winter, I`m afraid my yammies are just not up to it, And (dare i say it)

My GS would be to uncomfy, ANY MORE GRANDAD`S OUT THERE ?.

  JimR said:
Hi James,

would the Fazer keep up ? we will go with you on the old Divi, but I guess you may get a bit 'worn out' riding a Fazer on long distance ... when I was younger I did europe on the XS650S (good old SAB795V), in 2 weeks and by the time I got back to the UK I was well worn out (some down to partying but your only young once hmmm twice now I'm a grand dad no kids to look after !!) but yeah I'm up for a tour

Regards Jim

I`ve been thinking much along the same lines myself, I`m actually looking for a "muscle" bike,

i can sort out over the winter, I`m afraid my yammies are just not up to it, And (dare i say it)

My GS would be too uncomfy, ANY MORE GRANDAD`S OUT THERE ?.

  mark h said:
I`ve been thinking much along the same lines myself, I`m actually looking for a "muscle" bike,

i can sort out over the winter, I`m afraid my yammies are just not up to it, And (dare i say it)

My GS would be to uncomfy, ANY MORE GRANDAD`S OUT THERE ?.

Get a new XT660Z - 8146 miles in 19 days. Covered 24 countries and not a single ache, other than the brused arm after I fell of the bike trying to master the forest roads on Sweden!

I've been given the job or organising a run down to Gib in late spring. probably ferry to Bilbao then ride through Spain. about the same cost as riding through France but without the crap weather that alway blows in from the Atlantic every time I ride through Bordeaux......

  Gas up - Let said:
Get a new XT660Z - 8146 miles in 19 days. Covered 24 countries and not a single ache, other than the brused arm after I fell of the bike trying to master the forest roads on Sweden!

I've been given the job or organising a run down to Gib in late spring. probably ferry to Bilbao then ride through Spain. about the same cost as riding through France but without the crap weather that alway blows in from the Atlantic every time I ride through Bordeaux......


not so good if you are vertically challenged !!! I had an 83 Xt600z (in 83) as I couldnt touch the floor it became a problem at traffic lights/junctions when laden (not to bad with no kit on as I could balance it for ages) so it had to go ! but the 30k miles done on it were trouble free. I'm up for a run down to Gib next year, my old Divi has only done about 8k (it's about 11 years old, had it from new) so it's about time it earned its keep !

Regards Jim

  mark h said:
I`ve been thinking much along the same lines myself, I`m actually looking for a "muscle" bike,

i can sort out over the winter, I`m afraid my yammies are just not up to it, And (dare i say it)

My GS would be too uncomfy, ANY MORE GRANDAD`S OUT THERE ?.

Hi Mark,

The Divi 900 is cheap goes well enuff and has good reliability, so if you want a Yam tourer on a budget have a look at one ! On mine I have the insurance down to £100 FC (this includes my FS1 as well) and to date (only 8k on the clock) I've not laid a spanner on the mill but other Divi 900 owners have done silly miles with very little maintanence. But if you dont like the look of it perhaps an FJ11/12/13 would do .... I didnt go that way as I wanted a shaft 'uck them damm chains ! I agree that the GS is perhaps not up to the job so get a tourer and off we go !!! a Darby & Joan holiday/tour :D

Regards Jim

hey i might be up for it,

last year i was booked to go to eastern europe, but the lectrics went down the day before and i missed the ferry! shame as i prepaid most of the digs.

depends when your planing on doing this as i teach and can only get school holidays off.

  pilninggas said:
hey i might be up for it,

last year i was booked to go to eastern europe, but the lectrics went down the day before and i missed the ferry! shame as i prepaid most of the digs.

depends when your planing on doing this as i teach and can only get school holidays off.

hmmm I guess easter hols would suit you I'm ok how about everyone else ?

Regards Jim

  JimR said:
hmmm I guess easter hols would suit you I'm ok how about everyone else ?

Regards Jim

yeah any skool hols is good, that said i dont wanna block anyone elses ideal dates :rolleyes:

  pilninggas said:
yeah any skool hols is good, that said i dont wanna block anyone elses ideal dates :rolleyes:

well I have the shop to do & a bin round ! but I can walk away from both .... council sort out the bins & Tim sorts out the M/c shop... I guess we need some more input !

Regards Jim

  JimR said:
well I have the shop to do & a bin round ! but I can walk away from both .... council sort out the bins & Tim sorts out the M/c shop... I guess we need some more input !

Regards Jim

Ya, Can do any time really, Understanding wife, ( I hope ). Mark.

  JimR said:

not so good if you are vertically challenged !!!

That is very true. I have a 30" inside leg and I can get my foot flat (foot, not feet), with the bike all but a degree out from verticle. To get both feet down, it's the balls of the feet. The other problem is your weight, if you're a slight build then you are not going to compress the suspension enough, so leg measurment is immaterial, if you are a fat b's'rd then it's fine once you get your leg over the bike.

Getting on and off a loaded bike is a whole new set of dance moves ! I lost a stone on wieght doing my Europe trip this year, and I put it down to the jumping on and off dance three or four times a day....

Still - it's a fine looking bike:


  Gas up - Let said:
That is very true. I have a 30" inside leg and I can get my foot flat (foot, not feet), with the bike all but a degree out from verticle. To get both feet down, it's the balls of the feet. The other problem is your weight, if you're a slight build then you are not going to compress the suspension enough, so leg measurment is immaterial, if you are a fat b's'rd then it's fine once you get your leg over the bike.

Getting on and off a loaded bike is a whole new set of dance moves ! I lost a stone on wieght doing my Europe trip this year, and I put it down to the jumping on and off dance three or four times a day....

I have a 28" inside leg & am less than 9 stone weight, perhaps you now understand why the 600z had to go, my brother had it dispatching (that trashed it !), so needless to say I'm ok with the Divi (low seat & high weight that does the suspension compression for me)

Regards Jim

Any one else interested in this? :D

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