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hi everyone.

ive been toying with a little thought for a while now, its quite a crazy idea but i'd like to see how it goes nonetheless...

i'd like to go touring on my little Yammy DT50, which is a completely stupid idea but why not give it a try? its got a nice comfy seat, tough as nails and is cheap to run.

anyway, was thinking Rep. Ireland as i've always wanted to go there and see the local heritage and landscape and ferries leave regularly from liverpool (that would be the longest haul, from Newbury to Liverpool) and then travel from Dublin, down along the eastern coast to Killarney, then cut back through ireland traveling inland toward Dublin

i was thinking of spending about two weeks there, obviously i would take a little top box, possibly some panniers if i can get some to fit and a backpack with a few supplies but would rely on various local hotels and B&Bs' to keep me warm and dry, possibly even take a tent or something and really "rough it" ;)

at this point, please pick yourself up off the floor, stop laughing and let me know, would you think it even possible?

it's still just a mildly pungent brainfart, but i'd quite like to try it... ^_^

let me know what you think

- Steve

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Go for it mate, a small engine is no excuse to stop you doing something like that. Any idea how many miles in total you'll be covering?

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was thinking of doing it in intervals of around 50 miles, spending a day in each little town along the coast before, in total i would be covering about 400 - 500 miles.

i did have a spreadsheet with everything worked out on my computer but i lost it when i went from Linux to Windows XP :(.

the bike itself wont be tricked out much, im fitting some brushguards and probably up the sprockets to keep the revs down and make touring that much more enjoyable, is there anything else i should be considering for this bike? (keep in mind it has 6v electrics, so no heated grips here!)

Yeah as long as your bikes mechanically sound it should be a laugh. Maybe a tank bag, one with a clear top pocket for you to stick a map in, just incase ;)

Go for it. I'm planning to go round Scotland next summer on my YBR 125 with a tent. Its a slow bike and drivers hate me but what the hey!! I keep getting images of the road up toward Ullapool and into the mountains in Wester Ross. No cars No cares. I failed my test September and dont have the cash for more lessons and test and all the work my bike suddenly needs but I can still ride and I'm gonna. Best of luck with your trip cos you realy should do it. Go for it!!

hi everyone.

ive been toying with a little thought for a while now, its quite a crazy idea but i'd like to see how it goes nonetheless...

i'd like to go touring on my little Yammy DT50, which is a completely stupid idea but why not give it a try? its got a nice comfy seat, tough as nails and is cheap to run.

anyway, was thinking Rep. Ireland as i've always wanted to go there and see the local heritage and landscape and ferries leave regularly from liverpool (that would be the longest haul, from Newbury to Liverpool) and then travel from Dublin, down along the eastern coast to Killarney, then cut back through ireland traveling inland toward Dublin

i was thinking of spending about two weeks there, obviously i would take a little top box, possibly some panniers if i can get some to fit and a backpack with a few supplies but would rely on various local hotels and B&Bs' to keep me warm and dry, possibly even take a tent or something and really "rough it" ;)

at this point, please pick yourself up off the floor, stop laughing and let me know, would you think it even possible?

it's still just a mildly pungent brainfart, but i'd quite like to try it... ^_^

let me know what you think

- Steve

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thanks for the supportive comments everyone, i've got a christmas job at Currys so im already saving for the trip which i was thinking of doing in May when it is a bit sunnier and i have left school (im still 16, lol)

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Hey - go for it!

Its no more stupid than me riding 1500 miles round India next year on an Enfield Bullet that i cant even touch the ground on, and where the controls are all on the opposite side - but its all for charidee so.........

I reckon you should do it honey - itll be a laugh (and an experience!) if nothing else ;)

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If this bloke can tour OZ on a 110cc Postie :blink: ........

Check It Out


Then there's NO reason you couldn't do something similar on a 50 there Steve.......Go For It mate!!! :thumb:

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don't think, just do it. you should be able to do at least 100miles. I used to do a lot of cycling and 90 miles all day was easy circa 15 mph (inc pub stops) the pictures you'll take and the laughs you will have will live with you for the rest of your life.

Why not try youth hostels?

Just as Drepwy has said, just do it mate, you will have the best holiday ever, go where you please, when you please. I did the WHOLE of Scotland from down here in Lancashire on a YBR125, best holiday I ever had, memories and piccys taken, fantastic, I did 2500 miles (Small change to the 300,000 miles Ive done in the last 3 years on bikes) In the 10 days I had allocated to my trip. Just make sure your bike is ready for it. A tent and other camp stuff, and away you go!!!!

My ybr..a little laden, but still did 85Mph


I loved these 'roads'



The people you will meet on your journey will think your mad, but its those people that will help to make your trip a fun thing to do. Every morning of my trip, I just loaded up and rode away, if I saw a road I liked, Id try it out and see where it went. It was my Birthday while I was up there and this guy off a campsite played happy birthday on his bagpipes to me while his wife sang.

Go for it mate, be great, youll be on here when you get back telling us of your stories.

i'd like to go touring on my little Yammy DT50, which is a completely stupid idea

No it isn't

but why not give it a try?

Why not?

its got a nice comfy seat, tough as nails and is cheap to run.

Well then, that's all you really need

Doinging it on a 50 is something you'll remember always, you'll be telling 'hardened bikers' in years to come, it's a self defining action, no less than Goffs India challenge when you consider the bike and relative experience.

Depending on your own personality, you'll need to make different plans. In the summer I trotted off around Europe 8146 miles in all in 19 days. I planned no stops and decided to deal with each night as it came, sometimes B&B sometimes camping - even sleeping rough beside the bike. At 39 I've a bit of life experience to fall back on, but it was still a daunting thought. Brilliant experience though! (if you are interested click the 'Keep up with my travels' link at the bottom

It takes time to find a suitable B&B (bike safety?) so don't under estimate how this will impact your schedule (if you have one)

camping can be just as difficult - and this takes time to setup and clear down next day.

Don't over plan your schedule, if you have 16 days, then plan a trip for say 12 of them, then if you find somewhere interesting you can always stay a few extra days.

Consider a 'bail-out' plan - Eire is good for this as you can cut cross country if you need to head home.

These are things that anyone on a bigger (faster) bike would never really need to consider, but you are limited to speed and the roads you can ride on.

Go for it, have a ball and tell everyone about it, why not setup a webpage and blog the trip??

Damn you Wild foamy I'm inspired now! :lol: Was planning on leaving touring till I have a bigger bike and two weeks in Greece next year, may have to rethink that :D

Go for it guys!

Now's the time to do it before you have upteen responsibilities :lol:

Camping can be pricey in summertime if you go for 'official campsites' so the YHA is excellent option together with checking out biker friendly pubs with a field out back ;) Once you decided on your destination get on line and make contact with some local riders, you might be able to take in a couple of rallies enroute B)

:blush: erm .... would someone else add a reply to this post, looking at the board index all I see is ...

Just a thought to myself..Slippery When Wet :lol:

Definitely do it.

Panniers and topbox are a good idea, but a backpack may not be comfortable on long distances.

Make sure you're all mechanically prepared and it should be amazing fun.

If you think your bike is too small for touring, go Google up a Honda M50 Monkey Bike.

Guy I know from Bristol went touring round France on one earlier this year!!!!!

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would do it right now if the weather was good, but need time to prep.

plan is to spend a day in very little town/village i went to. with a rough guide looking something like this:

get a ferry to Dublin (possibly from liverpool unless i can find a place closer) then to Arklow, Rosslare Harbour,Waterford, down to Cobh for a day and possibly spend a day in Cork aswell. would like to go to Bantry and Kenmare, if i have time i may go to Waterville on the very tip of the south/west coast before traveling to Limerick via the backroads (possibly stopping at Ballybunnion for a photoshoot and take in the fresh sea air) before slowly cruising my way back to Dublin

i would very much like to blog the trip, although it may just be easier to write a little dairy, take photos and send postcards as im not sure if i would have internet access available to update the blog.

will start a proper thread nearer the time ;)

thanks all

i would very much like to blog the trip, although it may just be easier to write a little dairy, take photos and send postcards as im not sure if i would have internet access available to update the blog.

Most Blog software allows you to send blogs in by email, you can use your phone for this. It needn't be expensive.

I did it with a Asus 9000, and a grps enabled phone. I have own webspace so loading Blog software was straightforward. If you want, I can let you have some space and access to a Blog thread, PM me if you are interested

Hey man i support you all the way!!! go for it ...will be like riding about on that bike from ....dumb and dumber!!! haha....

Im from ireland ..up the north ..so go for it mate i got me a 125 yamaha dragstar and im gonna be all over Eire on that bad boy!!!!!

Why not iv read about people doing trips from london to south of france.

On c90's :lol:

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im already saving up for some bags and stuff, anything imparticular i will need?.

im planning a little "Tech 26 litre Topbox", a set of "Buffalo Getaway 58 litre expanding panniers",a "Buffalo tail pack" to go on the pillion seat between me and the top box and a "Buffalo 48 litre touring tankbag" to hang on the front. is that going to be enough luggage space? (i may also take a really big backpack but lower the straps so it rests on the seat behind me instead of putting all the weight on my shoulders, all in all looking at about 150 litre luggage capacity.

will probs also buy a polaroid camera, take a few photos and write on the back of them and send them home as post cards :D

i think that poor old yamaha will be dragging its ass a little bit... :P

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