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Hey all, a little question, does anyone have links for UK dealers of third party seats for the XVS1300 Midnight Star. I know accessories are rare as gold dust for these bikes at the moment, but its particularly galling knowing that riders in america have easy access to Mustang, Corbin and Ultimate seats whilst they are almost impossible to find over here. Thanks for any help in advance


I think you can get Corbin seats over here.

IIRC, Hein Gericke can obtain them.

I think you can get Corbin seats over here.

IIRC, Hein Gericke can obtain them.

hi , try holly wood motorcycles (hmpartsco) on ebay (us)

Hi Ya,

I'm in the same boat

I sent a request to Corbin and got this back

Battistinis are a major distributor of Corbin products in the U.K. and Europe http://www.battistinis.co.uk/

The price of part number – Y-VS13-7-S (Classic solo seat to fit an ’08 V-Star 1300) is £420. This seat will not fit with the stock Yamaha passenger seat, unfortunately.

The price of part number – 02-S (standard ‘Ovalbac’ backrest) is £198.

Delivery is £12.05.

I would echo the comments re E bay, and would add, that it took me some time to get the search correct.... if you seach on v star 1300 you get loads and loads of kit, if you search on Yamaha Midnight Star you only get a few UK and German hits.

I'm not sure how long you have had your 1300, but I was going to go down the Corbin route, till I got some feedback on another forum, re time it takes to "break the seat in"... I have a couple of thousand miles on mine and its alot better, or maybe my bums just got used to it :-)

Since I have got mine, I have added OEM light bar, OEM Screen and OEM hard bags ( all from e bay ) as well as some hawk rear foot boards ( which I think are much better than OEM ) and a Sissy bar from HAl ( which was rubbish and have taken off ) new grips, and horn. Also drilled out the standard exhaust and it sounds much better. Oh and I fitted some red leds and a set of strobe lights behind the dummy cover on the RHS

This month its likely to be the fender rack!

Bloody things costs me a fortune :-)

Hope you are enjoying yours!


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