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Hi all

My bike is an FZR 600 and it is running rich, it sometimes splutters in low revs.( too much fuel and black plugs ) I have been told that this problem is common and next week i am going to order a jet kit, and try and do this myself :blink: , is this an easy job ? can someone tell me, and is there anything i should watch out for ? . Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Michelle.x ;)

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First check your air filter as a dirty filter will cause rich running, float height too high also a possibility, last option is worn needle jets or emulsion tubes, see Here. Compressed air line, cotton buds, toothbrush and carb cleaner aerosol are useful tools to use.

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Hi, I have put in a new air fillter and plugs. I think its the needles and the emulsion tubes have worn down. So as much as I do not realy want to do this, as its my first time taken the carbs apart, its a job that needs to be done. I will be ok if I do not turn the mixture screw, I should be ok. She says :rolleyes: I will have get some carb cleaner.

Many thanks

Michelle.x :D

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One more question please. When i have put in new jets needles tubes, do I have to get the carbs balanced??

Michelle.x :D

  • Moderator

Yes i expect so, balancing the carbs is just to make sure that all of them operate at the same time. its mighty brave of you to be tackling a job like this with no experience tho, hopefully someone who has worked on these will join in, my bikes only got one carb so no need to bother with balancing there then

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Thanks for your help.

Michelle.x ;)

i've just had the carbs apart on my 98 r1 as long as you've got a nice clean work area where you can lay everything out as you take it apart it should'nt be to bad just make sure you have a decent set of screwdrivers because some of the screws are a bit soft and will round off very easaly

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Hi Dan

I like going over to London shopping :D . I am going to use a mates workshop cos he seems to have lots and lots of tools. He has just got himself a Goldwing, not my type of bike, I prefer the sporty bikes. A Goldwing for me is :lol: mmmm I am going to sleep....lol..... someone has already been into the carbs, I can tell by the state of the screws , a bit of a mess you might say. Have a nice day. Chat soon .



Firstly, :welcome:

I agree with Paul, it's mighty brave of you to tackle the carbs, especially if they have been 'got at' by Mr famfist and his overly large tools... It could be that the screws are 'stuck', if so tread with care.

I would advise that you get hold of a service manual to keep you right, and remind you where that left over screw goes!!

We've all been there, bits left over on the bench.... :question::help::bawling:

  • Author

Hi and thanks.

I have got a manual off e.bay so I am just waiting for it to come. 99p not bad but the post on it is over 7 pound, lets hope there are no pages missing, I have had carbs in bits before cos I have had bikes from a young age on the farm. But I have not taken 4 carbs off before, so i am a little concerned. Your right about having a screw left , I would be upset and I might scream scream and scream :D . On the hole my bike goes really really well , we went out for a nice ride today, it just splutters a bit in low revs , I will be very carefull,, sorry i did not see your name.

Many thanks


  • Author

Sorry I have entered it twice and can not delete one :blink:


each carb is seviceable with the carbs joined together, to do the jet job you do not need to separate the carbs. The carbs only tend to be a pain if you have to disconnect them from each other.

if you are happy to do the job, get (buy, beg, borrow or steal) a set of carb balancers and do that while you are in there.

  • Author


Buy,beg,borrow,steal, I like that..... :D ....Oh no carb balancers. This is a job i do not no how to do. Its all easy when you no how. I was really hoping to get away with this :unsure:


  • Moderator

  Michelle said:
Sorry I have entered it twice and can not delete one :blink:


No Worries Michelle........sorted.

BTW..... :welcome: to the forum

  • Author

Thank you very much, great forum. You are a long way away.


  • Moderator

  Michelle said:
Thank you very much, great forum. You are a long way away.


Yeah.....but been here for quite awhile ;)

& besides.....the TUNING FORK realm knows NO bounds. :thumb:

hey Michelle don't forget to let us know how you get on.

  • Author

.....lol....I will thanks, got my manual now and the kit so i am going to do it Saturday if the weather is ok. Me and a friend are riding over to Southend tomorrow , got to have some fish and chips as well :D. Off to sunny London next week to meet some girlfriends. where abouts are you Dan in London??. everytime I go into London I keep my doors locked. Gosh I got a bargin off the bay for my bike, a pit stand or paddock stand £10 pound, where I went to get it, I will not mention where, but I can tell you it was like Beirut. Kids jumping up and down on cars and running riot. I was very glad to get out of there.


  Michelle said:
.....lol....I will thanks, got my manual now and the kit so i am going to do it Saturday if the weather is ok. Me and a friend are riding over to Southend tomorrow , got to have some fish and chips as well :D. Off to sunny London next week to meet some girlfriends. where abouts are you Dan in London??. everytime I go into London I keep my doors locked. Gosh I got a bargin off the bay for my bike, a pit stand or paddock stand £10 pound, where I went to get it, I will not mention where, but I can tell you it was like Beirut. Kids jumping up and down on cars and running riot. I was very glad to get out of there.


sounds like my road :lol: .i live near wimbldon but do alot of work in the less desirable areas so i know what you mean normally keep a six cell mag light with me while driving lol

  • Author

Hi Dan

It seems to be running fine with the new jets and needles in..... :lol: .... untill the next problem comes up. The joys of riding a 19 year old bike. The bike is in almost showroom condition though. You have an R1, WOW very fast I bet, I think an R1 would be to fast for me, also my bottom would be eating my thong...... :lol: .....did I just say that.... :lol: ..... .

Wimbldon, not been that far over. Fulham is the furthest I have been . Chat soon.


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