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Yesterday an annoying "feedback" tab appeared at the side of my browser when i logged onto the site and won't go away - it might go away if i leave "feeback" but i dont want to and am a tad pissed off i cant get rid of this annoying addition to the forum. :angry:

And today - as if by magic - we have adverts at the top!

Along with the MASSIVE signatures some members feel the need to have its all very distracting.

Whats going on then?

  • Admin

Hi Goff, thank you for your feedback.

To answer some questions the feedback box isn't removable it is there to provide feedback on how members feel the site can be improved. It will be removed at a later date, but is staying for the moment to improve the site for the users.

As for the adverts, the site uses considerable bandwidth and needs to be paid for some how. I've run the site and paid for the last 7 years personally to keep it running. Now the site has over 12,000 members on the forums, and about 45,000 visits a day to the news releases it is costing a lot of money in bandwidth. If you would like to contribute/sponsor to the cost of running this site for the removal of the adverts please let me know.

As for distracting signatures maybe you should set an example and remove your animated gif ;-)

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  alexasigno said:
Hi Goff, thank you for your feedback.

To answer some questions the feedback box isn't removable it is there to provide feedback on how members feel the site can be removed.

I do hope you mean improved..... :P

  alexasigno said:
It will be removed at a later date, but is staying for the moment to improve the site for the users.

Understood. Suggestion sent

  alexasigno said:
As for the adverts, the site uses considerable bandwidth and needs to be paid for some how. I've run the site and paid for the last 7 years personally to keep it running. Now the site has over 12,000 members on the forums, and about 45,000 visits a day to the news releases it is costing a lot of money in bandwidth. If you would like to contribute/sponsor to the cost of running this site for the removal of the adverts please let me know..

I will happily sponsor annually towards the upkeep of the site if it helps. I didn't know we could do this. I have sent you an email/comment via the annoying feedback box :lol:

  alexasigno said:
As for distracting signatures maybe you should set an example and remove your animated gif ;-)


Now sort the rest out please. ;)

How about setting a height and width limit right across the board? Oh and while you're at it, limit the number of bluddy bikes you can add under your avatar too - some peoples posts are only a few lines but end up being a mile long cos they have had 200 bikes in their time! :lol:

  • Admin

Hi Goff, yes I meant improved ;) ... was in a rush as normal.

As for sponsorship to remove ad's that is a possibility and should be reasonably straight forward to do and i will look into it.

For the issue with signatures it's very easy to set a file size but not for dimensions, of course you can ask people to ensure that their signature is a certain size, but it is extremely hard to moderate. I will look and see if i can find a plugin so users can turn off the ability to see other users signatures.

Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming, striving to make this the best forum out there :-)

  • Moderator

  alexasigno said:
For the issue with signatures it's very easy to set a file size but not for dimensions, of course you can ask people to ensure that their signature is a certain size, but it is extremely hard to moderate. I will look and see if i can find a plugin so users can turn off the ability to see other users signatures.

What about limiting the number of characters in the bikes section, like with the signatures section. I have to agree with Goff scrolling through miles of bugger all to read the posts does get on the nerves a touch, picture sigs aren't so bad.

  • Admin

Hi Cynic that's a good idea to have a character limit for the bike listings.

We are trying to get as much feedback as possible in the upcoming weeks before IPB 3.0 is released, this way we can work out all the required improvements to be made and carry them out on the new board.

Unfortunately we won't be making changes until the new version of the forum software is released, otherwise we are duplicating work and some issues maybe fixed in the new release.

The upcoming release of IPB looks great and has many more useful features such as:

Improved board index

The board index features a collapsible sidebar, showing relevant information such as recent topics, top posters and more.

User control panel

The control panel was a big focus right from the start. We first knew we were going to remove the messenger from the UCP, since it didn't fit conceptually. What was left has been redesigned, with settings broken down into tabbed sections, showing only the menu for that section - this should prevent new users from being overwhelmed when they open their UCP and seeing so many links.

Messenger system

User profiles

Redesigned, bringing them more into line with what users might expect from their favorite social networking sites.

Recent Activity feed

Allows you to see quickly what content a user has contributed recently, be it topics or posts, calendar events, images and more.

Media tag

New bbcode tag, which will insert all kinds of media right into a post. If you put a YouTube link in a media tag, it'll insert the YouTube player; similarly, if you link to a Flickr album, it'll insert a Flickr slideshow.

If anyone wants to read more about it, you can read away on the IPB Blog?

I think its a good idea

I used to run a VW forum with my friend, and it costed us the earth

Least you can (as the admin team) get some money back

Afterall, this is how websites can pay for themselves. :)

the skin is fine i like it!

at admins,you should maybe remove the IPB version number, it makes you vulnerable

my browser blocks the ads so i just get red boxes .and goff bring gack the gif :lol:

I agree with Goff the adverts are a pain, but I understand the need to fund the site and on that basis accept that they are a necessary evil.

I also agree that some of the signatures and avatars are a bit ott,

On the positive side I find the site interesting, informative and amusing



I never noticed the Adds - now I can't stop looking at the bl00dy things! Thanks Goff :lol:

Never noticed the Feedback tab either!

Sponsorship - It's a good idea, but you need to give something back the people who support the forum, maybe a VIP/Sponsorship/Gold Members/Supporters/whatever you call them, area. It can be as easy as a PayPal transfer then a change in user status. Doesn't need to be complicated in any way.

Goff - I'm glad to see your gif has gone, way to distracting, maybe I can get some work done now :wub:

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I did make the suggestion of a sponsors only section via the annoying feedback button. I think you could ask folk to sponsor a set amount annually (say £20 ish) and set up a sponsors only forum - one only people who have sponsored the site can access. Also restricting for sale/wanted adverts to sponsors might be an idea - not hiding them, just allowing only sponsors to post such things. Limiting other things such as PM's and personal avatars and sigs to sponsors only might be an idea too. I help moderate on another, very very large biker site and we have this kind of thing -works really well and encourages folk to support the site. People often want something for free and i can see this post might get torn up, but theres a lot of work goes into running a board like this and i for one would be happy to pay my money - admin - where do i donate?

As for sigs - Shokz and littledan - yours are PRIME examples of massive sigs that take over the board - no offence intended, but they are absolutely fuckin huge, and for what purpose?

alexasigno's is about the ideal size i reckon.

My sig wont be coming back - it was a tad distracting and i bet it was annoying for some of you too - lead by example and all that ;)

Sorry Goff..

i use 2 dual 24inch monitors, so the sig is tiny to me, but i will change it just for you!

and little dans isnt big.... :S

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  ShoKz said:
Sorry Goff..

i use 2 dual 24inch monitors, so the sig is tiny to me, but i will change it just for you!

and little dans isnt big.... :S

lol aww bless ya honey ;)

But its still heeeyyyoooooooge - the problems of having a powsh monitor eh lol ;)

Littledans IS big you know - really....ermmm...i am talking about the sig you knows *snigger* :D

Oh and another idea for the site adminwallah - restrict new members from viewing profiles, sending PM's or contacting other members until they have established themselves as a genuine member - say 10 decent posts - that way we can weed out the trolls

  Goff said:
I did make the suggestion of a sponsors only section via the annoying feedback button. I think you could ask folk to sponsor a set amount annually (say £20 ish) and set up a sponsors only forum - one only people who have sponsored the site can access. Also restricting for sale/wanted adverts to sponsors might be an idea - not hiding them, just allowing only sponsors to post such things. Limiting other things such as PM's and personal avatars and sigs to sponsors only might be an idea too. I help moderate on another, very very large biker site and we have this kind of thing -works really well and encourages folk to support the site. People often want something for free and i can see this post might get torn up, but theres a lot of work goes into running a board like this and i for one would be happy to pay my money - admin - where do i donate?

As for sigs - Shokz and littledan - yours are PRIME examples of massive sigs that take over the board - no offence intended, but they are absolutely fuckin huge, and for what purpose?

alexasigno's is about the ideal size i reckon.

My sig wont be coming back - it was a tad distracting and i bet it was annoying for some of you too - lead by example and all that ;)

  Goff said:

lol aww bless ya honey ;)

But its still heeeyyyoooooooge - the problems of having a powsh monitor eh lol ;)

Littledans IS big you know - really....ermmm...i am talking about the sig you knows *snigger* :D

Oh and another idea for the site adminwallah - restrict new members from viewing profiles, sending PM's or contacting other members until they have established themselves as a genuine member - say 10 decent posts - that way we can weed out the trolls


Just what the girl says.

  alexasigno said:
As for distracting signatures maybe you should set an example and remove your animated gif ;-)

There goes my main reason for logging in recently :blink:

(Is my signature too big/long/etc - not sure on the netiquette on this one...)

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  Paul Mc said:
There goes my main reason for logging in recently :blink:

(Is my signature too big/long/etc - not sure on the netiquette on this one...)

Awwww - well if folk are gonna help make the site more enjoyable and easier onthe eyes i gotta lead by example. ;)

Yours seems fine though - its not a huge piccie or animation that smacks you in the teeth as soon as you read the post its under :lol: To be honest i wouldnt worry about it too much yet, i am sure adminwallah will give us some guidance once the new forum gets going.

Shoks -theres a load of space under your sig honey - thats whats making it looks so heeyooooge!

Also - yest another idea - restrict "guests" from viewing the forum unless they join - or at least restrict them to parts of it only - we seem to have more bloody guests than members online most of the time!

As for the appearance of adverts...

They appeared on the Fazer website a couple of months ago, popping up IN the chuffin' posts.

Found it really annoying to start with (even loaded FireFox onto the home PC, which blocked the ads) but am now used to them, not a problem at all.

Give it a month or two, you'll barely notice them or they'll certainly irritate you less.

Gotta pay for the bandwidth somehow.

Goff - that delightful little gif file that you had, was that a clip from a film? If so, which one? :huh:

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  Paul Mc said:
Goff - that delightful little gif file that you had, was that a clip from a film? If so, which one? :huh:

It is indeed. Its from a film called Baseketball - trailer

Well, from a perhaps slightly pissy start, this thread has turned into a "lot of love in this room" one.....

All power to Alexasigno for setting up the forum and keeping it going. :thumb: Like Goff, I also help moderate in another forum and am aware of the aggravation that even my limited commitment brings on. I also run another site which had a forum that I allowed to wither on the vine due to distinct lack of interest and membership. Getting a multi-thousand membership forum is no mean feat.

I have reduced the number of bikes in my unneccessarily long list (sorry, Goff :blush: ). Hopefully my post windows won't be so long now.

The sponsor section is, I think, an ace one. I would also be happy to contribute. In fact, it's such a good idea that I'll be posting a note in my own site's news page to try and get support for that one, too. Ah; the joy of capitalism.....

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