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To the Gixxer rider.....

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Guest Exupnutta

Sorry - I've gotta bite over this comment.

I am a fighter, both armed and unarmed.

A knife, commonly carried by many arseholes, will penetrate leathers.

A helmet and leathers restrict your vision and movement respectively. If someone kicks off on you, you're probably fecked.

Given how many people seem to be so 'unfortunately maladjusted', it's seems a bit risky unless you're with the rest of your Backpatch brothers and can swamp the offender.

Personally, the Law does not defend you if you're attacked. It can only compensate you. Your face will still be a bloodied mess.

YOU are the only one who can defend yourself, so in the event someone does kick off on me, I'd be doing my damndest to kick the shit out of them before they succeed.

Now, as you know, not everyone is going to kick off on you, but however polite and tactful you are some will. You must be prepared and capable enough to do whatever it takes to cope with that possibility.

How many of you 40+ riders, with your summer speed machines, would listen to a 28-year-old rider telling you how to ride better? How many would just tell him to fuck off?

Sometimes it's easier to just let the speeding idiot go and hope he crashes somewhere remote where they hurt no-one but themselves....

You're right of course.

My problem is... is simply don't give a shit anymore, since my dog was killed last year. (To some it may just be a dog, to me it was my daughter and it tore my heart out)

Even before that.... I've been threatened before with a knife to my throat... Told him to go and f himself.

Do you think I'm going to lower myself and give in to what are school bullies? I'm no fighter, but I a have mental power over these weak cowards! If you have a knife, don't expect me to respect you or back down. You're just going to piss me off by threatening me or my family.

Ever since my dog was killed by a speeding hit and run driver, who was seen pulling up 500m down the road, getting out, inspecting his car and THEN trying to drive home. He NEVER returned to the scene and after his car broke down on the way home and probably after getting an estimate for the damage to his car, he THEN reported it to the police the following day claiming it was all our fault. The police REFUSED to investigate, despite 4 witnesses to him absolutely NAILING it through the gears and hitting my dog WITHOUT braking or reacting IN ANY WAY! So no, I don't give a shit anymore and if anyone tries to mess with me now, they'd better be ready. Take your fecking lid off and smash them in the face with it if needed. I will not back down, not for a Knife or gun or anything. If my time has come, then so be it :mellow:

I'll get my coat :)

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Ever since my dog was killed by a speeding hit and run driver, who was seen pulling up 500m down the road, getting out, inspecting his car and THEN trying to drive home. He NEVER returned to the scene and after his car broke down on the way home and probably after getting an estimate for the damage to his car, he THEN reported it to the police the following day claiming it was all our fault. The police REFUSED to investigate, despite 4 witnesses to him absolutely NAILING it through the gears and hitting my dog WITHOUT braking or reacting IN ANY WAY! So no, I don't give a shit anymore and if anyone tries to mess with me now, they'd better be ready. Take your fecking lid off and smash them in the face with it if needed. I will not back down, not for a Knife or gun or anything. If my time has come, then so be it :mellow:

If a dog is not on a lead and on the road when the car hit it, it's the dog owners fault and the police won't investigate im afraid.

Dogs (and cats) are not like people when involved in an accident -- it is not considered hit and run, nor can the driver be charged with anything even if he had stayed around.

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Guest Exupnutta

it is not considered hit and run, nor can the driver be charged with anything even if he had stayed around.

Actually it is a hit and run offence! WHERE DO YOU GET THIS INFO FROM?

It isn't an offence if you hit a cat! But hitting a dog is NO DIFFERENT to hitting a person!

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You're right of course.

About the science of fighting, yes.

The rest of it is just my opinion, though.

My problem is... is simply don't give a shit anymore,

This works fine for people like you and me, but for the 5' 5" small riders who try to stand up for themselves, they need to be careful about approaching people.

Again, nothing wrong with highlighting dangerous or unsocial behaviour, hopefully helping people to become better, safer riders. Just that everyone has to be aware that bikers aren't all as nice as us lot!!

Fortunately, not everyone is as pretentious as me, either!!! :D

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Actually it is a hit and run offence! WHERE DO YOU GET THIS INFO FROM?

It isn't an offence if you hit a cat! But hitting a dog is NO DIFFERENT to hitting a person!

Yes it is. If your dog was not restrained you are responsible in the eyes of the law.

The Road Traffic Act (1988) states "A person who causes or permits a dog to be on a designated road without the dog being held on a lead is guilty of an offence".

Therefore if your dog was not on a lead and in the road there is nothign that can be done, and in reality you could have been in serious shit if the driver had pursued this.

the driver should have stopped and given his details to you at the time of the accident if you were about. If you werent he should have reported it to the police within 24 hours.

If you gave his reg number to the police he would have had a bollocking for not doing so.

Hitting a dog IS different to hitting a person IF IT WAS NOT RESTRAINED.

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Guest Exupnutta

Yes it is. If your dog was not restrained you are responsible in the eyes of the law.

The Road Traffic Act (1988) states "A person who causes or permits a dog to be on a designated road without the dog being held on a lead is guilty of an offence".

Therefore if your dog was not on a lead and in the road there is nothign that can be done, and in reality you could have been in serious shit if the driver had pursued this.

the driver should have stopped and given his details to you at the time of the accident if you were about. If you werent he should have reported it to the police within 24 hours.

If you gave his reg number to the police he would have had a bollocking for not doing so.

Hitting a dog IS different to hitting a person IF IT WAS NOT RESTRAINED.

Are you trying to piss me off?



Yes she was off the lead, but I wasn't walking along the road... I was in a forest!!!!!

What he did WAS an offence! END OF!

Now leave it alone! :angry:

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Are you trying to piss me off?



Yes she was off the lead, but I wasn't walking along the road... I was in a forest!!!!!

What he did WAS an offence! END OF!

Now leave it alone! :angry:

I never said i knew anything about what happened, but i do know the law.

Your dog was not reatrained therefore YOU were responsible.

You know what fuck it. You come on here banging on about how fuckin pissed off you are about your dog being killed and how the driver committed an offence blah blah blah. I just pointed out that the driver did not commit an offence if the dog was NOT restrained - which by your own admission it wasnt and you have the nerve to tell me to leave it alone and swear at me!

I am extremely sorry you lost your dog in this way and am in no way condoning the actions of the driver but dont you dare have a fuckin pop at me - in a forest or not the law is the fuckin law and YOU WERE RESPONSIBLE for that dog not being on a damned lead. when there were vehicles about

Its called RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP soapbox.gif

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Guest Exupnutta

So the fact that he was doing nearly DOUBLE the speed limit makes no difference, eh?

How would you feel?

The dog was 100% reliable... except that 1 time. You know the law, huh?

Well then you should know that exceptions are made for a dog BEHAVING OUT OF CHARACTER!

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So the fact that he was doing nearly DOUBLE the speed limit makes no difference, eh?

How would you feel?

The dog was 100% reliable... except that 1 time. You know the law, huh?

Well then you should know that exceptions are made for a dog BEHAVING OUT OF CHARACTER!

And you can prove a dog was BEHAVING OUT OF CHARACTER how?

It makes NO difference whatsoever. Your dog was not on a lead - end of, and that is how the law views it. If it had been restrained it would have been a different kettle of fish.

You can NEVER EVER know what a dog is going to do no matter how well you THINK you know it. My ex-husband bred Japanese Akitas and is extremely knowledgable on all things dog. One of our very soft and loving bitches who had never shown any aggressive tendencies in the 8 years we had had her suddenly turned viciously on him one day - for no reason whatsoever that we could see.

We have a very large Dogue De Bordeaux who is a fabulous dog in every way, but would i trust him 100% and say that i truly know him - would i fuck. And i never would with any dog no matter how long i had had them.

Dogs can turn at the drop of hat for no apparent reason so proving they were behaving out of character is a hard thing to do.

And yes - i do know the law.

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Guest Exupnutta

And you can prove a dog was BEHAVING OUT OF CHARACTER how?

She was trained at Dr Roger Mugford's Animal Behaviour Centre.

We did EVERY course available.

She was used as an example in training sessions, to show the other owners of THIS is how your dog should behave.

He would have happily written a statement for me regarding her temperament and behaviour, except i did not wish to pursue the matter further, as it was too painful to deal with.

I have made my point and will say no more on the matter, as it is too upsetting for me.

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Ok I'll admit it, I drive balls to the wall most of the time. The old saying "Drive it like you stole it" really plays a big part in my life. But I know my limits. When I'm coming up on a bike if I can get over and pass him I will. I will NOT try to be an a****** and try to ride as close as possible so he can smell if I put on deoderant that morning. And I WILL slow down to a respectable speed. If he wants to ride with me, I hope he or she can keep up. I do most of my speed driving on a track or on a back country road and pray for no deer. I also know that in Georgia they passed a new law. I think it's mostly for us sport bike riders. The law states: "If a motorcycle is clocked and caught driving over 30 MPH the motorcycle WILL be IMPOUNDED until the court date is established." For those of you that know us Georgian's we tend to move pretty slow when it comes to legal crap. I have had a friend wait 2 weeks (while he was locked up) unable to even think about touching his toy before the court date was established. He then lost his liscense for a year and had to pay $1500 just to get his bike out of the impound. He then had to pay almost $10,000 in legal fees. Needless to say, he learned his lesson and now dosen't ride anywhere near as fast as he did. So those of you who ride like me, balls to the wall, KEEP IT SAFE, KEEP IT ON THE TRACK, AND MOST OF ALL THINK OF EVERYBODY ELSE'S LIFE YOU MIGHT BE ENDANGERING!!!!!! THERE ARE WOMEN, CHILDREN, MEN, AND MANY OTHER PEOPLE WHO YOU MIGHT TAKE THEIR HEART AND SOUL FROM THEM FOR BEING A FREAKING IDIOT!!!!


07 FZ6

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She was trained at Dr Roger Mugford's Animal Behaviour Centre.

We did EVERY course available.

She was used as an example in training sessions, to show the other owners of THIS is how your dog should behave.

He would have happily written a statement for me regarding her temperament and behaviour, except i did not wish to pursue the matter further, as it was too painful to deal with.

I have made my point and will say no more on the matter, as it is too upsetting for me.

And our Akitas were show dogs! Trained to the highest standards as required by Crufts and the Kennel Club. Whether a dog is trained by Dr Roger Mugford, Mic Martin or Cesar Millan - in the eyes of the law this means jack shit. And at 15 months old the dog would still be classed as a pup - therefore unpredictable.

As i keep saying - your dog was not on a lead and that is what counts as far as the law is concerned.

No he shouldnt have been speeding

Yes he should have stopped

But because your dog wasn't restrained - THATS what makes a difference. You could have been in serious shit for that if the driver had stopped and pursued it himself - wrong as it may seem.

What point is it you are trying to make? I cant see one apart from in your eyes the driver had committed an offence and the police did bugger all - there was bugger all they could do anyway!

No i am not trying to piss you off but for fucks sake - you're the one going on about how you dont ride anymore because your mates were knocked off their bikes and your dog was killed by a speeding driver, and that you would rather go out for walks with your dog than risk your life on the road, and how you're so tough you can tell someone with a knife to your throat to fuck off - I think you have a few SERIOUS issues you need to deal with before having a pop at me for giving you some facts that you didn't like. If its too upsetting for you then stop bloody mentioning it in every other post you make!!!!!!

Anyway - this is a bike site not a damned dog site so back to bikes now if you please.

mason - i agree with you 100%, but there are folk who DON'T think like that and wont ever think like that. It just means the rest of us have to be extra cautious.

Ride/drive like you're driving/riding for everyone else on the road and dont take any risks. ;)

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Guest Exupnutta

you're so tough you can tell someone with a knife to your throat to fuck off - I think you have a few SERIOUS issues you need to deal with before having a pop at me for giving you some facts that you didn't like. If its too upsetting for you then stop bloody mentioning it in every other post you make!!!!!!

Anyway - this is a bike site not a damned dog site so back to bikes now if you please.

I only mentioned it to explain WHY I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE! Yes, that is my issue... and I do believe if you read back, THAT is what I was trying to say ;)

If some retard with a knife, who is pissed off about his team loosing a football match ffs and I did NOTHING to provoke him, then holds a knife to my throat, you think I'm going to say: Oh, Mr retard with a knife I'm sorry your team lost? No, I'm gonna tell him what I think... You're a f'ing looser, go forth and multiply!

Btw that was not far from you Goff when I went to Salford University. It's really nice and friendly around there isn't it! Can't remember WHY I left :unsure:

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I only mentioned it to explain WHY I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE! Yes, that is my issue... and I do believe if you read back, THAT is what I was trying to say ;)

Really? If the reason you're dog being killed by a speeding driver is the reason why you seem so bitter and angry, then i suggest you get yourself some counselling. Obviously this has affected you quite deeply - and before you start and rip me to pieces im not having a pop, i am making a genuine suggestion - but you seem unable to cope with this and maybe some professional help would be good for you. I am genuinely sorry your dog died in this way, but take a step back for a moment eh.

If some retard with a knife, who is pissed off about his team loosing a football match ffs and I did NOTHING to provoke him, then holds a knife to my throat, you think I'm going to say: Oh, Mr retard with a knife I'm sorry your team lost? No, I'm gonna tell him what I think... You're a f'ing looser, go forth and multiply!

Yep ok if you say so. But this is both idiotic and very very worrying. If you REALLY were in this situation and you REALLY do behave as you have led us to believe you do, then again, please seek out some help, because clearly there is a major problem.

Btw that was not far from you Goff when I went to Salford University. It's really nice and friendly around there isn't it! Can't remember WHY I left :unsure:

Salford is a shit hole as you will no doubt know.

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If its too upsetting for you then stop bloody mentioning it in every other post you make!!!!!!

Anyway - this is a bike site not a damned dog site so back to bikes now if you please.

here here

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bloody hell; this thread seems to have taken a seriously off-road leap. Just a few things:

1. I've not seen ICBM-boy for a while now, although the weather's been a bit poor, so maybe he doesn't want the bike to get wet.

2. Wave him down? Are you kidding? I'd lose my arm. Besides, he'd never see it in time.

3. Confront him? Don't think so. I think Goff's scenario (i.e. being told to feck off as a minimum) would be most likely.

4. Honour is reserved for those who deserve it.

5. Catch up with him (1)? On a TDM? Hmmm.

6. Catch up with him (2)? Have you tried racing on the A21? OK, so this guy does but I have a greater self preservation instinct. I have no intention of charging through two-way traffic, risking life and limb to try and reason with someone clearly incapable of such reason.

If he DOES pass my way again and if I manage to get his number plate down, I will report it. Snitch? Me? You betcha.

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