Posted September 15, 200816 yr .....who scares the cr*p out of me most mornings. Flying past at feck knows what speed along the single carriageway sections of the A21 (whether there's clear road or not) is no way to ingratiate yourself with drivers. Or me, come to that. So far, you have almost clipped my bike's mirrors twice on your intercontinental-rated journey. Slow down, man or you are going to kill yourself. Or me and that would be far worse. Yours sincerely, Boring old fart Steve.
September 15, 200816 yr twats who ride like that gives bikes the bad rep they dont deserve. must be in a rush to try on a wooden overcoat
September 15, 200816 yr forest said: twats who ride like that gives bikes the bad rep they dont deserve. must be in a rush to try on a wooden overcoat I agree with that...I see lots on the M27...
September 16, 200816 yr Moderator Take his number and report him to the police for dangerous riding - and keep reporting him until they sort it - which they will.
September 16, 200816 yr Author Goff said: Take his number and report him to the police for dangerous riding - and keep reporting him until they sort it - which they will. My other half's ex is a copper who gave the same advice. Unusually, I didn't see rocket man this morning but I'll keep looking out for him every day. I'll keep y'all posted.
September 16, 200816 yr Moderator Exupnutta said: No code of honor here then Might aswell buy a Volvo. What code of honour is that?
September 17, 200816 yr Exupnutta said: You're right I spellt it wrong Are you saying that nothing should be said/done about the twit who causes problems for all other riders just because he/she rides also? Seems like the code of honour (honor on this side of the pond) would mandate doing something to get the fool stopped before he/she kills themselves and/or others. I don't care what one does on their ride as long as they don't endanger others, but when they cause a danger to others, it's time to get them stopped, personally I would just as soon stick something through their front wheel to bring things to a screaching halt, but when one gets passed at high speed that's both impossible (or nearly so) and dangerous to do (I don't care about the danger to the blithering idiot but rather to other around). This kind of behaviour has no place on crowded roadways. Take it to the country or the track (I know it's much more crowded around your countryside but I'm sure there are roadways where it's safer to be a fool).
September 17, 200816 yr Cy Welch said: Are you saying that nothing should be said/done about the twit who causes problems for all other riders just because he/she rides also? There are ways of dealing with this. For example... Flagging him over and "having a chat" with him and WARN him BEFORE reporting him, hence my honour comment. TBH If another rider passing you at speed is going to be a problem for you, IMHO you should stay at home as he won't be the ONLY 1. Go on report it. The police won't do a THING, because to report someone for dangerous driving you need a witness. End of the year you'll be complaining that the police rates have gone up... AND YOU'RE THE REASON WHY! For wasting police time with something you could have EASILY resolved yourself. For the record I HATE people who speed. My dog was killed by a speeding car driver just over a year ago. So I understand the meaning of SPEED KILLS. That doesn't mean I'm going to be a little snitch and scribble down everyone's numberplate. Nor does it mean that I condone illegal activities like speeding, undertaking etc.
September 17, 200816 yr Moderator Exupnutta said: There are ways of dealing with this. For example... Flagging him over and "having a chat" with him and WARN him BEFORE reporting him, hence my honour comment. Yep thats gonna work. If someone tried to flag me over i would either ignore them or stop and tell them to fuck off and mind their own damn business, so yes i can see that working very well. If he's riding like a twat, chances are he will behave like one too........ Exupnutta said: TBH If another rider passing you at speed is going to be a problem for you, IMHO you should stay at home as he won't be the ONLY 1. It wont be a problem once they are off the road. Exupnutta said: Go on report it. The police won't do a THING, because to report someone for dangerous driving you need a witness. End of the year you'll be complaining that the police rates have gone up... AND YOU'RE THE REASON WHY! For wasting police time with something you could have EASILY resolved yourself. Actually you dont need another witness. If you go to them and tell them whats gone on an that its been happening for a while they WILL monitor it. I aint gonna try and stop some fuckwit only to have my teeth smashed in or to be given a load of abuse. Exupnutta said: For the record I HATE people who speed. My dog was killed by a speeding car driver just over a year ago. So I understand the meaning of SPEED KILLS. That doesn't mean I'm going to be a little snitch and scribble down everyone's numberplate. Nor does it mean that I condone illegal activities like speeding, undertaking etc. It doesnt mean you're a little snitch - but if it saves the twat from killing an innocent person/animal then ill happily report his sorry little ass. A biker and his pillion were killed by the actions of such a rider at Matlock this year so these people need reporting and taking off the road.
September 17, 200816 yr Goff said: Actually you dont need another witness. If you go to them and tell them whats gone on an that its been happening for a while they WILL monitor it. I was in the passenger seat of my OH's Focus. She was driving. She does about 500miles a week, so she knows how to behave on the road. We were driving along a dual carriage way when suddenly this A******* in a Fiat deceided to DELIBERATELY try and run us off the road, because we had overtaken him??? My OH reacted very well and avoided an accident. I asked a few coppers about the incident and they said that NOTHING would be done unless INDEPENDANTLY someone else reported the same incident. Basically, there wasn't going to be a result, other than wasting my time and getting very annoyed about it all. TBH Life's too f'ing short RIP Lucy the Dobermann 2006-2007 If this guy is really riding like an utter OOPS I said the C word, then he'll deserve what's coming and others will report him too. I never said don't report him, I would just try and give him the thumbs up and nod right for him to pull over for a quick word. What makes me laugh is that almost EVERYONE is scared to speak up. For example... Went to a petrol station in a Subaru Impreza a few months ago. Next to us was a XK8 Jaguar. The woman driver took an instant dislike to the car. She went inside, paid, came back out and banged her door 5 times into the Subaru, proper dented it. Another woman inside saw this, but when asked about it denied she saw anything. WHY? To her I can just say you wuss and I hope it happens to you the same way and YOU get stuck with the repair bill!!! If instead of the posh bitch in her £30k Jag it had been some hooligan in a banger I could have understood it. Goff said: I aint gonna try and stop some fuckwit only to have my teeth smashed in or to be given a load of abuse. You're wearing full leathers with crash pads etc and a full face lid. What are you worried about? Personally, I'd be more worried about reporting someone without discussing it and them finding out it was YOU! Boils down to the same possible end result or worse. If you manage to speak to him, then I would just say something like: Love the bike mate, where did you get the exhaust from? ....bla bla bla... I've seen you about a few times, sometimes going a bit fast and you've flashed past me a couple of times. I'm not that experienced and I almost crashed the other day. Could you do me a favour and just leave me a bit more space. If he smashes your face in he is VERY maladjusted. He will more than likely apologise and leave space for you in future. He will probably say he didn't realise he was causing a problem for you, but understand it when he thinks about it. I've had numerous words with people over the years and the "want to smash your face in for no reason" attitude is one of car drivers and cyclists, NOT bikers in my experience (15 years on the road). P.S. Lets not turn this into a chain lube type of debate. These are just opinions
September 17, 200816 yr Moderator Exupnutta said: I was in the passenger seat of my OH's Focus. She was driving. She does about 500miles a week, so she knows how to behave on the road. We were driving along a dual carriage way when suddenly this A******* in a Fiat deceided to DELIBERATELY try and run us off the road, because we had overtaken him??? My OH reacted very well and avoided an accident. I asked a few coppers about the incident and they said that NOTHING would be done unless INDEPENDANTLY someone else reported the same incident. Basically, there wasn't going to be a result, other than wasting my time and getting very annoyed about it all. TBH Life's too f'ing short RIP Lucy the Dobermann 2006-2007 Aa a qualified professional driver i have on occasion reported several incidents to the police in the past and most have been looked at. Not all, but most, and therefore am drawing on my own experiences as are you. Exupnutta said: If this guy is really riding like an utter OOPS I said the C word, then he'll deserve what's coming and others will report him too. Fingers crossed Exupnutta said: I never said don't report him, I would just try and give him the thumbs up and nod right for him to pull over for a quick word. What makes me laugh is that almost EVERYONE is scared to speak up. Believe me - im not one who's scared of speaking up, but in this day and age you dont know who the hell you are dealing with and have to err on the side of caution. Exupnutta said: For example... Went to a petrol station in a Subaru Impreza a few months ago. Next to us was a XK8 Jaguar. The woman driver took an instant dislike to the car. She went inside, paid, came back out and banged her door 5 times into the Subaru, proper dented it. Another woman inside saw this, but when asked about it denied she saw anything. WHY? To her I can just say you wuss and I hope it happens to you the same way and YOU get stuck with the repair bill!!! If instead of the posh bitch in her £30k Jag it had been some hooligan in a banger I could have understood it.. Did you report it? It would have been captured on CCTV. You should have reported it to the police and claimed on your insurance. Once the insurance informed the police she drove off they would have paid her a visit and she would have had to have provided her insurance details. Exupnutta said: You're wearing full leathers with crash pads etc and a full face lid. What are you worried about? Personally, I'd be more worried about reporting someone without discussing it and them finding out it was YOU! Boils down to the same possible end result or worse. If you manage to speak to him, then I would just say something like: Love the bike mate, where did you get the exhaust from? ....bla bla bla... I've seen you about a few times, sometimes going a bit fast and you've flashed past me a couple of times. I'm not that experienced and I almost crashed the other day. Could you do me a favour and just leave me a bit more space. If he smashes your face in he is VERY maladjusted. He will more than likely apologise and leave space for you in future. He will probably say he didn't realise he was causing a problem for you, but understand it when he thinks about it. I've had numerous words with people over the years and the "want to smash your face in for no reason" attitude is one of car drivers and cyclists, NOT bikers in my experience (15 years on the road). P.S. Lets not turn this into a chain lube type of debate. These are just opinions The problem is i am not going to deliberatly put myself into a potentially volatile situation. I have no problem whatsoever giving someone a piece of my mind but as i said earlier - pulling someone over just to do that is suicidal Maybe he will apologise - however i do doubt that very much - this is 2008 not 1908, but again, if it was me you would be told to fuck off and mind your own business.
September 17, 200816 yr What the Lady said..... Better to catch up with the guy at a cafe or something and have said gentle word. Many young 'uns will tell you to fuck off, or worse, so the worth of the hassle is up to you.
September 18, 200816 yr SRJ999 said: My other half's ex is a copper who gave the same advice. Unusually, I didn't see rocket man this morning but I'll keep looking out for him every day. I'll keep y'all posted. With a bit of luck he's taken himself out b4 any1 else.
September 18, 200816 yr Exupnutta said: You're wearing full leathers with crash pads etc and a full face lid. What are you worried about? I tried to pull some nutter over once & despite having a rather small person on the pillion (my 12 year old nephew) I then had 3 miles of avoiding a black series 12 BMW (despite speeds) where the driver tried to run us off the M1 (between Watford & Northamton), when it sped off I thought good! Only to have the driver on the carraigeway (a couple of miles later) waiting for us, with a machete & tried to hit us! Now I reported it to the police & what happened? FUCK ALL HAPPENED!!!! DESPITE ALL THE CAMERAS ON tHE MOTORWAY! WHY???? Coz I was on a MOTORCYCLE!!!!! UNLUCKY EH!!!
September 18, 200816 yr Goff said: Did you report it? It would have been captured on CCTV. You should have reported it to the police and claimed on your insurance. Once the insurance informed the police she drove off they would have paid her a visit and she would have had to have provided her insurance details. It wasn't my car... but yes it was reported and a claim filed... However, the shell garage claimed that the camera was NOT pointing at the pumps Want some free petrol?... Shell in Guilford
September 19, 200816 yr Moderator grizzlydan said: I tried to pull some nutter over once & despite having a rather small person on the pillion (my 12 year old nephew) I then had 3 miles of avoiding a black series 12 BMW (despite speeds) where the driver tried to run us off the M1 (between Watford & Northamton), when it sped off I thought good! Only to have the driver on the carraigeway (a couple of miles later) waiting for us, with a machete & tried to hit us! Now I reported it to the police & what happened? FUCK ALL HAPPENED!!!! DESPITE ALL THE CAMERAS ON tHE MOTORWAY! WHY???? Coz I was on a MOTORCYCLE!!!!! UNLUCKY EH!!! Very. If someone tried to hit you with a MACHETE on a public road then the police should have done something. I cannot undestand why they didnt and why you have not complained that they didnt. If this was captured on camera it would have been dealt with and swiftly. Section 1 of the Prevention of Crime Act 1953 outlaws the possession in any public place of an offensive weapon "without lawful authority or reasonable excuse", therefore if this was on camera and you reported this to the police then it should have been looked at. If not then you should have been asking SERIOUS questions as to why such a serious offence was not investigated and put a complaint in to the Police Complaints Authority. This would have gone all the way to court without a doubt. The CPS states that where there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction, the public interest will normally require a prosecution. - if it was caught on the motorway cameras that is sufficient evidence. Where the evidence discloses that the defendant has used a knife to cause injury/threaten violence/cause fear, or has carried a knife in a way which contravenes a possession offence (which he clearly did), there will be a number of compelling public interest factors in favour of prosecution which should be accorded proper weight. These include the following: a conviction is likely to result in a significant sentence: [use and carrying offences; see guideline case of Celaire and Poulton 20031 Cr.App.R (S) 610 and the Magistrates' courts' sentencing guidelines]; a weapon was used or violence threatened during the commission of another offence; the offence is widespread in the area where it was committed; the offender was a ringleader; evidence that the offence was premeditated; (obviouslt because he stopped and got out with the INTENTION of trying to hit you with a machete therefore he had thoguht about it previously) there are grounds for believing the offence is likely to be repeated; prosecution would have a significant positive impact on maintaining community confidence; or a culture of carrying weapons encourages violence and may lead to more serious criminal behaviour. I would chase this up if i were you.
September 19, 200816 yr Exupnutta said: You're wearing full leathers with crash pads etc and a full face lid. What are you worried about? Sorry - I've gotta bite over this comment. I am a fighter, both armed and unarmed. A knife, commonly carried by many arseholes, will penetrate leathers. A helmet and leathers restrict your vision and movement respectively. If someone kicks off on you, you're probably fecked. Given how many people seem to be so 'unfortunately maladjusted', it's seems a bit risky unless you're with the rest of your Backpatch brothers and can swamp the offender. Personally, the Law does not defend you if you're attacked. It can only compensate you. Your face will still be a bloodied mess. YOU are the only one who can defend yourself, so in the event someone does kick off on me, I'd be doing my damndest to kick the shit out of them before they succeed. Now, as you know, not everyone is going to kick off on you, but however polite and tactful you are some will. You must be prepared and capable enough to do whatever it takes to cope with that possibility. How many of you 40+ riders, with your summer speed machines, would listen to a 28-year-old rider telling you how to ride better? How many would just tell him to fuck off? Sometimes it's easier to just let the speeding idiot go and hope he crashes somewhere remote where they hurt no-one but themselves....
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