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I agree with you, Ive a fork here with a broken stanchion from a bike that I practised with.....

The crash frame tells all, plus no screen, its a practise bike....

While your point about the crash frame is good, the shadow under the bike doesn't look right. I do believe that the pic has been photoshopped, not saying what is shown couldn't happen or hasn't, but that the picture looks fishy when look at in it's entirety.

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>a: undertaking is illegal

Explain slow-speed filtering, then.

I don't undertake.

Even if you successfully argue that I do, I'd rather be illegal for a few seconds and "be seen, be safe".

Being in the right is no consolation when you're lying in hospital, looking down at where your legs used to be.

>b: unless u can use your mental powers to keep a car or van or whatever it is ur

Re-read what I said.

I 'scoot quickly' past when overtaking.

I brake a touch when being overtaken slowly.

It's not infallible, but far better than obeying the speed limit entirely and sitting in a blind spot.

>c: if you come up on vehicles from behind with your lights on, a mere flash or

I'm talking about multiple carriageways.

Single lane overtakes are different - always on the right, in accordance with the road laws, markings etc and completed as quickly as possible.

a mere flash or touch of brakes to make your light dip up and down will ensure they see you...

I had a chat with a Police instructor on this a few weeks ago. They teach you to use up all the width of the road, especialy at junctions (so to avoid being cught behind the cars A-Pillar), making sure as you approacj you are visble to the driver in all of his/her mirrors. Even then, and I quote "done up like a christmas tree, flashing blues, and whailing two's they still don't see you"

There's no right and wrong, just survive or dive.......

>a: undertaking is illegal

Explain slow-speed filtering, then.

I don't undertake.

Even if you successfully argue that I do, I'd rather be illegal for a few seconds and "be seen, be safe".

Being in the right is no consolation when you're lying in hospital, looking down at where your legs used to be.

Undertaking isn't illegal I have even had a Police officer admit it to me, The Highway Code suggest that you should not undertake as its not safe but it is not a criminal offence and the highway code is always taken with a pinch of salt.

I'm pretty sure if the police cought you giving it some punch to get out of someones blind spot they would have no objections as long as it was done safely.


I'm pretty sure if the police cought you giving it some punch to get out of someones blind spot they would have no objections as long as it was done safely.

I'd certainly argue it if they did take objection.

I only have 40 horses to punch anyway, so it's not like I'm a speeding loony :D

:D:D:D Boy you guys would love Thailand I think I'm the only person left here that has long pair of pants. Here it's not the blind side of the car, but which way is the Water Buffalo going to go :lol:

You know when you have been here to long when at night a guy is riding a bike at you on the wrong side of the street with no lights, with one hand on the bars and talking on a cell phone with the other, helmets no that messes up your hair just not cool. Beautiful young woman sitting on the back in a mini skirt putting on her makeup and you don't notice.

It's a hard life but someone has to do it :blink:

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Beautiful young woman sitting on the back in a mini skirt

Yeah but have you seen the Thai women when they hit 40 - they look like they have literally hit 40 :lol:

Well I assure you if you come to Thailand and establish yuorself just for a woman, or in this counry whatever your preferenc you are going to one unhappy persoan before it's over. It either fits or it doesn't.

It's far from perfect, but I gain more then I lose, so it's home to me.

If the plan is to come and play for a few weeks, don't really have to worry about themn truning 40 do you :offtopic:

Riding is truly unique here doubt that I would enjoy anywhere anymore then I do here. Safety for get it doesn't happen. But you learn to adapt and take care of you and yours. We have abiout 40 foreigners who are on a ride list here, not a club, just guys who share riding together. They wear proper safety eqiupment. Some guys ride on the edge some don't I don't even try to stay up with them. I enjoy the riding adn want to be around tomorrow to so some more.

But for the most part Thai's don't you will see the cops all day long six days a week, giving out tickets for helmets, I've seen that for six years. For the most part tee shirts shorts and rubber sandles. You also from time to time see them dead along side the road, next to bike with barely a scartch on it and helemts in the front basket. TT ( Tis Thailand)

Now you would think that at some point they would at least by a cheap helmet les then the fine nd wear it to avoid the 200 baht fine, but no.

Rules of the road are simple here who ever has the biggest vehicle has the rigth of way. Drivres will look yuo right in the eye and pull into you on a bike. Yuo will move or end up crashed simple as that. But believe or not you get use to it learn what to watch. Riding in the city here is not a great deal. But when you get out in the coutry side you will see a beautiful country with roads that are seldom traveled. People that are for the most part just friendly. Want to talk with you even when they don't know how.

Run across beautiful temples in the middle of no where, mudane large highways, road that for no apparent reason just stop. Section of roads that are well maintained, go into the next province adn they are full of Pot Holes. Roads that you will never find a on a map or GPS. Only place in my life that I almost ran into a elephant. So a challeging riding experience but a rewarding one as well.

The women they are just women like everwhere else.

We have them here everywhere.

And im one of them.

If its 40c its just to hot for leather.The roads are not as busy as yours and its not a nanny state here as it is there. :rolleyes:

And yes i do have gravel rash :D

Oh ya the heat is no joke, leathers might protect you from road rash, but does little to relieve the heat. Even the so called cooler safety jackets when you starts hittting a 100 degrees F. with 80% humidity and a tropical sun. The most you will ever a see this old boy in is a long sleeve shirt adn Levis. On ndong rides there is alaways bottled drinking water in the side bags.

I have full leathers and wear them about three months a year, heck it's goign to drop all the way down to 70, almost freezing here.

We are in rainy season right now, so count on it your going to get wet, goes with the territory. We are about to go into the cool season about one ,more month. Spectacular riding cool and green eveywhere form the rain. We have about three to four months of that adn yo adpat when thing change for th4e balance.

I lived in the Palm Springs area before coming here, about the same four months of wonderful weather, followed by oppressive heat.

I had actually given up riding for about 20 years. To busy chasing the American Dream. Well I found it in my case it was here. So now since 55 I have really been retired. I have the time that I never had before. So I get enjoy my bike everyday.

But, it is a different ball game and no matter how much you have ridden you have to learn to survive the roads here. But you know if biking is in your blood no matter how long it's been between bikes you will go back and you will adpat to enjoy that apect of life. That my frends is what makes us just a bit different then other folk :lol:

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Well I assure you if you come to Thailand and establish yuorself just for a woman, or in this counry whatever your preferenc you are going to one unhappy persoan before it's over. It either fits or it doesn't.

It's far from perfect, but I gain more then I lose, so it's home to me.

If the plan is to come and play for a few weeks, don't really have to worry about themn truning 40 do you :offtopic:

Ok ok calm down i was only having a laugh. starwars.gif

Riding is truly unique here doubt that I would enjoy anywhere anymore then I do here. Safety for get it doesn't happen. But you learn to adapt and take care of you and yours. We have abiout 40 foreigners who are on a ride list here, not a club, just guys who share riding together. They wear proper safety eqiupment. Some guys ride on the edge some don't I don't even try to stay up with them. I enjoy the riding adn want to be around tomorrow to so some more.

But for the most part Thai's don't you will see the cops all day long six days a week, giving out tickets for helmets, I've seen that for six years. For the most part tee shirts shorts and rubber sandles. You also from time to time see them dead along side the road, next to bike with barely a scartch on it and helemts in the front basket. TT ( Tis Thailand)

Now you would think that at some point they would at least by a cheap helmet les then the fine nd wear it to avoid the 200 baht fine, but no.

Rules of the road are simple here who ever has the biggest vehicle has the rigth of way. Drivres will look yuo right in the eye and pull into you on a bike. Yuo will move or end up crashed simple as that. But believe or not you get use to it learn what to watch. Riding in the city here is not a great deal. But when you get out in the coutry side you will see a beautiful country with roads that are seldom traveled. People that are for the most part just friendly. Want to talk with you even when they don't know how.

Run across beautiful temples in the middle of no where, mudane large highways, road that for no apparent reason just stop. Section of roads that are well maintained, go into the next province adn they are full of Pot Holes. Roads that you will never find a on a map or GPS. Only place in my life that I almost ran into a elephant. So a challeging riding experience but a rewarding one as well.

The women they are just women like everwhere else.

Been loads of times to Thailand and have many friends out there. Never been to mainland Thailand - always Samui and surrounding islands. And what you say is exactly right about the riding - its mental - you have to keep up wth the flow or end up on your ass. I love it out there though, and yo ucan get to see so many places on a 'ped!

And this is me in Samui a couple of years back at my mates bar:


And my friend Son who owns the bar:


:lol::lol: I am calm, just don't want anyone thinking that it is whats it's not there is a real world and tourist world. I guess I have seen to many guys losing all they had before they figure out the difference.

I guess we are even never been to the Islands, I think that would make a good vacation for me.

As yuo can tell my Thailand is very different.








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Its beautiful. I have tried to stay away fromt he touristy areas but since the Tsunami Samui and phe phe have gone that way and i guess its kinda spoiled it for me.

I am not jealous, no not at all......

well maybe just a little lol ;)

Keep posting piccies - brings back fond memories. :D

These photos are of a Charity ride to a school way out in the country, organized by a couple of Thai clubs here in the area. the photo are of a main highway, we ended up one of those roads you will never find on a map. So many Pot holes we gave up taking photos and tried to survive instead. But, when we got to that school and starting sharing time with the kids every bump was worht it. They trying to practise english, me trying to practise Thai. They have so little yet they came up with a great lunch for us. The entire village chipped in Thats my Thailand.

I like your thailand as well, did it for a couple of years, But I'm married now and Mama don't play that game. Thai ladies are not nearly as permissive as advertised :o

By the way the farrang lady in that photo, if she is 40 I may have to concur ;)







  • Moderator

These photos are of a Charity ride to a school way out in the country, organized by a couple of Thai clubs here in the area. the photo are of a main highway, we ended up one of those roads you will never find on a map. So many Pot holes we gave up taking photos and tried to survive instead. But, when we got to that school and starting sharing time with the kids every bump was worht it. They trying to practise english, me trying to practise Thai. They have so little yet they came up with a great lunch for us. The entire village chipped in Thats my Thailand.

Looks like you had a great time with the kids - and some great roads there too! Whereabouts is that then?

By the way the farrang lady in that photo, if she is 40 I may have to concur ;)

Thats me - and im almost 40 :lol:

Issan ABout 40 Klms for Nung Bua Lampho, in the Loie region, lots of beuatiful scenery, low level mountians. Without a doubt some of the most friendly people in Thailand. Where I live Udon Thani there are lots of expats. The guy in the photo with the shaved head a retired French policeman. Me the ball cap a retired cop from the USA. We have a ride list of about 40 farrangs. I use the ride list and that way it doesn't matter what club a person belongs to or doesn't they are welcome.

Sorry guys I have gotten so far off subject here it's unbelievable. Guess I'm just so excited about sharing my dream. Six years and still excited not bad HUH :lol:

I'll start a thread and hope to share it with you Goff.

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Ok look forward to it - and yeah sorry about the hijack peeps!

Idiots in shorts - i dunno eh ;)

Goff looks like yuo will do just fine with 40 :offtopic:

That's it no more

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