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is it me or am i getting old. but every time i see someone blasting down the road on their bike wearing shorts and t shirt i want to chase after them and give them a peace of my mind. especially when there are some cracking deals on leathers and all other types of bike clotheing. but thats just my veiw on it. wot do u all think about it?

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is it me or am i getting old. but every time i see someone blasting down the road on their bike wearing shorts and t shirt i want to chase after them and give them a peace of my mind. especially when there are some cracking deals on leathers and all other types of bike clotheing. but thats just my veiw on it. wot do u all think about it?

I think you're OLD and wise :lol:

No idea why anyone would take a silly risk like that. I just put my leather jacket on without a T-shirt and maybe open the zip a little at the top to keep me a bit cooler in the heat and take my lid off whenever possible.. And I don't like heat!

And of course leather trousers... I like my skin where it is :D

I remember a Euro trip about 20 years ago.. Driving along on the motorway (I think in Belgium) this biker on a green (probably a Kawasaki) came blatting past us at about 140mph in shorts and T-shirt... A few miles up the road he crashed... OUCH :blink:

Not a good idea forest....especially when they are practicing stoppies!!


Ouch...Thats gonna sting :o

i only seen a few doing it in my town, and yea its stupid.

that picture has been photoshoped.

but its a good example of idiots without the gear

that picture has been photoshoped.

What makes you say that? He's got a crash frame on it... Practicing all day... Stanchion went...CRACK

The only ones who can wear shorts on bikes are the babes on the show stands :rolleyes: Not being sexist, I'm just not into men in shorts

What makes you say that? He's got a crash frame on it... Practicing all day... Stanchion went...CRACK

I agree with you, Ive a fork here with a broken stanchion from a bike that I practised with.....

The crash frame tells all, plus no screen, its a practise bike....

Pah, let them ride however they want.

They'll crash, they'll die, Guv-mint'll ban bikes.


Me, I'm gonna get a MASSIVE HGV and crash up all the cars who claim they can't see bikes!!

Me, I'm gonna get a MASSIVE HGV and crash up all the cars who claim they can't see bikes!!


is it me or am i getting old. but every time i see someone blasting down the road on their bike wearing shorts and t shirt i want to chase after them and give them a peace of my mind. especially when there are some cracking deals on leathers and all other types of bike clotheing. but thats just my veiw on it. wot do u all think about it?

Personally I think it's just an overdue accident waiting to happen. Every time I see one of these nutters I shake my head at em or flash me lights. It's their own choice if they want to wear the stuff, true, but it's cos of them we get higher premiums.

Coz of them, people think Bikes are dangerous.

Twats are dangerous!!!

Me, I'm gonna get a MASSIVE HGV and crash up all the cars who claim they can't see bikes!!

Afraid I can't agree with that. If I had a pound for every biker (when i have been on the Bike or in the Car) who I have seen sitting in a car drivers Blind Spot I would easily be a millionare, Rule of thumb never sit along side a car unless you really have to and then if you do make sure your far enough forward that they can't miss you.

Back to the point I never go out with nothing less than a heavey set of Denims and my jacket on its just stupid you asking for trouble, I'm only 26 aswell so still a young one and I want to give them a good beating sometimes to be honest they are asking for what they get.


Afraid I can't agree with that. If I had a pound for every biker (when i have been on the Bike or in the Car) who I have seen sitting in a car drivers Blind Spot I would easily be a millionare, Rule of thumb never sit along side a car unless you really have to and then if you do make sure your far enough forward that they can't miss you.

Age is not a factor - You can be a twat at any age.

I stand by my rather extremist Jeremy Clarkson attitude toward HGV justice there, partly because I am aware of other drivers' blind spots.

They actually teach this kind of thing on DAS, believe it or not.

Awareness and Observation are two rather key factors in staying safe.

I'll often blast ahead of a car on the motorway, even undertaking if neccesary, or drop back if they're passing but not doing it fast enough.

A good pacifier is to offer a thumbs up or a wave to make sure you get eye contact.

Another rider I know moves past, points to their car engine and gives a thumbs up. He doesn't give a shit, but they end up thinking, "Some nice biker approves of my choice of car".

It doesn't really matter what they think, but that they see and acknowledge you. Might as well give them nice thoughts!!

I'll often blast ahead of a car on the motorway, even undertaking if neccesary,

Teach this on the DAS do they...

Teach this on the DAS do they...

Ah.... Let me rephrase;

I often twitch the throttle and nudge the bike ahead a few feet, so I'm in front of the car where they can clearly see me, rather than off their back corner and invisible!!

Even if they don't look before they change lanes, in the latter position they'll not hit me.

The word 'blast' is relative - At motorway speeds on my 40BHP Cruiser, this takes a few seconds, rather than the Hayabusa 0.3 seconds it might actually imply :D

And yes, the idea of moving ahead or backward on multi-lane roads to avoid being caught in a blind spot was taught to me on DAS.

The other useful one I'll mention is overtaking a vehicle. This applies mostly to trucks, but I like to use it for everything.

When overtaking a vehicle, do not pull back in front of it until both it's headlights are central in your left mirror. This is a rule of thumb as mirror positions vary, but is designed to prevent you from cutting up the vehicle you're overtaking.

The other useful one I'll mention is overtaking a vehicle. This applies mostly to trucks, but I like to use it for everything.

When overtaking a vehicle, do not pull back in front of it until both it's headlights are central in your left mirror. This is a rule of thumb as mirror positions vary, but is designed to prevent you from cutting up the vehicle you're overtaking.

I never had a left mirror (except on the riding school bike) :unsure::blink::lol:

I fitted 1 on the right as I was still learning, but then NONE at all, because I knew whatever was behind me couldn't catch up anyway :lol:

I just shoulder check regularly and keep a 3d image of what's around me, same in a car ;)

Its simple really...

Ride like a twat and you'll die

What's funny about that is that my mates who were taken off their bikes by cars WERE RIDING NORMALLY :unsure:

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What's funny about that is that my mates who were taken off their bikes by cars WERE RIDING NORMALLY :unsure:

I dont think i actually said anyone was riding like a twat or that you need to be riding like one to be taken off.

I was merely stating the obvious.

Ah.... Let me rephrase;

I often twitch the throttle and nudge the bike ahead a few feet, so I'm in front of the car where they can clearly see me, rather than off their back corner and invisible!!

Even if they don't look before they change lanes, in the latter position they'll not hit me.

The word 'blast' is relative - At motorway speeds on my 40BHP Cruiser, this takes a few seconds, rather than the Hayabusa 0.3 seconds it might actually imply :D

And yes, the idea of moving ahead or backward on multi-lane roads to avoid being caught in a blind spot was taught to me on DAS.

I still think that

a: undertaking is illegal

b: unless u can use your mental powers to keep a car or van or whatever it is ur undertaking in the same lane, you should avoid going up the left side...mind that 89 year old who didnt see you because they didnt bother to look at you gesturing to them..

c: if you come up on vehicles from behind with your lights on, a mere flash or touch of brakes to make your light dip up and down will ensure they see you...and if they havnt then you be patient and sit behind ...untill they notice and either get thier foot down or move over.

d: people will expect you to overtake on the right, ive even overtaken on the *shudder* white rumble strip in the outside lane, because id rather ride there than get a tosser trying to kill me in-between 2 cars.

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