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ive just sprayed my bike and after i filled it up wiht petrol. i got a lil bit on the tank and it obliterated the hard work ide done earlier. i used three coats of laqure...is there something im missing?

any help welcomed,



ive just sprayed my bike and after i filled it up wiht petrol. i got a lil bit on the tank and it obliterated the hard work ide done earlier. i used three coats of laqure...is there something im missing?

any help welcomed,



Did you use petrol resistant laquer?

Dont forget paint takes around a week to properly harden



As above petrol resistant lacquer, i got a tin from halfords and its the same price as normal laquer but is for bike tanks ect


  • Moderator

Has the fule got underneath the paint? This happened on my bike and it was caused by bad preparation around the petrol opening and the fuel got under it and bubbled my lovely new paint job. Its been repaired since, its been rubbed right down around the opening and sealed with JB Weld - and i had a stainless Steel ring made just for added protection.

Nothing is getting under that bugger. You can see on these pictures the damage - and the last one is after repair withthe ring added. :D




Re-read the tin, did it need a hardener (sometimes called catalyst) adding before use?

Is it designed to be stoved in an oven afterwards to cure?

Is there a cure time shown on the can?


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