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I'm new here.

My name is Olli and I live in Farnborough, Hampshire :D

I really enjoyed riding my FZR1000 RU, but the time has come for me to move on. :blink:

I'm getting out of biking for personal reasons. :unsure:

My 15month old Dobermann was killed by a speeding driver just over a year ago. :icon_cry:

We now have another Dobermann... 10months old :D

I would rather go for walks with the dog than go out and risk my life with all the idiots out on the road.

SOOO.... I will be selling ALL my bikes, parts and accessories :crazy::huh:

It's going to take me a while to sort through everything, so if you need ANY FZR1000 parts or GSXR400RR, give me a shout.

If it wasn't for that terrible accident, I would probably be out there now with you guys and girls. :lol:

Ride safe.

BFN Olli

  • Moderator

Welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear about your dog, but i have to ask - what happened?

As for risking your life - thats what your observations are for. Yes there are some myopic driers out there but if we all thought like you then none of us would be riding.

I have had one serious accident in the years i have been riding - which was my own fault. I do not claim to be the safest or best rider in the world - far from it, but thats what al lthese advanced riding courses are there for.

There are lots of "dangerous" activities out there, and lots of reasons why folk have accidnets - its not always someone elses fault.

Welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear about your dog, but i have to ask - what happened?

She was killed by a speeding driver doing 55 in a 30 and he never even stopped. :pissed-off::madflame:

She died on impact, so at least she didn't suffer or know anything of it. :cry2:

As for risking your life - thats what your observations are for. Yes there are some myopic driers out there but if we all thought like you then none of us would be riding.

I have had one serious accident in the years i have been riding - which was my own fault. I do not claim to be the safest or best rider in the world - far from it, but thats what al lthese advanced riding courses are there for.

There are lots of "dangerous" activities out there, and lots of reasons why folk have accidnets - its not always someone elses fault.

Goff, I know this mate and there is NOTHING wrong with my observations ;)

You missed my point though. Why would I go out on a bike (aside from the risks), when I can take my dog for a nice long walk. I would rather spend time with the dog and my better half ;)

I only had 1 crash and that wasn't my fault or anyone elses, the bike spat me off under braking in a straight line, because one fork leg had rancid oil in it :blink:

HOWEVER, 2 of my friends have been TAKEN OFF whilst riding completely normally.

When an old couple took my mate off at a roundabout the woman said: "We were waiting so long, we just had to go?" U WOT? :pissed-off::unsure:

So I'm very sorry, but I am OVER biking. :(

I still love bikes though and will set a good example to all the other car drivers by making space for bikes, rather than holding them up out of spite, which does happen quite a bit :unsure:


  • Moderator

Im sorry you feel like that, but its your decision, and one i just dont get,

I am a student of prosthetics and orthotics, which means i work with people who have lost limbs or who need help with a limb that does not work correctly be it congenital or accidental.

We get a few bikers through the clinics - but not as many as have lost limbs through Peripheral vascular disease or diabetes.......

I too have many friends who have been involved in accidents - one of our good friends lost his left arm 2 years ago - recently one of our trike-riding female friends was killed only 2 weeks back - but it doesnt stop us from riding and it never will - so i just dont get it. It does not compare whatsoever to taking your dog for a long walk - and yes we too too have a dog....a fuckin big Bordeaux! :lol:

Pic is my OH Lee and Marvyn our dog (i am a girly in case you were wondering!)


Live to ride ride to live, another member on here takes his dog on the bike with him! If our dog wasn't so big then i might give that a shot meself!

Its a shame that one or two minor incidents - and they are minor compared to what many of us have been involved in or know of - has put you off, but good luck with your new dog - enjoy him/her - and keep it on a lead away from the bluddy roads!!

I'm sorry I blinked and missed you being a girl :lol:

I don't pay much attention to avatars as they rarely mean anything.

Marvyn looks lovely... look at the size of those feet :unsure::lol:

I don't expect you to understand, since you don't know me.

"Lucy" was my first dog. I had wanted a dog for 20years and she WAS MY BABY.

She had EVERYTHING a dog could possibly want. Including LOTS of training at great expense.

My ONLY regret is that I might have spent a little more time with her, as I was busy building our new bathroom when she died. All she wanted was to be with me.

So, I'm not about to make the same mistake twice.

Also Lucy's death was the 1st of three incidents last year in as many months.

The second gave me serious whiplash, which I still suffer from aside from having a very bad back history.

I was stopped at a give way line at a roundabout in an Audi A6 when I was hit from behind at approx. 25mph :blink:

The third gave me a deep cut to my left hand when 15minutes after buying a new car, a car coming the other way cut a corner and smashed my driver mirror :blink:

It's THOSE people that scare the crap out of me, as they have NO OBSERVATION SKILLS whatsoever. How do you not see an A6 estate with the brake lights on? It's HUGE :unsure:

I haven't ridden in the past four years anyway, since we bought a house and then everything changed.

This was me...


and then I rebuilt it like this:


It's BRAND NEW... every nut, bolt, bearing, seal etc. Blueprinted engine with stage 3 carbs etc. etc, but I NEVER rode it... NOT ONCE :o

BEFORE this bike is to be sold and I will listen to SERIOUS offers, ALL the spares, parts and products I have must go first. :rolleyes:

BTW this bike will suit someone tall as I designed it for me and I'm 6'3" :lol: It's also 7' long :o

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Moderator

Why build a bike - and not ride it?

I just dont get that bit at all!!

Got any piccies of it not lit up like a xmas tree? Would like to see it in daylight too!

BECAUSE A: it was for the business

and B: WE BOUGHT A HOUSE... that needed a LOT of work!!!!

More things to life than riding a bike ;)

Yeah I got some daylight pics... will stick em up in the Gallery when I have time.... Right now I need to sell something, coz I'm SKINT!


Wowsa, he looks tough.

The dog, too.

Hey, a bunch of you Brits on this here board. Do you guys watch alot of Doctor Who over there? How about Monty Python and Fawlty Towers? Haha, just kidding...although, I did catch the latest Doctor Who. It was good.

My pup


She's 30kg now though at 10months :lol:

This is her a 9 months :unsure:


  • Moderator

More things to life than riding a bike ;)

No......no there isnt........ ;)

Yeah I got some daylight pics... will stick em up in the Gallery when I have time.... Right now I need to sell something, coz I'm SKINT!

As said in other thread - its fuckin LOVELY! Have you sold it then? And if not - what you lookin at for that baby?

You have a STUNNING dog there - look after her well ;)

We had Marvyn weighed at the vet last night - he weighs 68Kg....... :lol:

No......no there isnt........ ;)

As said in other thread - its fuckin LOVELY! Have you sold it then? And if not - what you lookin at for that baby?

You have a STUNNING dog there - look after her well ;)

We had Marvyn weighed at the vet last night - he weighs 68Kg....... :lol:

Thanks Goff,

Bet he can't do 40mph though ;):lol:

Yep... she's QUICK... from sitting to top speed in 2 seconds :o

Maybe I should get a dirt bike :lol:


  • Moderator

Thanks Goff,

Bet he can't do 40mph though ;):lol:

Not when he's draggin me across the pavement :lol:


When it is - would you let me know please? As you might be aware we LOVE our fighters - heck i even own a streetfighter forum - which i have negleted very badly recently lol - so we might be interested if we have the cash ;)

When it is - would you let me know please? As you might be aware we LOVE our fighters - heck i even own a streetfighter forum - which i have negleted very badly recently lol - so we might be interested if we have the cash ;)



I'm new here.

My name is Olli and I live in Farnborough, Hampshire :D

I really enjoyed riding my FZR1000 RU, but the time has come for me to move on. :blink:

I'm getting out of biking for personal reasons. :unsure:

My 15month old Dobermann was killed by a speeding driver just over a year ago. :icon_cry:

We now have another Dobermann... 10months old :D

I would rather go for walks with the dog than go out and risk my life with all the idiots out on the road.

SOOO.... I will be selling ALL my bikes, parts and accessories :crazy::huh:

It's going to take me a while to sort through everything, so if you need ANY FZR1000 parts or GSXR400RR, give me a shout.

If it wasn't for that terrible accident, I would probably be out there now with you guys and girls. :lol:

Ride safe.

BFN Olli

Sory about yer dog mate i was lookin at the pics of yer bike AWESOME hope you decide to ride it my kids say my dog pics his ears up when im up to 2miles away . he always pounces before iv'e had chance to take mi lid off :D


He was hit by a moped a few years ago £800 and a couple of opps and a lotta heart ache so i can imagine how ya feel mate

Hello Olli

You have to do what you think is right for you in life, never be swayed by others.

It' a beaut of a bike and it should be ridden but there you go.

I have been ran over and trapped by a lorry and even shunted off my bike by a woman who was driving the wrong way round a roundabout. I am lucky to have never broken a bone or neede a stictch. As I say to the wife, someone up the loves me.

I have not been so lucky with dogs.

The wife and I were given a smooth haired Lurcher pup when we first got married 27 years ago. It was the runt of the litter and we fed it on scrambled eggs and best steak and within six months Lady as we called her was a beauty. So much so that I was offered £100 for her by the women who had given her to us as she 'was good for nowt'.

Unfortunately twelve months later when my son arrived Lady's character changed completly and she became aggressive and attacked passers by and neighbours. We narrowly avoided court action and after much soul searching on advice from the vet we had her put to sleep. It was one of the worst days of my life. I walked her alone (the wife couldn't bare to come with me) and cradled her in my arms as the vet put her to sleep. I walked home three miles and I cried all the way.

I could never have another dog simply because I would not wan't to risk that heartache again.

People tell me I should 'just get another' and get on with it.

You don't want to ride and I respect your decision.

One day the lure may be too great and you will return to the fold but until then good luck and all the best.


  • Moderator

Unfortunately twelve months later when my son arrived Lady's character changed completly and she became aggressive and attacked passers by and neighbours. We narrowly avoided court action and after much soul searching on advice from the vet we had her put to sleep. It was one of the worst days of my life. I walked her alone (the wife couldn't bare to come with me) and cradled her in my arms as the vet put her to sleep. I walked home three miles and I cried all the way.

I could never have another dog simply because I would not wan't to risk that heartache again.

People tell me I should 'just get another' and get on with it.

You don't want to ride and I respect your decision.

One day the lure may be too great and you will return to the fold but until then good luck and all the best.


Me and the missus have always had dogs, we had a Rottweiller and Alsation when my two girls were born, some people would worry about that but my dogs were absolutely fantastic with the growing kids...the girls even rode on the the dogs back when they were small, I know where youre coming from with losing them though, yes its heart ache, ive been there many times but the good times last longer...much longer

Thanks guys,

I have to say I have lost faith in vets, not completely, but I now make up my own mind for what is best for my dog.

This pup is VERY well trained and a VERY fast learner.

When she was very little she barely ate. We fed her Eukanuba dry food, just like our Lucy.

Lucy never had a problem, but this one seemed to "react" to dried food PERIOD. We tried all well known different brands with the same results... They were:

- A urine disorder which meant she wanted to pee, but couldn't and other times she just couldn't hold it to go outside, which she already KNEW to do. :unsure:

- the other problem was small growths that appeared on her feet :blink: When disturbed they bled like mad. :huh:

THREE vets... All said... "dunno what it is, need to do a biopsy" :rolleyes:

I felt the two were related, but my vet said leave him to do the thinking and stop looking online... What do you expect me to do here... my dog is ill and you're NOT coming up with ANY answers :unsure:

Since she needed a dew claw removed anyway I had the biopsy done as she was in serious discomfort and I had to do something. A few hundred pounds later and after waiting over a WEEK for the results, they came back with "inconclusive". Not parasites, not cancer, not infection... a "cellular growth"... Well I knew that... :unsure:

Anyways she still had the urine problem and I deceided to put her on boiled chicken and rice for a while.... A few days later the urine problem stopped. Over the next few weeks I fed her chicken and rice... When I tried to put her back on dried food within a day or two the urine problem came back... My vets conclusion was that this was a behaviour problem... WTF?? I lost it at this point and ignored them and went my own route.

I kept her on chicken and rice and ALL her growths and the urine problem disappeared within 2 weeks. Clearly she just can't handle the "over mineralising" of dried dog food.

Since chicken and rice isn't a permanent solution I found DUCK dog food. A complete diet made of frozen beef. It comes in a 16kg box, with 1 kg packs devided into 100gram slices. It's imported from Belgium and is the only "raw' diet I would consider, since the food is PROCESSED WHILST FROZEN, there is little chance of infection or worms for example. As you see her in the photo, she's doing VERY well on this diet.

Basically I know my dog better than the vet does and I know the second something is wrong with her and for him to say it was a behaviour problem suggests to me that this is a standard answer to the unexplainable :unsure:

Main thing is she's happy and healthy now :D


yes its heart ache, ive been there many times but the good times last longer...much longer

Totally agree with the old git once AGAIN :lol: Maybe I should be old git 2... how do I change my login? :lol:

That was exactly it for us... We love dogs so much, that the tremedous pain of losing them, is outweighed by the joy they bring us every minute of every day :D

THE NEXT DAY after Lucy died I was on the phone to the Dobermann rehoming centre. By the following week I was attending a local dog training session, just because I needed to be near dogs.

Unfotunately we weren't ready to take on a rescue, although we did foster, train and socialised an 8 month old male Dobermann that had been bought by a family with small children and NO ONE knew what they were doing. So we took him for 6 weeks and tought him about life as a dog. He absolutely loved it and 2 weeks after we got him he was a completely different dog. Calm, relaxed and FIT. They had wondered why he was destroying the house when they never really walked him... he hated the car and after 6 weeks he was a completely normal bouncy puppy... THAT WEIGHED OVER 30Kg at 8 months and about 34kg by the time he left us :lol: Bloody monster.... I so want a male Dobe aswell :D


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