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Someones got it in for me....

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Im 110% convinced that some tw@t has it in for me this moneth.

Firtsly my paint job gets fecked cos the petrol fumes made it bubble so it gets sent back for repair.

Comes back from repair (6 weeks later!) and im not entirely happy with it but it will have to do.

So im thinking i will get a stainles steel ring about 2 inches wide - bit like a large washer - made to fit around the petrol hole to prevent any firther damage. Commisions the help of local steel fabricator draws a piccy and everything, then goes to collect ring a week later.


It sits 2 inches ABOVE the opening and is 1/2 inch wide!

So - i need this by the following day as bike has MOT - he makes me antoerh - and its still wrong! Better than the first but not quite right, but will have to do.

So i JB Weld the thing on - fingers crossed its doin its job

3 weeks ago i decided i was having some Vance and Hines pipes - pretty pricy but i had some spare cash so.

I called a V&H dealer told him i wanted a FULL system etc and was assured that these would be perfect for my bike.

They arrive yesterday - guess what - they are a partial system!! FFS!!!

Apparently i need the stock front downpipe - whic i dont fekkin havew - to fit the damn things on!

So today i sent them back - at a cost of 40 bastid quid.

I am not happy - i am extremely peeved - all i want is a decent looking set of pipes!!


Oh and to top it all - the fookin coils on my Bandit have gone - :angry:

rant over...


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Im 110% convinced that some tw@t has it in for me this moneth.

Firtsly my paint job gets fecked cos the petrol fumes made it bubble so it gets sent back for repair.

Comes back from repair (6 weeks later!) and im not entirely happy with it but it will have to do.

So im thinking i will get a stainles steel ring about 2 inches wide - bit like a large washer - made to fit around the petrol hole to prevent any firther damage. Commisions the help of local steel fabricator draws a piccy and everything, then goes to collect ring a week later.


It sits 2 inches ABOVE the opening and is 1/2 inch wide!

So - i need this by the following day as bike has MOT - he makes me antoerh - and its still wrong! Better than the first but not quite right, but will have to do.

So i JB Weld the thing on - fingers crossed its doin its job

3 weeks ago i decided i was having some Vance and Hines pipes - pretty pricy but i had some spare cash so.

I called a V&H dealer told him i wanted a FULL system etc and was assured that these would be perfect for my bike.

They arrive yesterday - guess what - they are a partial system!! FFS!!!

Apparently i need the stock front downpipe - whic i dont fekkin havew - to fit the damn things on!

So today i sent them back - at a cost of 40 bastid quid.

I am not happy - i am extremely peeved - all i want is a decent looking set of pipes!!


Oh and to top it all - the fookin coils on my Bandit have gone - :angry:

rant over...


Im duckin over here....you throwing stuff?

Oh hun...they arnt out to get you..the copper that cut me up (undertook me) may do though.

Sounds like a run of bad luck... the fabricator who did your ring may have understood better if you had described it as a large penis ring for your tank..sounds like he was the penis....

Your V&H dealer...DOH! DOH! DOH!

So what you riding thursday....? Elvira? or something else?

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I shall be on Elvira ;)

Antonio has buggered coils - fookin men! :lol:

Whose been buggering his coils? Sounds painfull whateva


Yeah MEN!!! My 600s a bloke :blink:

My 1260 is a girlie, "H" Which is short for "Harley" which in turn is short for "Harliquine" :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
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If it helps my VFR has gone back for a third time for a respray.

the paint keep splitting -shrinking-

3 times!! Sounds liek theres something dfinitely wrong there. Is the paint and laquer they are using compatible?

We sussed out that the problem with mine was BAD preparation before the painting was started.

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If it helps my VFR has gone back for a third time for a respray.

the paint keep splitting -shrinking-

I've heard of this happening, but only on plastic tanks, basically the fumes pass through the tank walls and bugger the paint - but on a metal tank ???

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3 times!! Sounds liek theres something dfinitely wrong there. Is the paint and laquer they are using compatible?

We sussed out that the problem with mine was BAD preparation before the painting was started.

yeah from when the tank cap is off while filling, can happen when the paint is Cellulose and even when the paints two part if the lacquer is cheap - also the paint doesn't really harden for three months, i mean, the outer "layer" is hardened but the "underneath" doesnt really dry for ages - the damp and condensation can still get under it, and cause bubbling, again fumes can get under even great paint when its warm like it is at the moment.

i'm only replying to this because paints something i know a little about... sorry if im talking out of turn!

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i'm only replying to this because paints something i know a little about... sorry if im talking out of turn!

Don't be daft - its good to have input about these things cos sometimes you find a solution where you never would have thought ;)

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Don't be daft - its good to have input about these things cos sometimes you find a solution where you never would have thought ;)

im always wary of posting in forums, never know the reaction you will get :)

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im always wary of posting in forums, never know the reaction you will get :)

We are a decent bunch of peeps on this one, so pull up a chair, grab a cold one and feel free to join in - we don't bite :D - well......i only do when the moon is full.......... :biglaugha:

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We are a decent bunch of peeps on this one, so pull up a chair, grab a cold one and feel free to join in - we don't bite :D - well......i only do when the moon is full.......... :biglaugha:

thanks i think ill be about here for quite a while, vie found yammies to be some of the er... more reliable and better built of the bikes, plus the parts are a tad cheaper.

also there doesnt seem to be much stuck up ness round here, although ive not looked in the sportsbike section yet... ;)

also nice to see people from diffrent backgrounds on here... yeah really like it.

thanks for the welcome

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... sorry if im talking out of turn!


I've been on here a month or so now, I've not seen any bitching, moaning, or anything that could upset anyone - other than places where it's clearly a bit of leg-pulling.

I don't think anyone (and it's only my humble oppinion) can talk out of turn on an open forum. Especially when it's an open question.

You are right in that there is a good mix of folk on here, I think sometimes bikers can get a bit, 'ere, entrenched in what they like (Dirtbikes, Street Bikes, Tourers etc), but this forum doesn't seam to be like that at all, that said - Dirt Rules ( :love-struct: )

Sorry :offtopic:

Paint - yes lovely stuff, got it all over my walls....... :frog:

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you think some has it in for you let me run this past you.

February I was overtaking a few slow moving cars and when I pulled back in I was unfortunate enough to skid on the grit that the Council gritters had left from the previous night.

I was knocked unconcious from the impact of sliding into the back of a car.

9 hours in hospital on a morphine drip and 3 months off work.

3 months (Yes 3 months) after the accident I was approached by the Police and gave a statement.

Last week I was informed by post that I am to be summoned for Driving without due care and attention.

After seeking legal advice I have been told that because I was knocked unconcious and have no details of the incident (ie: no photos of the road, no witness etc) I would have a hard time defending myself.

I am pissed off because I have been riding with a clean licence for 31 years and now I will have points.

My conspiracy theory is that I am a biker and in employment therefore I will be used to swell the government coffers.

Maybe we should start a Paranoids club (LOL)

All the best


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If you think some has it in for you let me run this past you.

February I was overtaking a few slow moving cars and when I pulled back in I was unfortunate enough to skid on the grit that the Council gritters had left from the previous night.

I was knocked unconcious from the impact of sliding into the back of a car.

9 hours in hospital on a morphine drip and 3 months off work.

3 months (Yes 3 months) after the accident I was approached by the Police and gave a statement.

Last week I was informed by post that I am to be summoned for Driving without due care and attention.

After seeking legal advice I have been told that because I was knocked unconcious and have no details of the incident (ie: no photos of the road, no witness etc) I would have a hard time defending myself.

I am pissed off because I have been riding with a clean licence for 31 years and now I will have points.

My conspiracy theory is that I am a biker and in employment therefore I will be used to swell the government coffers.

Maybe we should start a Paranoids club (LOL)

All the best


Go to court and then you will find out what evidence the police have. If they dont have much the prosecution will back down. You could also start an action against the council. That will strengthern your case.

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Crikey 7omly, wondered where you'd been , so sorry to hear this but i must say that surely you must have a good case, the council will know what roads they gritted on that date or the previous evening. Listening to your story i cant see how anyone in their right mind would not be sympathetic to your plight. How on earth could you build up evidence when you were carted off to hospital. Didnt the police take photos after this accident? Have you got legal advice from your insurer?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Everyone

Am I glad I live in a free country or what.

I sought legal advice and was told that because there wher no photos of the road surface and because my memory of the accident (due to being knocked unconscious) was vague I would not make a good witness. I was told this was less than fair but to save myself a lot of aggravation and money to plead guilty.

I pleaded guilty by letter (noting that the fine could be reduced by an early guilty plea.

As I said am I glad I live in a free country or what.

I was given a £200 fine plus £35 costs plus £15 victim surcharge and to add insult to injury they threw in 6 penalty points for good measure.

I sought further legal advice as to an appeal based on it being my first motoring offence in over thirty years of driving with a clean licence.

I was told I would have to appeal to the Crown Court and I would need a barrister. I was advised this could cost in excess of £600 and there would be no guarantee of success, in fact if I lost they could add to the points they had already given me.

I have been well and truly screwed but then again Magistrates expenses (they don't recieve a wage) the Police and the CPS are all paid by the same government department.

Justice has been done.

Oh and they gave me all of eight days to pay off the fine or else they will add 50% more to it.

This is in the same week as the newspapers reported the Home Office has spent £221,726 on PlayStations for pampered prisoners.

Boy am I glad I live in a fucking free country.

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