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  • Current Bike(s)
    XV 535 and XV1100.........BSA Bantam D7......Honda C90

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    Oxford UK
  • Interests
    Photography, recording music,reading,woodwork design, clock making.

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  1. Hi, I have to change the plastic fuse block that sits just below the speedo and tachometer and under the indicator and ignition warning light aluminium panel. Alas one of the metal bayonet receptors has been pushed to far in as the old plastic crumbled away and there was nothing to hold it in place. There is a picture of the fuse block in the manual, but thats it, no other reference to it. There are no retaining screws that i can see, and I did think about taking the speedo and tach housing off but theres no reference how to do that either. I have the new part waiting to be fitted but am very perplexed about how to proceed..............and i bet its something so simple i just can't see it . many thanx Myoren..........nammyorengekyo
  2. myoren

    1997 Virago 1100

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